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­Ó¤H·PıÉÆÉƳ£´XNaïve ¦PInnocent¡K­ø¦ü§c¤HªGD(¦Ü¤Ö§Ú¨ü)











[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-16 16:56 ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¯ù °s©±
  • µ§¬ð Åé¤O +40 Excellent Report! 2009-3-16 18:09
  • µ§¬ð «Â±æ +40 Excellent Report! 2009-3-16 18:09
  • µ§¬ð ª÷¿ú +40 Excellent Report! 2009-3-16 18:09




­ì©«¥Ñ par3 ©ó 2009-3-15 13:06 µoªí
should be telephone or online attack. Otherwise, simon gor should need to quit the forum altogether..

Simon gor, your heading is "°ª©f¼Ö¶éª©" it about the DL 梦¤u场¡H  My 2 girls are not tall wor..


¦Ñªê¯u«Y¯«¥X°­¨S,c ¥S¤p¤ß,¤£§@µL­GÄ묹


¦^´_ 1# ªº©«¤l





­ì©«¥Ñ langweilig ©ó 2009-3-15 15:53 µoªí



­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-15 14:03 µoªí

should be telephone or online attack. Otherwise, simon gor should need to quit the forum altogether..

Simon gor, your heading is "°ª©f¼Ö¶éª©" it about the DL 梦¤u场¡H  My 2 girls ar ...

1. §Ú¶V¨Ó¶V­ø·Q¶}D³õ0¬J¦W.¥u·Q¶°¤¤¼g³ø§i,©Ò¥H¨D¨ä¥X­Ó·t¥Ü¦W(¤j®a©ú¥Õ´N够)
2. «Y§Ú¦Û¨p.¦P¤é§¤§Ú¨ä¤¤¤@­Ó´¶³qÉÆÉÆ(«D¼Ò¯S),³£¦³166Ø{...­ø¸G°Ú....


waiting for your report


wait you




­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-16 02:04 µoªí


1. §Ú¶V¨Ó¶V­ø·Q¶}D³õ0¬J¦W.¥u·Q¶°¤¤¼g³ø§i,©Ò¥H¨D¨ä¥X­Ó·t¥Ü¦W(¤j®a©ú¥Õ´N够)
2. «Y§Ú¦Û¨p.¦P¤é§¤§Ú¨ä¤¤¤@­Ó´¶³qÉÆÉÆ(«D¼Ò¯S),³£¦³166Ø{...­ø¸G°Ú....
Understood and agree.  You are one step ahead of us, I am thinking of a similar name (and not real name) and you have used a fake name but adopt a name that shows the "character" of this place..

The pork chop ratio is really low (possibly with the nice make-up and the beautiful and expensive night gown (RMB600).  

My thought is that
a) have intention to eat
b) hesitate to eat or not
c) ok, but not mcot (may consider if no choice)
d) pork chop, will not eat even if it is free

The ratio would be 30/40/20/10  (with make-up, night gown, lighting, environment)..


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-15 12:46 µoªí


¥h¨ìù´ò ...
haha, §Ú©M§ÚªºªB¤Í©M¢¶¢û¢ñ¢ý©M¢á§g¡A¡@¢µ点¦h¨ì¡C¡@¨ä¤¤¤@组¢õ¢é¢õ¢ñ¡]¼ô¢û¢ñ¢õ¢÷¢öªº¡^带§Ú们¢³个¥ý¨ì¦o组¤k¤k开会¦a¤è¥ý¬Ý¡C¡C¡C¡@¡@«z¡A³£¦³¢²¢¯¡Ð¢³¢¯¦h¤k¡A¡@¤@¥b¬Omodel¡C¡@¡@¦Y¥Î¢H¡@³£°ª..  (english from now, faster).  Each of us selected a girl already. I chose a 80% Stephy look-alike, shy type.  My friend V chose a tall and hot girl (froom CD).  S chose a tall girl with a bit fat (and later released since he found another more good looking one).  7-siu, this time, chose a teacher-look-alike girl with a pair of spectacle.  

Of course, we then went down to the show-case room to select. There are about 150+ girls lined up in 3 sides of the rooms..  There is a t-show case but we were there too early and the girls just stood there.  Oh, I saw the 2 girls I picked last time, how came they looked so beautiful!? (better than last time I saw them?). I belived that it was the make-up, the lighting/environment, and the uniforms (600RMB).  They both recognized me, I said hi to them and started searching for my 2nd girl.  I chose another Japan-look-alike girl and V chose a beauty with curly hair. In fact, we were a bit hesistant since we believed that beautiful girls usually ÉN¥»¤ß¡C¡C¡COur gut feel was correct.

As you know, I had to make a few biz. calls after the selection, after I returned (1 hr after), my friend V had already fighting with 4 girls. Poor him..   

I also saw 2 girls with Simon gor, 1 very OL feel (black jacket) and 1 xiao mei mei girl (gold hair).  S gor's girl is tall and classy, a good #2 candidate.  AA was singing all the way, running around the K room and of course, got drunk afterwards.  Tea, surprinsingly, sang songs as 7-siu confirmed that it was only his 1st/2nd time that Tea tea sang. His girl, I fogot her spec. since I thought he released her quite early.   Jack gor, brought his kimchi and she looks more beautiful than 1st time I saw her, possibly Jack has given her his "protein nutrients" a lot     7-siu, your teacher, must have taught you a good lesson inside H. room.  Did she carry a stick?  

My girl:
Stephy: from AH, 22+, 1.63m, slim, girl-next-door
Japan girl: from CQ, (??) , 1.65m, slim, beautiful wet mui look

My friend's girl
tall girl: from CD, 18(?), 1.66m, slim, cheerful and innocent girl feel
curly hair; from (?), 1.64m, a bit meaty, more mature and playful (too much though)

No need to repeat what happened inside K as it was SOP.  Glad that I sang songs with Simon gor and others..  However, beautiful girls usually ÉN¥»¤ß were proven.  My japan girl, (wearing black gloves), she smsed quite a lot throughout the session and at 11pm, she asked if she coudl leave (the excuse was really bad). I asked her to stay.  She softened a bit and tried to be more caring.  Curly hair was very playful , but too playful, and she approached almost every man inside the K for contacts.  Japan look-girl approached me again at 1130pm and I still refused.  She started to pump more alcohol and I did not stop her doing that.   I thought after 12am++I released her. She was running to her bf or wolf dog as I could read some of her sms..  

My Stephy had been more obedient, no calls/just a few sms.  Very gf feel but refused to da-cannon in public.. She was the slow type and even in the hotel room, she was a slow starter. It was this gf feel that realyl turned me on and by looking into her, I felt like making it with (one of my) idols..  Howver, I had to work very hard to turn her on and she was not a watery girl.

Simon gor, thanks for the arrangement..  All brothers. nice to meet you all again.   V and I really enjoyed the party..

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dog ¯ù


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-16 09:41 µoªí

haha, §Ú©M§ÚªºªB¤Í©M¢¶¢û¢ñ¢ý©M¢á§g¡A¡@¢µ点¦h¨ì¡C¡@¨ä¤¤¤@组¢õ¢é¢õ¢ñ¡]¼ô¢û¢ñ¢õ¢÷¢öªº¡^带§Ú们¢³个¥ý¨ì¦o组¤k¤k开会¦a¤è¥ý¬Ý¡C¡C¡C¡@¡@«z¡A³£¦³¢²¢¯¡Ð¢³¢¯¦h ...


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-15 12:46 µoªí


¥h¨ìù´ò ...
¦hÁ¦èªù¥Sªº¦w±Æ, ¤]«Ü°ª¿³¨£¨ì¦U¦ì! KIMCHI »¡¤U¦¸©w¦³è°´ö§µ·q¦U¦ì¤j­ô!Åý¦U¦ì¤j­ô¸É¸É¨­!!!

¸g¹L­Ó¦h¤ëªº¥æ¾Ô, ¤]°ò¥»«R¸¸¤FKIMCHIªº¤ß, ¤µ¤Ñ¦oªÖ¥h¾ß¬d¨­Åé¦}¤WÀô¤F, ¨º¬O¦oªº²Ä¤@¦¸, ¤]¬O²Ä¤@¦¸¬°¤@­Ó¨k¤H³o¼Ë°µ. ¤ß¤¤¦³ÂI¦Û»¨. ±æ¤£¬O¼Ö¦Ó´d¤§©l§a!

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Á{¨«®É¤C¤Ö»y­«¤ßªøªº¤L¥y¸Ü¤]Åý¦o·P°Ê, ¦o¦^¨ì®a©êµÛ§Úªº²ä¤l»¡: "§Ú·|¦n¦n¬Ã±¤ªº.....?! "

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¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¯ù




­ì©«¥Ñ Jack-a-Lent ©ó 2009-3-16 11:20 µoªí
Á{¨«®É¤C¤Ö»y­«¤ßªøªº¤L¥y¸Ü¤]Åý¦o·P°Ê, ¦o¦^¨ì®a©êµÛ§Úªº²ä¤l»¡: "§Ú·|¦n¦n¬Ã±¤ªº.....?! "

¤@¤Á³£¦n¹³¦b¬ü¦n¦a¶i¦æ¤¤......¦ýº@¦p¦¹! ½Ö¯u½Ö°²½ÖµLª¾,,,§½¤¤¦³§½, §½¤º§½¥~,,, ¤]³\½Ö¤]»¡¤£²M, ¹D¤£©úªº......
I think Kimchi would understand it. The issue is that whether she could continue that appreciation.  Girls are moody.  They are lonely too and a girl like Kimchi would have many flies around.  

Anyway, as long as you enjoy it.. that's good.

no wonder I saw 7-siu spent a lot of time talking to Kimchi that night.. he was doing his counseller role!!


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-16 11:28 µoªí

I think Kimchi would understand it. The issue is that whether she could continue that appreciation.  Girls are moody.  They are lonely too and a girl like Kimchi would have many flies around.  
Thanks for you and 7 Sir's valuable help! In fact,  it not just enjoy the happy time with girls, special, it also enjoy the brotherliness with each others!!!


­ì©«¥Ñ Jack-a-Lent ©ó 2009-3-16 11:39 µoªí

Thanks for you and 7 Sir's valuable help! In fact,  it not just enjoy the happy time with girls, special, it also enjoy the brotherliness with each others!!!
I felt sorry that I did not spend enough time to talk/play with brothers that night since the night was interrupted with a long conference call and when I came back, I saw my friend being attacked by 4 girls and I had to rescue him...


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-16 09:41 µoªí

haha, §Ú©M§ÚªºªB¤Í©M¢¶¢û¢ñ¢ý©M¢á§g¡A¡@¢µ˜ò¦h¨ì¡C¡@¨ä¤¤¤@组¢õ¢é¢õ¢ñ¡]¼ô¢û¢ñ¢õ¢÷¢öªº¡^带§Ú们¢³ŸÄ¥ý¨ì¦o组¤k¤k开‰N¦a¤è¥ý¬Ý¡C¡C¡C¡@¡@«z¡A³£¦³¢²¢¯¡Ð¢³¢¯¦h ...
Bro Denny, what's comment of your friend V ?


­ì©«¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2009-3-16 12:15 µoªí

Bro Denny, what's comment of your friend V ?
which part, the K or the girl he brought?

For K, we had similar comment.

For the girl, he mentioned that the girl is cute, and fresh..  But he may be able to find similar one cheaper elsewhere..  


good report ~ ­nsupport~


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-16 13:21 µoªí

which part, the K or the girl he brought?

For K, we had similar comment.

For the girl, he mentioned that the girl is cute, and fresh..  But he may be able to find similar one cheaper elsewh ...


­ì©«¥Ñ Jack-a-Lent ©ó 2009-3-16 11:20 µoªí

¦hÁ¦èªù¥Sªº¦w±Æ, ¤]«Ü°ª¿³¨£¨ì¦U¦ì! KIMCHI »¡¤U¦¸©w¦³è°´ö§µ·q¦U¦ì¤j­ô!Åý¦U¦ì¤j­ô¸É¸É¨­!!!

¸g¹L­Ó¦h¤ëªº¥æ¾Ô, ¤]°ò¥»«R¸¸¤FKIMCHIªº¤ß, ¤µ¤Ñ¦oªÖ¥h¾ß¬d¨­Åé¦}¤WÀô¤F, ¨º¬O¦oªº²Ä¤@¦¸, ¤]¬O²Ä¤@¦¸¬°¤@­Ó¨k ...



­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-16 14:34 µoªí

agee. and although the girls look good and it is a good experience to go thru. the model display (at the entrnace), the nui nuis selection, etc.  I would rather choose a cheaper venue as all in all, $ is an issue as well..


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