原帖由 denny2000 於 2009-3-4 23:50 發表 
一塊田的相 .. 7-siu. when I first saw the photo, i di not recognize it was the delta area. It was so close.. haha
will you add on the Sun 金磚 report?I culd supplement my story. sad story.. h ...
星期X, 本来我一个人,后来和 Haidada connected. Knowing that he is free as well and with Dr Tea. Since 7-siu mentioned that he had a good time at 金磚, I felt the urge to give this place one more chance (last 2 visits wer disappointing). 7-siu was also available and the 4 of us marched to 金磚 again.
Oops, we went for some good food before the K to reload our energy bar since 7-siu and Tea Tea worked very hard in the last few days/nights. We hit the place at 730pm..In fact, before we went in, we had seen many girls coming for work and some of them looked not bad, although most of them were quite unfriendly.
Here came our manager, TT. 7-siiu used his influence to instruct TT to bring in the best girls.. Within seconds, mami (how come she is more beautiful than hte girls) brought in rounds of girls for us to choose. I picked one in the 1st round, a slim, wild type small built girl (ng ka lai look-alike) but seemed that 7-siu was also interested and he was so generous to let me take her..
7-siu also took action in choosing 2 girls..Haidada also did not hesistate to take 1 and then 1 more.. Wa, good choices.. 1 of them looked like a mix and was shy.. Our Dr Tea was still hesistant.. Now, we had 5 girls, 2 with 7-siu, 2 with haidada and 1 with me.
We have probably seen 50-60 girls (may be more) . Then, here came a round with a chubby, young but smiled quite cute girl.. Usually, I would not sit a chubby girl but since she looked young and innocent, I wanted her to sit with me. Let's call them W (wild) and Y (young). We were so suprised that Dr Tea finally picked a very young girl as well. she looked cute..
the usual K ISO 9000 started.. We sang songs, and a no. of mamis came in. Some of them looked good and 1 of them was very intrested to play with Haidada, and Dai hoi gor was more interested on the mami JJ than the girls sitting with her. My wild animal and the young and innocent were funny since they were different styles. However, I alrady saw competition. Girl Y was shy and did not sing songs but when I sang som duet with Girl W, she popped up and selected songs and asked me to sing with her. I liked this. Then, Girl W was not happy and she grabbed the mic and sang with me while the song was chosen by Girl Y.. Y complained to me and I comforted her... no worry, let's pick another song that you and I coudl sing better..
The heat went on building up. 7-siu was so busy with da-cannon with both girls. At certain occasions, I could hardly see the girl since she was completely hidden by 7-siu as he held the little girl tight.. What a scene. Tea tea had built a good chemistry with his cutie and she felt to his arms... We had a special guest coming and par 3 arrived like a flash.
My fire was on since both girls got very close to me and I da-canoon with them amd hugged them respectively. I was thinking of having a quickie with 1 girl and then overnight with another. Who shoudl I pick? it was always a tricky question. Since I was in a wild mood, I wanted the wild girl with me now. Therefore, I left girl Y inside K (I should have told her a little story before leaving hte K, I usually do but not this time) and brought girl W up.
Inside the hotel room, I was not disapoponted since she proved to be a wild girl on bed as well. Very aggressive but yet enjoying hte session. I coud feel the water coming out while fingering. Besides, once I got into her, she started to twist her waist in rhythm and when I penetrated, I felt the water pumping out. It was a heated session but shit, I noticed something. It was the 大澳 issue that haunted me once in a while. It was not the worst case I met but it alrady affected my mood. Fortunately, my mood was still high and I completed the action without problem..
Rushing back to the K room, 7-siu and Hai gor had left. Girl Y complained, "where had you been? I had been waiting for you ! with her cute face, I thought I had made a right decisoin by bringing WW for quickie and YY for overnight since her innocent and cute face had attracted me a lot.. We continued some games, drinking, etc.
It was late and I started the "routine" question of asking YY, "would you go out with me?".I was shocked since she said "Oh, I came here and worked for ”平台“only but.... I asked "I would not force you and complain you (which I could) but let's see what you think after singing 2 more songs. I wanted to build the chemistry and my bottom line was that if she declined, I jsut go back and enjoyed a quiet night out since I needed to wake up early anyway. After 2 songs, she still gave me lemon. !!

Really thanks for her as she helped me save 600RMB.
K closed, I was 50% drunk anyway and super tired. Tea Tea later sms me that he had a wonderful night. Par 3 gor returned home safely, had his Macdonald on his way home instead of a girl in his arm.
I was happy with hte overall quality of girls, may be I started off with a low expecatations.