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club uno

其實, 我自己就一定吾會再反去. 因為其實吾多值, 去對面fudo 都未必要比咁多.


原帖由 toplesscat 於 2009-5-7 03:59 PM 發表 其實, 我自己就一定吾會再反去. 因為其實吾多值, 去對面fudo 都未必要比咁多.
其實我發牙痕講下姐, 咁貴都去唔起


good good good!
  • auriga00 體力 -15 惡意灌水 2009-5-8 21:42
  • auriga00 威望 -15 惡意灌水 2009-5-8 21:42
  • auriga00 金錢 -15 惡意灌水 2009-5-8 21:42


原帖由 mcarthur 於 2009-3-10 19:29 發表
師兄, 想請問如果四五點鐘倒去到, 連埋街鐘同囡囡, 係咪都要3k?
4月中下午時段去過, 本來只想去新場見識一下, 但最後都因女女啱"咀"形痴身有Feel而出左街. 消費總計約3K ..........

其實果次去時間算早(3點幾), 得1個女坐不過都啱Feel ................


回復 32# 的帖子

GM Keung兄 你咁早就去玩了???
咁你覺得 老俏好d 定 Uno 好d 呢???


原帖由 smgiggs 於 2009-5-16 18:56 發表
GM Keung兄 你咁早就去玩了???
咁你覺得 老俏好d 定 Uno 好d 呢???
其實俏記只系去過四, 五次, 而UNO 更加得一次咁多, 不過見各位大大熱切討論而答下咀而已............
不過在UNO坐果位女女比較Young似得十幾, 而相比俏記女女略為成熟. 我第一次去坐果位應該廿中, 之後第二次較young, 啱啱果次似Jolin果位應該最多廿頭..........

[ 本帖最後由 gunman_keung 於 2009-5-16 21:37 編輯 ]


UNO club

well, all brothers, i think uno club is worth to go, if you really want the big place and nice environment and young girls, i think uno is good, for the expensive part, it really depends how you look at it.  but i think in reality, not really expensive.

i think if you go to jordan or mongkok, they charge around 200 something or maybe close to 300, but you don't get a good room or the music sounds not good.  so if you calculate everything in, it's not as expensive as you think.  just that you think when you hear that the is around 400 or 500.  but i don't know why you have those numbers, because i never pay that much.  unless all the brothers always go after 9 p.m. then it's around that price.  

if not, then go try the club paris.  it's also good.  well, maybe is because i know the mama and the papa in both place, so they don't charge me other things.

well, this is just my personal feel, and just give some comments.


If you pick the new room at Club Paris (with a little bit more), the environment should be compatible to Uno but the price is still slightly lower. But Club Paris has a whole lot more selection of girls wor

I've visited both place during tea time last week, I would say the quality of girls at Club Paris has obviously outrun Uno.
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


回復 35# 的帖子

any local at UNO?
I heard from a northern BG said Uno charged $600


原帖由 super123123 於 2009-6-10 00:18 發表
any local at UNO?
I heard from a northern BG said Uno charged $600
That was the old Uno.

Now the place is taken over by a local nc, all girls are local.
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...




原帖由 auriga00 於 2009-6-10 02:33 發表

That was the old Uno.

Now the place is taken over by a local nc, all girls are local.
really.... allow walk in??


回復 41# 的帖子

I tried to walk in on Sat night and the reception said the club is having a private party, so I left and went to Diamond again


Paris is private club?  Where is it?

Thanks bros.


diamond club

can any brother tell me what is this diamond club about, and the price, and place and the girl.  and the tea time, how much per hour till what time is the tea time.



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