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[桑拿浴室] 皇室水療

原帖由 kkleung 於 2009-9-25 18:33 發表

A few years ago?Do you mean when it was still under the name 'Victoria'?
It should be, but I could not 100% sure.   


原帖由 long_dum 於 2009-9-25 19:48 發表

Royal Sauna Spa 在尖咀都有一間呀.   

有時間等我去尖咀望望先.  Thanks.   

[ 本帖最後由 boot_boot 於 2009-9-26 10:16 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 26# 的帖子

boot boot hing,I remember going there for a number of times when it was under the name 'Victoria'.....the first few visits were pure massage only,I recall the place was still under renovation,but all in a sudden everything had changed in my last visit,new people,new plans(no more vegi).....then it got done by the police....sad.


原帖由 kkleung 於 2009-9-26 12:07 發表
boot boot hing,I remember going there for a number of times when it was under the name 'Victoria'.....the first few visits were pure massage only,I recall the place was still under renovation,but all  ...
kkleung hing,

Yes, pure massage was served to us when we visited it about 4-5 years ago.

I had been there only ONCE, and the comment was "average".   


回復 29# 的帖子

Boot-boot hing,
I felt strange of seeing a whole new group of people in my last visit,didnt expect anything but a vegi session UNTIL I walked into the room,the BG....wow.....then....Oh,oh......
Very sad that it got done by the police so quickly.
Good old memories,,,,,


原帖由 kkleung 於 2009-9-26 13:38 發表
Boot-boot hing,
I felt strange of seeing a whole new group of people in my last visit,didnt expect anything but a vegi session UNTIL I walked into the room,the BG....wow.....then....Oh,oh......:lovel ...
kkleung hing,

Yes, that's the world which would bring you good memories.   

However it was a pity that the game was over.     

One should enjoy himself whenever it would be possible,
or else,   ............................................................................



原帖由 boot_boot 於 2009-9-26 13:51 發表

kkleung hing,

Yes, that's the world which would bring you good memories.   

However it was a pity that the game was over.     

One should enjoy himself  ...
Boot hing,well said,very well said.
200% agree,enjoy yourself while you can,why make your life hard when you have the resources to do/see nice and enjoyable things?You only live once.
Good evening.


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Couple of years ago was 皇室宮殿  now is 皇室水療.

Victoria was long time ago.

相關搜索目錄: 水療


原帖由 kkleung 於 2009-9-26 21:25 發表

Boot hing,well said,very well said.
200% agree,enjoy yourself while you can,why make your life hard when you have the resources to do/see nice and enjoyable things?You only live once.
Good ...
kkleung hing,  
Thanks for your compliments.   Yes, life is really short.   
Better enjoy more saunas and massages while one is still young.  


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