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CA ¶ù¼¦¼M­¼ K

­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-23 14:05 µoªí

Spring gor and tea gor, Good that you and your friends are happy with this place. I was worried that you will find girls there not up to stnadard sinec they are neveer comparable to those in °ª©f乐û\¡C¡CThey are just the 2 extremes of playing places.
Those MMs are not upto my standard BUT I've to accept it at Nude-K lor !!


­ì©«¥Ñ Jack-a-Lent ©ó 2009-3-23 12:15 µoªí

¥i¯à¥h¥ª§Úªº«È´Ì¦Y XXXªá......
Bro Jack, I put CA angel away la !!


­ì©«¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2009-3-23 16:41 µoªí

Bro Jack, I put CA angel away la !!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-23 18:02 µoªí

Fine !  I PM her telephone no. to you or tell you later ?!


¦^´_ 70# ªº©«¤l

Thank you "Late come Spring", very nice brief report, I decide I have to go to Yan-K again la.


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-23 19:16 µoªí
Thank you "Late come Spring", very nice brief report, I decide I have to go to Yan-K again la.
7-Siu, µ¥«Ý§A¦^¨Ó»â­x¥ú´_¥j³£¡A¼¤¦å³ò«°¡I


¦^´_ 81# ªº©«¤l

I just PM Dr. Tea, what is the progress of the arrangement of the party of April, 3 & 4.

"I shall be back !!!"


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-23 19:40 µoªí

I just PM Dr. Tea, what is the progress of the arrangement of the party of April, 3 & 4.....
Program in progress ... but I haven't rec'd you PM lor !!




­ì©«¥Ñ ayufan ©ó 2009-3-24 02:20 µoªí

Goto Sailor Moon and sing with Pork Chop ?!  NO Way la !!


­ì©«¥Ñ ayufan ©ó 2009-3-24 02:20 µoªí
ayu brother,

I had been there a few times (thanks for brothers here's contact) . Enjoyed the h/w but not the s/w.  Recently, heard that the fake wine is really serious over there.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Wine


­ì©«¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2009-3-23 18:26 µoªí

Fine !  I PM her telephone no. to you or tell you later ?!


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-24 09:16 µoªí

ayu brother,

I had been there a few times (thanks for brothers here's contact) . Enjoyed the h/w but not the s/w.  Recently, heard that the fake wine is really serious over there.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Wine


¦^´_ 88# ªº©«¤l

Serious headache the morning after !!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-24 16:56 µoªí

Of course !  You won't DEAD DRUNK but you're in POISONING !!


¦^´_ 90# ªº©«¤l

It is nice to see simonkok gor dance in nude and keeping his dick cover and jump like a jumping monkey, while we were in Sailor moon last time. He was playing "Against the landlord with Par3 and the girls, when the girls cheat they, and they didn't even knew!!

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dance


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-25 01:44 µoªí

It is nice to see simonkok gor dance in nude and keeping his dick cover and jump like a jumping monkey, while we were in Sailor moon last time. He was playing "Against the landlord with Par3 and the g ...
There're one MM called Chrysanthemum in ¶ù¼¦¼M­¼ and she could drunk with well performing too !!

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dance


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-25 01:44 µoªí
It is nice to see simonkok gor dance in nude and keeping his dick cover and jump like a jumping monkey, while we were in Sailor moon last time. He was playing "Against the landlord with Par3 and the g ...

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dance


­ì©«¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2009-3-25 01:57 µoªí

There're one MM called Chrysanthemum in ¶ù¼¦¼M­¼ and she could drunk with well performing too !!
woo. went there last night with a larger-than-expected group.   

Got so many unexpected things happening as well, some happy stuff, some sad/unhappy stuff.  Being a amateur tour leader is tiring, in particularly with all those "unexpected things". Luckily, my girl from CQ was very nice in attitude, service and responses, and score was Arsenal v Newcastle...

Dr tea, the girl above, my friend got it. She had a above average spec... thin waist, good looking ( a bit old). My friend guarded her like an angel.. However, he turned out toe be the unhappy guy since he reported f.b. He released her after 1Q.   

We also got your recommended girl (nicholas tse' sister).  She is 100% 7-siu spec.  Unfortauntely, I did not spend much time playing with her since I was occupied with too many stuff...

I had complained to the manager though since this time, he had not been very attentive.. The mami/group he asked to serve us was nowhere near the Zhao's group.  I was furious that during the N-dance, the girls were reluctant to TEO.  Whenever a place gets popular , the service level drops...

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dance


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-25 11:43 µoªí

Got so many unexpected things happening as well, some happy stuff, some sad/unhappy stuff.  Being a amateur tour leader is tirin .....

Dr tea, the girl above, my friend got it. She had a above average spec... thin waist, good looking ( a bit old). My friend guarded her like an angel...
However, the MM called Chrysanthemum didn't sat in your K-room.  Therefore, I don't know WHOM are you talking about !!

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2009-3-26 00:33 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2009-3-25 11:43 µoªí

woo. went there last night with a larger-than-expected group.   

Got so many unexpected things happening as well, some happy stuff, some sad/unhappy stuff.  Being a amateur tour leader is tirin ...


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2009-3-26 09:51 µoªí

It's because, Bro Denny doesn't a professional Tour Guild lor !!


¦^´_ 97# ªº©«¤l

If Pal was there, would it be much better ? Also, where is this place, as my computer cannot read the topic of this post.


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2009-3-26 18:55 µoªí
If Pal was there, would it be much better ? Also, where is this place, as my computer cannot read the topic of this post.
carnival city in the capital of Han dynasty


¦^´_ 99# ªº©«¤l

I know it is in CA, but the name of the K ?




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