ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-15 12:46 µoªí 
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haha, §Ú©M§ÚªºªB¤Í©M¢¶¢û¢ñ¢ý©M¢á§g¡A¡@¢µ点¦h¨ì¡C¡@¨ä¤¤¤@组¢õ¢é¢õ¢ñ¡]¼ô¢û¢ñ¢õ¢÷¢öªº¡^带§Ú们¢³个¥ý¨ì¦o组¤k¤k开会¦a¤è¥ý¬Ý¡C¡C¡C¡@¡@«z¡A³£¦³¢²¢¯¡Ð¢³¢¯¦h¤k¡A¡@¤@¥b¬Omodel¡C¡@¡@¦Y¥Î¢H¡@³£°ª.. (english from now, faster). Each of us selected a girl already. I chose a 80% Stephy look-alike, shy type. My friend V chose a tall and hot girl (froom CD). S chose a tall girl with a bit fat (and later released since he found another more good looking one). 7-siu, this time, chose a teacher-look-alike girl with a pair of spectacle.
Of course, we then went down to the show-case room to select. There are about 150+ girls lined up in 3 sides of the rooms.. There is a t-show case but we were there too early and the girls just stood there. Oh, I saw the 2 girls I picked last time, how came they looked so beautiful!? (better than last time I saw them?). I belived that it was the make-up, the lighting/environment, and the uniforms (600RMB). They both recognized me, I said hi to them and started searching for my 2nd girl. I chose another Japan-look-alike girl and V chose a beauty with curly hair. In fact, we were a bit hesistant since we believed that beautiful girls usually ÉN¥»¤ß¡C¡C¡COur gut feel was correct.
As you know, I had to make a few biz. calls after the selection, after I returned (1 hr after), my friend V had already fighting with 4 girls. Poor him..
I also saw 2 girls with Simon gor, 1 very OL feel (black jacket) and 1 xiao mei mei girl (gold hair). S gor's girl is tall and classy, a good #2 candidate. AA was singing all the way, running around the K room and of course, got drunk afterwards. Tea, surprinsingly, sang songs as 7-siu confirmed that it was only his 1st/2nd time that Tea tea sang. His girl, I fogot her spec. since I thought he released her quite early. Jack gor, brought his kimchi and she looks more beautiful than 1st time I saw her, possibly Jack has given her his "protein nutrients" a lot

7-siu, your teacher, must have taught you a good lesson inside H. room. Did she carry a stick?
My girl:
Stephy: from AH, 22+, 1.63m, slim, girl-next-door
Japan girl: from CQ, (??) , 1.65m, slim, beautiful wet mui look
My friend's girl
tall girl: from CD, 18(?), 1.66m, slim, cheerful and innocent girl feel
curly hair; from (?), 1.64m, a bit meaty, more mature and playful (too much though)
No need to repeat what happened inside K as it was SOP. Glad that I sang songs with Simon gor and others.. However, beautiful girls usually ÉN¥»¤ß were proven. My japan girl, (wearing black gloves), she smsed quite a lot throughout the session and at 11pm, she asked if she coudl leave (the excuse was really bad). I asked her to stay. She softened a bit and tried to be more caring. Curly hair was very playful , but too playful, and she approached almost every man inside the K for contacts. Japan look-girl approached me again at 1130pm and I still refused. She started to pump more alcohol and I did not stop her doing that. I thought after 12am++I released her. She was running to her bf or wolf dog as I could read some of her sms..
My Stephy had been more obedient, no calls/just a few sms. Very gf feel but refused to da-cannon in public.. She was the slow type and even in the hotel room, she was a slow starter. It was this gf feel that realyl turned me on and by looking into her, I felt like making it with (one of my) idols.. Howver, I had to work very hard to turn her on and she was not a watery girl.
Simon gor, thanks for the arrangement.. All brothers. nice to meet you all again. V and I really enjoyed the party..