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One of the oldies Sauna in HK.  Looks like there are some changes recently.

Any Ching can provide some update?  Services & price etc.....


呢間場冇去 N 年啦....就算點裝修都真係冇乜性趣再去... h:" />

相關搜索目錄: 裝修


我早兩日試咗呢個場, 大堂服務幾好, 我做咗@仔, 都幾好...


What is the price now?  I think the service they provide is same as before, right?


Now they have promotion, normal is $988 for full service, after 10pm less $100, if you bring more friend together, can less more $100-200.  Trust they have change the management and the girls recently...


Sounds good, any number recommend?


Just went once and tried @...which is ok...


$988 for full service !

I trust the management is sick or they think now is1989 instead of 2009.


原帖由 Kilopapa 於 2009-9-24 11:02 發表
$988 for full service ! h:" />

I trust the management is sick or they think now is1989 instead of 2009.
Many years ago, HJ package was charged at $1,100 - $1,200 there.  
The night manager/supervisor was used to rush me into the sauna room
as soon as I sat down in the resting hall and had a drink.     


You are absloutely right and those were the good old days.  

The world has totally changed and now is 2009.  Today HK$988 for full service in a North Point massage is damn expensive.

I still remember the very first time I went to a Japanese style night club in TST in 1984, the girl asked for HK$1,500 for a quick shot in Kowloon Tong.  Those day a U grad can eanr no more then HK$5,000 a month.  Who else can ask for 1,500 for one shot today?

All those Mama San earned big money and live in mid-level.  We even need to get a number and line up in front of the club for a room.  HK$1,000 (including tips) just for vegi massge is no big deal.


Yes,  it has changed a lot.   

Nowadays a lot of sauna lovers cannot afford anymore
and/or do not feel like to pay the same amount of expenses
of 20 years ago.   

20 years ago, basic salaries were most likely increased
year by year by 10% in average.   
You did not need to worry about your job.   


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2009-9-25 11:22 發表

Many years ago, HJ package was charged at $1,100 - $1,200 there.  
The night manager/supervisor was used to rush me into the sauna room
as soon as I sat down in the resting hall and had a d ...
咦! 玩懷喎. 個個 c hing 都話當年, 我都趁下熱鬧先.    n 年前 (十年內啦), 真係唔記得幾耐啦, 成日黎起機都係七舊, 唔使千幾. 再早的就唔知啦.
幣, 咪俾人知我都係老餅?   




change managment, price unchanged.  locker and waiter changed. girl still middle.


回復 12# 的帖子

老餅 is not a problem. We were lucky to enjoy the golden age of HK in the  80's & 90's.  Look at the young guys today, I doubt very much if they can afford HK$800-1,000 for a HJ service.  


原帖由 Kilopapa 於 2009-9-28 17:36 發表
老餅 is not a problem. We were lucky to enjoy the golden age of HK in the  80's & 90's.  Look at the young guys today, I doubt very much if they can afford HK$800-1,000 for a HJ service.  
Kilopapa hing,
Exactly.         I am proud I am so mature today.   
BTW, do you still remember the "Diamond Palace" in Wanchai?   


回復 16# 的帖子

yes, I remembered those good old days, we can play Mahjong around 4pm and then go Tea-Dance as the business were just so easy to get and only 1/2 of the time we could meet or exceed our sales quota already.

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2009-9-29 16:28 發表

Kilopapa hing,
Exactly.         I am proud I am so mature today.   
BTW, do you still remember the "Diamond Palace" in Wanchai?   
鑽石皇宮我都去過, 但大多數都係 c9 喎, 個時冇咁多場, 張張就就啦. 哈, 我仲試過 兩點幾蛇去, 返黎啱啱夠鐘放工.   個時真係朝九晚五, 五點幾就收得工啦!  點同宜家七八點都唔走得吖!


回復 16# 的帖子

Sure, Diamond Palace in Wanchai near Southern Playground.  It was like HK$8xx for HJ. But after visited there for a few times, the police always go there to "release snake" and caught a number of bgs.

I remember the very last time, after putting oil to my little brother, the bg then rub my egg egg but didn't touch my little brother.  I then asked her what happen, she said police came yesterday to "release snake" and caught a couple of bgs.   So she was qutie afraid and then asked me to do the HJ myself and she can suck my nibble and rub the egg.  Isn't is funny?  Of course I totally lost my mood and just asked the bg go. After that I never return to this place anymore.


原帖由 garylock 於 2009-9-29 17:00 發表
yes, I remembered those good old days, we can play Mahjong around 4pm and then go Tea-Dance as the business were just so easy to get and only 1/2 of the time we could meet or exceed our sales quota al ...
garylock hing,

Yes, those were the days with so called,  "good" memories.      

Nowadays no matter how hard you work, it is so difficult to achieve your sales target.   

相關搜索目錄: Dance


原帖由 long_dum 於 2009-9-29 21:09 發表

鑽石皇宮我都去過, 但大多數都係 c9 喎, 個時冇咁多場, 張張就就啦. 哈, 我仲試過 兩點幾蛇去, 返黎啱啱夠鐘放工.   個時真係朝九晚五, 五點幾就收得工啦!  點同宜家七八點都唔走得 ...
long dum hing,

係呀, 且以前冇幾多間好玩的場.   

鑽石皇宮, 係我在港島區玩的第一間有規模的場,

囡囡制服前面設計有拉連,  方便大家互動.   

E+工作真係冇以前咁輕鬆, 揼骨都去少咗.   


原帖由 Kilopapa 於 2009-9-30 10:47 發表
Sure, Diamond Palace in Wanchai near Southern Playground.  It was like HK$8xx for HJ. But after visited there for a few times, the police always go there to "release snake" and caught a number of bgs. ...
Kilopapa hing,

That was the one, and that's why it had to be closed down at the end.   

You had met really a "funny" BG at that time, unfair to you.   

No matter what, thereafter, I shifted to the King's Sauna.   


咁其實仲有無帥兄去呢間場, 有無好介紹, 好似有個人!*都幾好喎?


I have never been to this Sauna.

Any good no. recommend?

BTW, any C-hing has good news abiut Saunas in North Point?




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