Yes that was a good night's fun and all chings 'sportsmanship' are at similar level, so really enjoyed that night. regarding Dai Hai's report, here are some supplements:-
D女好似吾系甘多。。帶了兩轉已經話無女。- well, actually, theres about 5 rounds, each round around 6-8 mms, so we have seen only around 40mms in total and then need to start the rounds again. That was just after 8:00pm!!!!
“黑面”。。原來系玩得。唱得。飲得之人。。搞氣氛一流。。仲周圍抽水。。D女比拒抽勻甘濟。。 - OBJECTION!!!! Actually I have only 抽水on these mms - BELATED SPRING 's assistant. No since I thought she was really assistant and no really 抽-able.
Dr. Tea'+ Stan mm - I don't think I did, can't even recall her look.
Haidada, 7-siu, AA x2 - yes, a little la
Brian and friend mm - I remembered their look but I did not 抽水 ar
DJ- a little la.
So all in all, I only 抽ed about half of the mm only.
好似見到七公拉埋條野出離玩。。系咪呀七公。- CONFIRMED la
During breakfast, ( while 7-siu was experimenting he mission of mouth-explosion") met Dr Tea, Belated Spring and AA +mm. Asked Spring to swap room key with me, but he pay no attention to me at all!!!!!!!!!!!
Lastly thanx to Dr Tea for bringing me my deposit receipt to the room ( only regret was in the process of morning ride.

By the way, I will still be around this weekend