the systemic financial and economic system meltdown that i have been mentioning is now *beginning* to happen (and will go much worse), carry trade is really unwinding big time, partly because of liquidation of higher yielding assets including stocks and currencies... with the credit market collapsing, carry trade will probably be dead for quite a while... the credit bubble has burst irreversibly, it will not be possible again to resume previous credit orgy - too much debts in the households /banks /corporations, no other bubble to take the place of the real estate market for reflation (maybe inflating the renewable energy sector according to some)
and the USD printing engine is just starting to go full throttle, USD will become a toilet paper, probably within few years, to be replaced by 'amero'...
this crisis is only in the initial stage, in a not so distant future, civil unrest/riots will happen in the US (hopefully a revolution will happen), but the US *army* and police will be suppressing violently, the US to become a fascist/police state...and to merge with canada & mexico... and a big war is in the card in 2009 involving the US (this war date is 99% accurate by source other than mine)
In my humble opinion, need to keep some of assets in physical gold (if not already so), the paper gold comex market is being manipulated, the current market gold price is disconnected from the physical gold market, many places worldwide don't have gold for sales anymore, or taking many weeks for delivery, this is clear evidence of price manipulation, to keep gold from soaring (by the Fed, etc)... and central banks now are hoarding gold as well, gold price might shoot through the roof when the delivery defaults...
and also stockpile food...
and further down the road (maybe several months later - depends on the progression of the events) accumulate oil & agri-commodities, commodities as well (anything tangible and necessities)
--- This is my personal opinion only, I could be entirely wrong ---
本帖最後由 hardcat 於 2008-10-8 22:26 編輯 ]