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 31 12

Fun in Tokyo

Fun in Tokyo

A group of us was at Toyko recently.....and surely we had lots of fun!!!  Story to come later....

Some photos taken on our way to 東京吉原....

The second photo is one of the streets of 吉原soapland area!!



Photos attached
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This is the one taken at the 東京吉原soapland streets!!
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當曰約下午五時我們一行四人, 長江一、二、三及四號在東京新宿出發. 其實我之前已去過吉原, 當時去了東京夢物語, 所以已知到什樣從新宿坐JR轉地鐵去. (當時我亦出了report!).  上次去東京夢物語, 其實經驗並不好.  消費為25000yen....只可說試過曰本妹而已.  

今次兄弟們可說是只許成功不許失敗.  錢並不是問題.  因長江四號之后有約所以希望先速戰速決!! 吉原與新宿須45min車程, 時間太長了, 所以決定先攻歌舞妓町! 在香港做research 時聽朋友說歌舞妓町的"無料出張"可找到曰本妹. 去到時需然他們歡迎我們, 但因我們不懂日語一點都communicate不到, 去了幾間都好像無all the way, 所以我們決定去街碰一碰.  很快就有pimp問我們.  他找到一個中國人跟我們溝通, 他說15,000yen全包及必定是日本妹, 好吧, 都是15000yen, 就去吧.....結果, 係就係第一炮發了, 但是一非常失敗的一役.....內容不多講啦, 這次我花了26,000yen (係又給人欺騙), 一個我覺得係一個中女的大陸妹....

長江二, 三, 四號都好不了好多.  四號總花了36,000yen....女只是just可以接受.  二, 三號的女是根本接受不了....我可想像到跟我知前在東京夢物語的差不多...肥與醜!!  他們的damage為16,000 yen....因他們的多一分都不值!!

Ok....need to sleep now....good story to come later

相關搜索目錄: 日語





thank you for sharing c hing


Sorry for the delay.

After our shot at 歌舞妓町, it was already 6.30pm.  Yangtze No. 4 left us for his dinner plan leaving the 3 of us.  We were ambitious and decided to go to 吉原.  We went back to our hotel to drop off some stuff (and for me to checkin as I went to  歌舞妓町 right after my arrival).  After dinner we travelled to 吉原.  Because I have been before I know how to get there by JR then Metro from 新宿.  I had a few years ago posted a very detailed directions guide.  PM me if you need help.

The journey from  新宿 (including walking from Metro station to 吉原) takes approx 45 min.  Quite an effort.  We got to the area at about 930pm and went straight to Prima Dona.  I have only been to 東京夢物語 before.  They are ran by the same group.  My experience with 東京夢物語 was extremely horrible and much worse than my shot at 歌舞妓町.   The photo of the girl I had at  東京夢物語  was so much different to the real person .  The charge was 25,000 yen.  Because we were looking for quality this time and $$ not the biggest concern, we decided to try something else.  Some other brothers at this forum recommended Prima Dona so we checked it out.  Actually, I have done some research at their website prior to the trip and know what my targets are.  The charge at Prima Dona is a lot more expensive.  They charge 45,000 yen.

We managed to get through the door without any problem (we dont speak Japanese at all!!)  However, when we got at 930pm, they only had a few girls left to choose from as they close at midnight.  Since we are a united group after a few seconds discussion we decided to check others out first.  We then were invited by the doorman next door to go in.  This shop is called Land Mark.  They also only had a few girls to choose from but they were better than Prima Dona according to the photos shown.

We still wanted more and decided to look around the area.  We checked out another 5-6 shops.  Again, they all welcome us even we dont speak Japanese.   Prices generally in the 45,000 yen mark with some charging more.  At the end, we decided to go back to Land mark.

The drill is this for those never been.  At Land Mark (and also Prima Dona), we were invited into a lounge and then were shown photos of girls available.   We also asked for the price.   Only after choosing the girls, we then pay 45,000 yen each.   Note: in  東京夢物語 I paid first before shown photos (NO GOOD).   They also accept credit card but charge 25% commission.  So suggest you bring cash.

After about 5 minutes, they invited us to go up stairs one by one.  We were each greeted by our own girl by the stairs.  Yeah, this time, my girl ,matches the photo by about 80% .  She was young (about 23), slim and cute.  My cup of tea!!  As you can imagine, some Jap girls can be extremely ugly and fat (this was what I had in 東京夢物語 last time!!).  

Long story cut short.  In the room, you will be nicely "served" starting from a nice self introduction of the girl (but I dont understand a word), followed by a help in undressing.  The next steps vary from girl to girl but you will get 2 shots throughout the 90 min session.  My girl was extremely good in arranging the order of service giving me sufficient time to "reload".  She after undressing the both of us started kissing me (also wet kiss) and quite quickily got my blood concentrated in my brother.   After a bit of environmentally friend BJ and fingering her back (and she reacted like in an AV!) we ML (with dom) for the first round.

After the first round, she ordered me a drink.  She then took me for a thorough shower, bath and teeth brushing.  I should emphasis here that apart from brushing my own teeth I was served all the way like a master.

After the hygiene work she prepared herself for the airbed.  She moisterised the bed, her entire body and my body with a lotion and gave me a true body massage.  She also used her private "brush" to rub my body .   After about 15mins of body massaging she put a dom on me and started ML.  As I already had 2 shots earlier that day I asked her to BJ me instead (without dom).  She did it in a very friendly manner.  After about 10 min of BJing and adding lotion in the process  I gave her quite a mouthful .  After the BJ she cleaned me up, dressed me, took a short break and it was time.

I should add that the male manager to served us there was excellent in service.  He spoke a little English so we could at least communicate a bit and he was extremely friendly.  He also refused to accept tips from us!!

I would let Yangtze No. 2 and 3 share their stories themselves here.

For those who is interested the websites of Prima Dona is www.dream7000.com

Land Mark's website is www.l-mark.com

相關搜索目錄: Credit card
  • rtsang88 體力 +50 good and detail report 2009-2-5 08:57
  • rtsang88 威望 +50 good and detail report 2009-2-5 08:57


very detail reports
thanks for sharing


nice...I'm surprised that these soaplands let you in, I heard that usually it's very hard for foreigners (especially those that don't speak Japanese) to get in.


We had absolutely no problem getting in.  We got into those 無料出張 as well but because we dont speak Japanese we couldnt understand what is going on at all.  At soapland, because I know the drill all I need to understand is the price.  Also, co-incidentally the manager there spoke some English which made everything a lot easier!

The trick is be absolutely polite.  I usually ask in Japanese "Hong Kong people no problem?".  They will in my experience then reply "no problem".  100% success rate in my last 2 trips.  Good luck!


thanks a lot; thanks sharing!




回復 8# 的帖子

Thanks.  Excellent report.......



Thank you very much for the report.


恩 記得很多年前
除了用力救國 你不會爽




回復 6# 的帖子




醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


i still need to try japan!!


very good trip,,thanks!




有機會真係好想試...但真係好貴, yen 現在又咁高

網上 D 相有 D 好正, 只怕真人原來係豬扒


Very good




 31 12


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