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TST 富X足 Real Report

TST 富X足 Real Report

Hi all Ching, this is the first time to write a report and if you dont like reading block of English or think that I am a 寫手, then please feel free to see other comments.

Now I have been to this place this week and I felt that it was completely shxx.  The reason I am writing this report is because I have been reading some recommendation quite alot and I have to say, most of them are ok, but not for this one, therefore, I hope this could give some warning for brother before going here.

First off, like I went to GiGi and Hon Mun, I read the comments and try them myself, all in all, they are fair on what you get the amount that you paid, no argument about that.

Now, this place, I went there in the evening, nobody is at reception, fine, they could be busy.  I tried to book for the legendary "Wing" girl for massage but she told me only do facial, so I said ok, then please find me a bone girl.  

I was shocked with the set up there, like a freaking hospital and beds are separate by thin curtains only.  So Wing (I have to say, yes, she does look good compare with what you usually see in these places, but not gob-dropping), the room was again divided by thin curtain, WORST of all, it stinks like hell.  But as there was no choice, I said to myself hell, let's give it try.  Ok after shower, the shower was ok and fancy looking but again it's just a shower.

A bone girl (woman, old woman), looks around 45-50 years old, I was like what the fxxk!  Anyway, as I always though: "大家搵2餐, 算啦", then I let her do the part.  

During the massage, as the place is with think walls, I could practically hear what they were chatting out in the reception loudly.  Some freaking Itatlian dudes were speaking with WIng, I think, keep chatting and chatting for at least an hour and it is fxxking annoying when you actually paying for a relaxation period.  They keep askin for a stupid Itatlian restaurant or something and it ends around when I finished with the massage.

To be honest for what I paid for (usaully around $250-$400, and don't ask why), this is place an absolute nightmare, is crap, stinks and they don't really give a damn about you as a customer.

I am not stopping brothers to go there, but there are definitly other places better than this, I know paying for a few hundred bucks cannot ask for too much, but IMO, Hon Mun is a much better place.  Please don't quote this and says "好1個打手!" coz I dont really give a damn what you think and if you think I am trying to write for a place over another, think again coz I am better things than do in life than this.

The reason I am writing this is because I respect some comments here and they have taken me to some places that I think is valued for money, but again, definitely not this one and even is free and Wing serving me, still a BIG NO to me.

Thanks for reading and hope you all stay healthy


有一日一下午我上去, 好似系有梗房, 唔系 "curtain"隔開. 可能有D系 curtain都唔定, 我入去時無好似睇樓咁睇.

我上去時, 只有一個中女, 著住袍, 好似好專業咁既款, 叫我入是但一間房 (系梗房). 但佢相頭唔掂, 咁既樣同我dup, 過唔到自已個關, 我立即走人, 之後未有機會再去.


原帖由 loklok1234 於 2009-3-18 23:17 發表
Hi all Ching, this is the first time to write a report and if you dont like reading block of English or think that I am a 寫手, then please feel free to see other comments.

Now I have been to this  ...
嘩. 真係好有文采, 仲咁多生字, 佩服. 不過用字好似有點尖酸刻薄, 去得很盡.

我呢幾個月去咗差不多20次, 感覺良好. 當然不是毫無缺點, 總之像其他巴打報告一樣, 有讚有彈.
整體來說, 值得捧場, 我會再去.


Sorry for your bad experience. 我英文唔好,都係寫番中文...

可能loklok1234期望太大了,所以失望便大! 但我覺得你只是看了那裡的一小面! 不過,也希望她們會多多注意到噪音的問題,寧靜的環境是享受按摩的重要條件。

我去過多間其他的同類型足穴骨場,但未去過凱盟,印象中形式同足穴骨場應有分別,是水療spa式,是嗎? 但富貴足是足穴骨場,那裡的環境已算很好的了! 或許我以佐敦區的場比較啦!



[ 本帖最後由 messenger 於 2009-3-19 09:38 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA 水療


原帖由 rabbit2000 於 2009-3-19 01:36 發表

嘩. 真係好有文采, 仲咁多生字, 佩服. 不過用字好似有點尖酸刻薄, 去得很盡.

我呢幾個月去咗差不多20次, 感覺良好. 當然不是毫無缺點, 總之像其他巴打報告一樣, 有讚有彈.
整體來說, 值得捧場, 我會再 ...


我係富x足初開業時去過兩次,都係螢螢DUP,但之後想試吓其他Bone girl,唔係冇做就經常話係休息,感覺呢度啲Bone girl走得好快,好唔穩定.
loklok1234 ching,唔洗嬲,雖然蝕咗,但都係一個很好的經驗.我依家比較鍾意去Faxxy spa(香x屋),嗰度算ok,但no vas!

相關搜索目錄: SPA


Ching, I'm sorry about your experience.  I "sometime" don't count the first experience unless it was really fxcking bad and shit.  My first experiene in Wing's place was not really good neither, (I almost needed to share that room with another Ching) but my visit this week was good.  Like somewhere in 3/F or 4/F, my experience was good in the first time or second time, but then, it was really shit, I blacklisted it forever.  There are many choices, stay COOL!!  Having said that, I agreed Hoi Mun's services are more stable...


原帖由 Redtshirt 於 2009-3-19 14:23 發表
Having said that, I agreed Hoi Mun's services are more stable... ...
I think this is partly due to Man Man's management and her warm hospitality to the clients...


原帖由 Redtshirt 於 2009-3-19 14:23 發表
Ching, I'm sorry about your experience.  I "sometime" don't count the first experience unless it was really fxcking bad and shit.  My first experiene in Wing's place was not really good neither, (I al ...
Agree, HM is more stable.

By the way, F's Spa is not bad too.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


F's spa only tried once, it's good but i have no base to say it is stable, will comment again after several trials.  But I liked the environment indeed.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 Redtshirt 於 2009-3-19 19:20 發表
F's spa only tried once, it's good but i have no base to say it is stable, will comment again after several trials.  But I liked the environment indeed.
Yes, I think I will try Fanny next, can anyone PM me the phone and the full prices list please?

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 loklok1234 於 2009-3-19 20:57 發表

Yes, I think I will try Fanny next, can anyone PM me the phone and the full prices list please?
水療100分鐘#^*  135分鐘$^*

(以上資料根據傳單, 最好都係幫趁前問清楚)

電話就check pm.

相關搜索目錄: 水療


原帖由 loklok1234 於 2009-3-19 20:57 發表

Yes, I think I will try Fanny next, can anyone PM me the phone and the full prices list please?
You may find no good in your 1st visit to Fanny's Spa but please be fair not to conclude too fast and think that all our previous reports were not REAL.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 messenger 於 2009-3-19 23:07 發表

You may find no good in your 1st visit to Fanny's Spa but please be fair not to conclude too fast and think that all our previous reports were not REAL.
Noted, thanks messenger.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


Thanks for your report!


I have already tried fanxy spa's some times, I agree that the environment and bonegirls is good for relax

相關搜索目錄: SPA


With respect to #1

I went there after reading the rather critical report, and had a somewhat different impression of the place.

I agreed that the layout of the place is poor with the main massage rooms and the shower at the extreme opposite ends.  The fancy shower tub is also  unnecessary.  Nevertheless, I found the place reasonably cozy and surprisingly clean and tidy.  They even disinfect the slippers after every use.  Ambience is definitely better at HM, but then again HM is a spa whereas this is a foot massage place.

I was in the large curtain-partitioned room but did not detect any foul smell.  The lady (Yuki) that did the massage for me was quite good and I have no qualms with it.  Also, I did not see any 45-50 years old massage ladies around.

I have a brief chat with the infamous Wing afterwards and found her rather friendly and pleasant and not as overwhelming as Man Man at HM.

I guess it is not fair comparing this place with HM.  HM is a well established establishment whereas this is a new start up. For goodness sake, give it a chance to develop!  Remember the current anchor lady at HM was once being critizied for her poor massage skill.

My overall remarks are:  "Before you condemn someone to the guillotine, at least give the accussed a fair trial." Well, give it a try and judge it for yourself.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 pisses 於 2009-3-23 03:49 發表
With respect to #1

I went there after reading the rather critical report, and had a somewhat different impression of the place.

I agreed that the layout of the place is poor with the main massag ...
I can't agree with you more.
You have keen observation and your comments are fair.
Just out of my curiosity, may I ask why you adventure to go there after reading such a ‘real’ report?


原帖由 messenger 於 2009-3-19 09:34 發表
Sorry for your bad experience. 我英文唔好,都係寫番中文...

可能loklok1234期望太大了,所以失望便大! 但我覺得你只是看了那裡的一小面! 不過,也希望她們會多多注意到噪音的問題,寧靜的環境是享受按摩的重要 ...


原帖由 pisses 於 2009-3-23 03:49 發表
With respect to #1

I went there after reading the rather critical report, and had a somewhat different impression of the place.

I agreed that the layout of the place is poor with the main massag ...
Agreed with your point: "HM is a spa whereas this is a foot massage place"

That's why in my mind, we cannot compare both HM or Fanny's Spa with Fortune Foot too. I can feel that the massage type are different.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 pisses 於 2009-3-23 03:49 發表

I have a brief chat with the infamous Wing afterwards and found her rather friendly and pleasant and not as overwhelming as Man Man at HM.
Interesting that one of these ladies is called 'infamous' and the other 'overwhelming'.
I remember when I first met Wing, I did not like something about her service, albeit her good look that had been so much acclaimed by members here.
But I thought I would give her another chance and overall, she is good (yes, friendly pleasant, even sweet talking).
As for Man Man, despite her remarkable courtesy, she could easily make mistakes with bookings and customer names.
I think it all boils down to the fact that each is almost often single-handed in her own workplace,
and one should take that into account if one finds certain aspects of service not to the desired satisfaction.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2009-3-23 22:31 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


i went there once and black listed that place already la............


It is what we called BIAS.  I do have it...
Even we read a real report, we went there because of some unreal reports


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-3-23 22:16 發表

Interesting that one of these ladies is called 'infamous' and the other 'overwhelming'.
I remember when I first met Wing, I did not like something about her service, albeit her good look that had ...
Surprise to find you here! Bro WK.


原帖由 loklok1234 於 2009-3-18 23:17 發表
Hi all Ching, this is the first time to write a report and if you dont like reading block of English or think that I am a 寫手, then please feel free to see other comments. ...
Black-list forever la.


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