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Earthquake in SZ

Earthquake in SZ

The catastrophic fire in Lung Gang two days ago stirs the nerve of the executive institution, many Ktv were forced to close for improper fire preventive. Last night at around 9:00pm, on my way to the DS club (鼎尚) on 前海路, I witnessed the building was surrounded by Guang An vehicles and those of fire department, customers, mami and managers were dispersing from the club, but no one was detained.

A mami stopped by me and told me that another club "Legend" in 海岸城 which was owned by the same boss was also closed for inspection. She then diverted us to another club nearby, called "金碧輝皇". The quality of harware was about the same as DS, but the girls were much "pork-chp". Tips is 300, most of the "edibles" were goldfishes. One of my fatty friends had an eye on a little girl, I asked my mami to persuade her spending nite with him, she promised reluctantly, and when we were about to go, she stood on the corridor weeping and said she didn't feel well. What the fxck!


原帖由 Mr.big 於 2008-9-22 17:00 發表
way to the  ...
Hey, better safe than sorry!


Hey, Mr.Big,
you must be a hell of horny dog as on your other psot, 4 shots in 6 hour.  good for you man,
" weeping girl" well I have similar exprience as my friend wants to have one of girls sitting with me in K, I told the girl that I don't want to take her to hotel, so she can go home. She refused my friend's approach and was really presurred by the Mamei to go out with my friend. Then she starts to cry in front of everyone and my friend keep insisting to have her and she crys more. I told my friend why not pick other chic to avoid this kind of confrontation and embrassment. No one budge. To solve the situation, the Mamei advised me to take the girl home because I am the one paying her to stay during the party then my friend can't say too much. Ends up I take the gril back to hotel. From the night on, we always told the Mamei not to bring grils that won't go out. I hate to see girl weeping becuase we force them to go out. On the orther hand, we have girl crying because we did not take her home too.  Some night you just want gold fish because you may already emptied your load in the sauna before heading to K. I am not that strong because of my age. As everyone say" Only got so many bullets, can't waste them"

相關搜索目錄: Dog


原帖由 doubleOO 於 2008-9-23 04:44 發表
Hey, Mr.Big,
you must be a hell of horny dog as on your other psot, 4 shots in 6 hour.  good for you man,
" weeping girl" well I have similar exprience as my friend wants to have one of girl ...
Hi Double OO,

I can tell from your words that you are kinda charismatic customer that will seldom be turned down by gal. Well, some of the girls who fly me airplane will eventually sleep with me the other time, I notice that some girls want to project a holy goldfish image to those potential customer, I mean some kind of longer relationsip than ONS.

I'm on my mid-age, but exercise keep me young and horny, sex is a crucial part to me.

相關搜索目錄: Dog


原帖由 doubleOO 於 2008-9-23 04:44 發表
ou must be a hell of horny dog as on your other psot, 4 shots in 6 hour.  good for you man,
" weeping girl" well I have similar exprience as my friend wants to have one of girl ...
So strong!

相關搜索目錄: Dog




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