原帖由 舐共小先鋒 於 2008-9-23 01:48 PM 發表
你吾識英文吾怪你, 等我教精你.
Ching 是 chink 的變化字, 而chinglish 也就是 chinklish 的變化字.
你查字典, chink 是以下的意思
Chink is an ethnic slur for any person of Chinese descent. It is ...
我d英文程度係咁上下, chink字唔識, 不過睇晒版維基都唔覺有指chink=ching, 會唔會係先鋒兄滿腦子chink念凡chin字頭都聯想起「死清朝中國人」呢?
諗諗下, China, Chinese係咪「死清朝中國/人」既意思呢?
講番Chinglish呢筆, 維基話 -
Chinglish is a portmanteau of the words
Chinese and English and refers to spoken or written English which is influenced by Chinese. There are an estimated 300 to 500 million users and/or learners of English in the People's Republic of China.
The term "Chinglish" is mostly used in popular contexts and may have pejorative or derogatory connotations. The terms "Chinese English" and "China English" are also used, mostly in the academic community, to refer to Chinese varieties of English.
係就係貶意, 鬼佬講唔鹹唔淡中文我地話佢very good, 人地d英文你中國人講到唔鹹唔淡人地就話你chinglish, 仲唔夠, 俾你加多兩腳, 變chinklish, 「死清朝中國人用的英文」, 真係夠折墮.
不過, 照睇Chinglish = Chin(ese) + (En)glish, 唔係Ching + (Eng)lish, 你話呢?
仲有, 你d英文真係好鬼Chinglish.