- 帖子
- 4
- 積分
- 156
- 金錢
- 20
- 註冊時間
- 2009-7-10
大 中
小 發表於 2009-7-16 15:17 只看該作者
July Special Offer: Buy Maths and Science, get Dynamic English for Free!
近年playgroup越來越受家長及同學歡迎, 補習社難單靠專科補習/小組功課輔導生存, 想吸引更多學生,想提升補習社業績....多元化發展將會成為09/10年度社習界的大趨勢!!!
TLC Kids 嘅 Fun And Exciting After School Learning Programmes 係09年最新小學課外活動/補習社興趣班之熱門選擇(現今已有近20間小學用緊TLC Kids既課程作為課外學習活動). TLC Kids 嘅課程新穎, 尤以Maths & Science最受家長歡迎, 係Maths & Science課堂上, 同學可以係一堂內學齊數學同科學知識, 加上, Maths & Science主要以英文學習, 同學還可以學習更多英文詞彙, 為入讀英中打好基礎, 一個課堂, 就能完完全全地滿足今時今日家長的需求, 課堂內亦包括一些小實驗, 能加強同學嘅興趣, 特別適合對數理不慼興趣的同學仔!!!
各補習社同業若有興趣知道更多有關TLC Kids 既課程, 可登入www.mytlckids.com免費成為會員, 更可免費試用課程!!! 或與我聯絡!!!
Introduction to TLC Kids
"today's most exciting children's supplementary education alternative"
"schools/private learning centres do not need to 'reinvent the wheel' to provide a relevant, powerful and FUN supplementary learning solution"
TLC Kids - Fast Facts
ü Primary/ Elementary Supplementary Curriculum Ages: 5-12 years
ü English-medium, International Standard
ü Designed to continuously support learning from 5-12 years
ü Complements, consolidates & extends learning at school
ü Child-centred, Inquiry-based approach
ü Flexible implementation models and customisable content!
ü Proven hit with kids, parents and teachers since 2002
Ideal for:
Primary/ Elementary Schools, Learning Centres, Community Centres, After School & Holiday Programmes, Home School, Special Needs Learners, Learning Support Classes and Tuition Groups.
相關搜索目錄: 補習 補習社 功課