Jane Fonda ¬ÃªÚ¹F ¡]1937 - ¡^
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Background of Jane Fonda's Anti-War Activities While American Soldiers were fighting and dying in theVietnam War, Jane Fonda, the daughter of Henry Fonda, was using hermoney and influence at colleges and universities to gather supportto advocate communism and encourage rebellion and anarchy againstthe United States Government.
On November 21, 1970 she told a University of Michiganaudience of some two thousand students, "If you understood what communism was, youwould hope, you would pray on your knees that we would some day become communist." AtDuke University in North Carolina she repeated what she had said in Michigan, adding"I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the wayto communism. " Washington Times July 7, 2000
Jane Fonda began her participation in anti-war activities around1967, allegedly after meeting with Communists while in France and with American citizenswho were revolutionaries. Her activities included active participation in demonstrations, rallies, radiobroadcasts and plays.
Jane Fonda also helped in the organization of aproduction group calledthe F.T.A. (F*** The Army). This group helped to set up coffee housesnear militarybases where they would perform anti-war derogatory-type sketches forthe visitingsoldiers. The coffee-house sketches were intended to counterpoint theU.S.O. shows, such as BobHope and other U.S.O. sponsored performers whose performancesincreased morale and gave positive supportto American soldiers. Some of the F.T.A. coffee house employees wouldmingle with the soldiers to help them to "relax and unwind",while encouraging the soldiers to desert. Some soldiers alleged thatthey were promised jobs and moneyby the F.T.A. if they deserted.
TheVietnamVeterans Against the War Organization received major financial supportfrom Jane Fonda. Jane Fonda's F.T.A. coffee houses helped inrecruiting soldiers andveterans for the Vietnam Veterans Against The War Organization. TheVietnam Veterans Against the War Organization membership wasapproximately 7,000 at it's highest. The Organization's membershipnumber was comparatively low,when you consider that more than 2 1/2 million Americans served duringthe Vietnam war.
Jane Fonda personally sought out returning American soldiers from Vietnamto solicit them to publicly speak out against American atrocities against Vietnamese womenand children during her broadcasts. North Vietnamese officials based in Canadaallegedly coordinated her broadcasts.
In 1972 Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden and others traveled to North Vietnam to give their support to the North Vietnamese's Government. When she returned to the United States, she advised the news media that all of the American Prisoners of Warwere being well treated and were not being tortured.
As the American POWs returned home in 1973, they spoke out aboutthe inhumane treatment and torture they had suffered as prisoners of war. Theirstories directly contradicted Jane Fonda's earlier statements of 1972. Some ofthe AmericanPOWs such as Senator John McCain, a former Presidential candidate, stated that he wastortured by his guards for refusing to meet with groups such as Jane Fonda's. Jane Fonda, inher response to these new allegations, referred to the returning POWs as being "hypocrites and liars."
The Wall Street Journal (August 3, 1995) published an interview with Bui Tin who served onthe General Staff of the North Vietnam Army and received the unconditional surrender ofSouth Vietnam on April 30, 1975. During the interview Mr. Tin was asked if theAmerican antiwar movement was important to Hanoi's victory. Mr. Tin responded "Itwas essential to our strategy" referring to the war being fought on twofronts, the Vietnam battlefield and back home in America through the antiwar movement on collegecampuses and in the city streets. He further stated the North Vietnamese leadership listened to the American eveningnews broadcasts "to follow the growth of the Americanantiwar movement."
Visits to Hanoi made by persons such as Jane Fonda,former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and various church ministers "gaveus confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefieldreverses." Mr. Tin surmised that "America lost because of its democracy; through dissent and protest it lost the ability to mobilize a will to win." Mr. Tin further advised thatGeneral Vo Nguyen Giap (Commanding General of the North Vietnam Army) said the 1968 TetOffensive was a defeat.
The military defeat of North Vietnamafter the Tet Offensive of 1968 became a political victory for North Vietnambecause of anti-war demonstrations and the sensationalism of the news media. TheNorth Vietnamese interpreted the U.S. reaction to these events as the weakeningof America's resolve to win the war. The North Vietnamese believedthat victory could be theirs,if they stayed their course.
From 1969 until the end of the war, over 20,000 American soldiers lost their lives in a war that the United States did not have the resolve to win. The sensationalism by the American news media and the anti-war protests following the 1968 Tet Offensive gave hope to Communist North Vietnam, strengthening their belief that their will to succeed was greater than ours. Instead of seeking a successful resolution at the Paris Peace Conference following the disastrous defeat of the 1968 Tet Offensive, they employed delay tactics as another tool to inflame U.S. politics. This delaying tactic spurned further anti-war demonstrations. Those who sensationalized their reporting of the war and those who supported anti-war demonstrations are guilty of giving our enemy hope. Because of their actions, they must share partial responsibility for those 20,000 + Americans deaths.
We won the war on the battlefield but lost it back home on the college campuses and in the city streets.
Americans must realize that there are agents* operating in this Country attempting to undermine our Country and it's leadership through our democratic principles in an effort to achieve a foreign country's goal. A prime example of such a person during the Vietnam War was Jane Fonda, an admitted Socialist, who blatantly supported North Vietnam. * Agent - Any person who works to obtain the goals of another nation either for money or for their own political beliefs.
A valuable lesson was taught by North Vietnam to other nations on how the United States may be defeated by fighting a two front war - the battlefield and the American home front. We must be aware of this vulnerability.
In1975,after the fall of the South Vietnam Government, Jane Fonda returned toHanoi with her newborn son Troy for a celebration in her honor for thework she haddone for North Vietnam. During the celebration, her son was christenedafter aViet Cong hero, Nguyen Van Troi. Troi had attempted to assassinateSecretary of Defense Robert McNamara while on his visit to SouthVietnam in 1963. The South Vietnam Government executed Troi for this attemptedassassination.
I have heard and readthat some people believe that Jane Fonda was simply young and impressionable. Jane Fonda was born on December 21, 1937. She was 34 years old when she made her infamous trip to North Vietnam and was in her 30's when sheparticipated in anti-war demonstrations and rallies. During this same time period a largenumber of young American soldiers, who had not yet reached their 21st birthday, were fighting the war in Vietnamand were held accountable for all of their actions. These same young soldiers were, upon their returnto the United States, still not of legal age to vote or buy alcoholic beverages. Jane Fonda was an adultwhen she made these conscious decisions and actions, and assuch, she is responsible and should be held accountable. The Vietnam Memorial Wall contains the names of 25,493 Americansoldiers who served their Country and paid the ultimate price for freedom who were underthe age of 21 ( Casualty Statistics).
Many Veterans would have enjoyed seeing the following mug shot of Jane Fonda taken for her treasonous acts, instead ofthe bogus drug charge which was later dropped.
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