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 31 12

VIP wellness club

回復 24# 的帖子

Yes, that is why those saunas in Mongkok and Tsuen Wan are still so crowded.


回復 25# 的帖子

One shitting thing was when I left and they still asked me to buy coupons!


I am told tonight that VIP will be closed by end of Oct 08, and the BGs was told to be terminated by one month notice. No compensation to the BGs even some of them have worked for VIP for more than 15 years.


回復 28# 的帖子

The BG should go to labour department and open a file for VIP.


The latest news .
I visited VIP yesterday (as I need to use up all my coupons) and was told that the VIP may continue operating after Oct 2008, as the only change is the owner. It may re-name as "新VIP".
But I am not sure if it is true or not. As I was also told that the current owner has not paid the rental for a long time, and has now been sued by the landlord.


回復 30# 的帖子

I know from another sauna boss that the boss of VIP did not pay rent and even salary to the staff so the place was forced to close.  What a pity place with good old days.


 31 12


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