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原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-4 17:39 發表

相關搜索目錄: 保險


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相關搜索目錄: 保險



原帖由 sinnid 於 2009-3-4 05:12 發表

所以一係唔去, 一係就要跟d 師叔祖上去....唔識玩都可以學下野ma~~~



原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-3-4 14:27 發表

下一個目標: 金磚 ,  加上Kimchi放假回家......, 正好去金磚找 "金女"了
jack gor,
you are itchy now..

one of my sp has jsut returned and will join  金磚.. she is your COT..  7-siu and Dr. Tea had seen her before (she used to be in oscar).  The downside is that she is a bit old...


good ball ..thank you for report!!




"Denny2000 是約了冬味的舊菜,瘦點,但樣子很靚。茶兄還是未浮上水面,還是心裡想著LL,所以沒有揀到囡!"

7-siu and Tea Tea,
I just surfed the timway post forum and found that a girl looked quite similarly to my 冬味的舊菜.. do you think so?  

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回復 83# 的帖子

yes, look quite alike. But even slimmer.


回復 84# 的帖子

She is really very pretty !!! Great, she kills me !


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-5 13:34 發表
She is really very pretty !!! Great, she kills me !
oh, i do not think she looks beautiful (But she is a good sp). Now, I may give her more marks and decide to re-eat...

7-siu, do you know that Tea Tea had a great time last night and now?  he went to "somewhere:" last night, meeting his angel..!!


回復 86# 的帖子

He sent me a sms this morning at 4:30 a.m. !!!!

He wnt to CA Hotel alone , got his angel  and went back to Yidong Hotel. They had a good chat and sweet talk   until 4:00 a.m., then his angel told him her period comes !!!!

Anyhow, he rush through the RED light !!!


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-5 15:25 發表
He sent me a sms this morning at 4:30 a.m. !!!!

He wnt to CA Hotel alone , got his angel  and went back to Yidong Hotel. They had a good chat and sweet talk : ...
Ya, I knew he was having a good time last night at  K via my CCTV there.   I checked with him noon time today, and he told me that she was on M. I thought she did not go out with him and used M as an excuse, turned out that it was real M..

but tea tea did not tell me he ran thru. red light.. !   A brave man.. salute salute..

相關搜索目錄: CCTV


原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-3-5 13:00 發表
"Denny2000 是約了” 冬味” 的舊菜,瘦點,但樣子很靚。茶兄還是未浮上水面,還是心裡想著LL,所以沒有揀到囡!"

7-siu and Tea Tea,
I just surfed the timway post forum and found that a girl looked quite ...
Danny: your LB so beautiful , I like so much



原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-3-4 23:46 發表

jack gor,
you are itchy now..

one of my sp has jsut returned and will join  金磚.. she is your COT..  7-siu and Dr. Tea had seen her before (she used to be in oscar).  The downside is that she ...
Denny: My COT...., you mean the "hung"


原帖由 7-siu 於 2009-3-5 15:25 發表
He sent me a sms this morning at 4:30 a.m. !!!!

He wnt to CA Hotel alone , got his angel  and went back to Yidong Hotel. They had a good chat and sweet talk : ...
Who is Tea 's angel at CA Hotel???  may be I know this angel!!!


回復 88# 的帖子

It is nice that by running through the RED light, he put down LL.


回復 91# 的帖子

I don't know. Never saw her. You know Tea Tea keep her in secret.


原帖由 Jack-a-Lent 於 2009-3-5 16:32 發表

Denny: My COT...., you mean the "hung"
the pic. is just a japanese av star but I find she is 70% look-alike my veg/sp. from DM!  

CA hotel: not hung, better ask Dr Tea.  may be a new one..


原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-3-5 17:44 發表

the pic. is just a japanese av star but I find she is 70% look-alike my veg/sp. from DM!  

CA hotel: not hung, better ask Dr Tea.  may be a new one..
you SP have 70% of Japanese AV star skill set?


原帖由 simonkok 於 2009-3-5 18:13 發表

you SP have 70% of Japanese AV star skill set?
almost...   except that she rejected the vibrator..   I had to be 咖藤英 all the way, making my finger quite tired..


a previous visit (3 weeks ago) of mine to tis place..  

We arrived on time..   Mami, a ong-9-9 look came in (she left already,but my friend know her).   Ohh, she wore an OL shirt with top 3 buttons unbuttoned, reveallng her bra bra and 34C bxxbs.   We chit=chatted for a while (1 min) and asked her to bring in girls now.   1st round..  not bad wor.  My friend located one A. 1.67m slim long legs, long hair Kelly Chen look-alike.  She had a tattoo (rose) on her breast, very sexy..   My mind was suddenly jammed and did not have the mood to select any girls.  (like black-out).  Might be the dinner I took was too full and my blood flew to the stomache (and possibly bcos i did not have enough sleep last night).   No girl interested me in the 2nd round neither and my another friend located B. a super YJ look girl, small eyes, smiled very YJ and C. a super thin waist, look ok and short..    2 more rounds, more dinosaurs, more "dead relatives face'. I did not like this mami as she did not createe the atmosphere during selection and the girls were like working in a library..  We needed to ask some quetions, made some jokes to live up the atmopshere.

The 5th round came and i gave up in selecting girl since I was not in the mood. I asked my friend to pick one for me and here came the Yung Jo Yee look-aliked (60%)< also with a thick pair of lips (good for bj haha)  ..  She is not mcot but sinec my friends highly recommended her, I took her. 2 mroe rounds and strange enough, I took a big frame girl from hubei, but she looked quite well and smiled a lot.  I had 2 girl at last.  

A. 1.67m slim long legs, long hair Kelly Chen look-alike.  She had a tattoo (rose) on her breast, very sexy..   
B. a super YJ look girl, small eyes, smiled very YJ and C. a super thin waist, look ok and short..
C. a super thin waist, look ok and short
D: yung jo yee with thick lips, curly hair
E: big frame, looked good and smily face
F: one old veg. reserved by my friend, who was a ML machine..  never stop...
and 4 wolfs..  

K SOP came into place.  We started off with dice games, 7-8-9.  The atmosphere was not there and we swithced to the modified 7-8-9, the girls gradually got high by playing this.  I drank a lot in this game unfortunately bcos of bad luck.  The worser thing is that the DJ, may be to help consume more red wine, did not dilute the wine as instructed (not 1:99, but 1:1)  and my girls did not help me dilute on my glass, I drank quite a few highly concentrated red wine like pouring water.  Even b4 930pm, i was 50% drunk.

About the girls, it is a si-man K and therefore, limited water drawing is fine.  My yung jo yee was so tired that she often showed sign of tiredness. My big frame was more playful, and stuck to me more often, but also played with mobile phone.    Both of them had those revealing hte back nightgown and my hands were on their back in most of the times, sliding up and down (to the under)..  

More games, more drinking, more song singing, i tried to hide away by grasping the mic and be jacky cheung. Shit, after an hour singing, I was stil lfeelig bad.    In fact, since I was busy with singing, my 2 girls mingled very well, and they talked very happily (happiier than with me).  I felt very sad and I had been strugglng. shit, who should I bring out?  Strange enough ,they also asked me openly "who would you bring?" I told them, if you are both good, i will take you both back..  

It was 12++am and I still did not have the idea to choose who and they seemed to get along very well. OK, might be I shoudl leave them to do lesbian and I ate myself. I asked my didi and he did not object....   

Releasing 2 girls was very unusual for me (I always want to take 2 girls out) but I did it this time!   

Bill came, suprisingly expensivce and we finished off with 12 bottles of red wine! shit, no wonder why I was so drunk.  

Returning to hotel room, I could vaguely remember what I had done...  When I woke up, I noticed that I was naked on the bed, tv on, all light on, and my didi hard-on and it was 530am.  Shit, it was early morning and I had to pack and leave.  

all my friends had favorable comments on the bedside story.
A: claimed not ML for 3 months (returning home).
B: 1:0 but sextisfied
C: released (lost to A)
D/E: released
F: ML machine. although the machinery seems a bit worn out (overuse by other operators in the last 2 weeks).

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-3-5 18:55 發表
a previous visit (3 weeks ago) of mine to tis place..  

We arrived on time..   Mami, a ong-9-9 look came in (she left already,but my friend know her).   Ohh, she wore an OL shirt with top 3 buttons ...


回復 97# 的帖子

Great report and feel sad to your double release. Not by your didi though !!!!


原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-3-5 13:00 發表
"Denny2000 是約了” 冬味” 的舊菜,瘦點,但樣子很靚。茶兄還是未浮上水面,還是心裡想著LL,所以沒有揀到囡!"

7-siu and Tea Tea, I just surfed the timway post forum and found that a girl looked quite ...
Bro Denny, your  冬味舊菜 is prettier than your photo MM !!





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