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US Debt clock running out of digits

US Debt clock running out of digits

Sounds horriable.

If foreign gov't refuses to accept any USD, and USD purchasing power drops dramatically (like, gold rises to USD5000 per ounce), then it will be the "eye" of the financial tsunami. The recent drop of share market is nothing if comparing to the huge drop of USD (or HKD) in the future.

Hope our HK Chief financial secretary said before, "the real financial tsunami has not come yet" is not referring to my guess.

The below debt clock is located at Time Square, NY.


[ 本帖最後由 b4321 於 2008-10-23 15:38 編輯 ]
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原帖由 b4321 於 2008-10-23 15:13 發表
Sounds horriable.
If foreign gov't refuses to accept any USD, and USD purchasing power drops dramatically (like, gold rises to USD5000 per ounce), then it will be the "eye" of the financial tsunami ...
Each family is up the creek!




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