不好意思未能见面, 我也在上海停留一星期上下, 高級的餐館是真的少了王生意, 不过有独特的中价也不大受影响, 我去过重庆131幸福及一间湘菜馆, 沒有訂位不耍想去, 就算有位都限时吃完. Recession, What recession!!! 我去过杭州玩了一天, 零售影响大, 大众化的层次没有受影响. 我又去中田桑拿,生意不错, 我在locker吋有六名将做完客人, 我耍等十多分钟才能选女,生意不俗, 因我先给经理电話故减一百,成惠$700. 水準跟以往一权.
东莞常平市,我以为會受影响, 那知险些无房, 我常住的匯华瀑满, 那些马來西亚及台胞全部包起來, 金塥风暴沒有大影响, 美宜登中餐也是很瀑, 匯x KTV也是可以訂到房, 这次沒有去花街. 不过试过一间在木抡區Manhattan洒店5樓KTV, 有近300女女, Quality 比匯记差些, 因为生意不大好, 我发党越是生意好越多正货, 这KTV 場是新設备不错, 不达周迈环景セ比较杂, 行2-5-8, 中房$588最底消费,洒買一送一. overall 生意一般. 不想再去.
深圳市中跟以往一权繁华, 東门市集也是人头多得很, 樓价下滑,不过大众化的酒家也是一权满.
Overall, my impression is that China with the encouraging domestic demand for goods and services is not suffering as much as in north America. Big city like Shanghai has little effect on them except some Koreans, Japanese and Taiwanese are selling their properties due to their liqidation problem at home. Other than that not much ha[[ening there on the surface. DG with the heavy loss of jobs form factory closing still survive pretty good so far we see. may be there are lot more problems than we know. When I was in Ho Chi ming city during this trip, an offical told me they suffered a lot with the factory closure in their city, lots workers lost their their jobs especially from Korean and Taiwanese business. Inflation was very high there. Vietnam was expanding too fast too quick, hence the effect of the crisis is greatly felt by the lower and commoners. Their government cannot do the same as in China. We should be glad that we have accumulated wealth and good fiscal restrain of the chinese government, otherwise we are sucking air rather than sucking tits