推介:| 英語課程 | 職業英語 | English course | English learning | Toeic | Bulats |






請求:以下是我一些英文作文段落(十題) ,有勞各位英文高手幫我修改以下的英文句子,改善內容、不好或錯誤的地方,讓句子表達得更美好。

The school holds some activity of solving problems. It can uplift dealing with problems by themselves. They can know how to solve the problems when they encountered difficulties. Through these activities, it fosters them have a sense of dealing with problems independently, which is quite necessary in their future career.
Many young people like music. This is a most of common activity in young people. They usually go to karaoke box to sing their love songs. This activity not only let them relieve their studying stress, but also they can keep a good relationship with their friends through this social activity.
Tourism is regarded as a key pillar of local economic development. It can bring a lot of foreigners come to consume in Hong Kong, thereby uplift economic development of Hong Kong. Tourism helps to promote the development of many industries such as transport, hotel, service and so on. Tourism creates more jobs to relieve the pressure of unemployment.
Students can learn to team spirit and interpersonal skills. They would contact with many people through joining team activities. They need to cooperate and discuss with others in order to solve the problems. Through joining team activities, they thereby uplift these skills, which will be very useful in their future life.
Studying aboard gives you have new challenges and opportunities in order to learn about different cultures of the world. It will be a valuable experience in your life. You can learn experience a new culture. It can widen your horizon and view of the world. It makes you have a real eye opener.
Studying aboard gives you learn a foreign language. Owing to you need to use a foreign language to communicate with others every day. They use the language of chance will be increase. They will be improving how to use the language. Finally, they can become fluent in a foreign language, which will be very useful in their career life.
The government should provide more environment protection education for people in order to increase their related knowledge. They will know that environment protection is very important when their knowledge is uplifted. They will reduce polluting environment, finally environment thereby improved. This is a good way to perform environment protection.
I suggest using internet for promotion. The way of internet promotion such as forum, advertising and so on can introduce information and the product. Because most people use the internet for communication and information exchange. This can let public aware of the product, thereby achieve result of promotion.
The organization should make a schedule to carry out the tasks. We clearly show team members their working hours and jobs. This not only lets all people know what I do, how I do, when I do. But also this can make them feel this is systematically, thereby avoids conflict. Thus, this can uplift working efficiency.
I reckon as students should do the exercise more. The exercise is a good way to good health. Exercise can also relieve mental fatigue to focus on work. Therefore, I suggest the school should hold more sport activities such as football, swimming, tennis and so on in holiday. We also encourage students take part in sports their free time.

[ 本帖最後由 jobilam 於 2009-10-10 18:45 編輯 ]


Since young people love music, one of their most common pastimes is sing of their favorite songs in karaoke lounge, which not only relax overpressure from studying, but also keep better relationship with their friends.


我所知karaoke box係指一部機器∼∼如果你話karaoke box係一間舖頭名,咁就要用大草開頭,但係如果你當佢係舖頭名,句子意思又會變得好怪,似賣廣告多過文章∼∼love songs唔係錯,不過我估你原意係想講後生仔鐘意唱佢地喜歡的歌,所以我改為favorite songs會合你意思啲;love song係指情歌,“their love songs”意思變了“佢哋的情歌”,意思好古怪

相關搜索目錄: 廣告




Tourism has regarded as a key bolster of local economic development by bringing a large number of tourists to consume in Hong Kong; meanwhile, it also contributes other industries, such as, transportation, hotel, service and so on, shrinking the unemployment rate via creating new jobs.
西歐句子有個中國人唔鐘意的特色,就是一句可以好長好長∼∼分分鐘成段百幾二百字完了後才有一個full stop,中國人睇得好辛苦∼但鬼佬睇就好啱洗∼坊間有啲翻譯成中文的英文書,都犯上這個毛病∼譯者見句英文好長,所以譯成中文時也譯成好長∼中國人睇呢啲翻譯書會睇到嘔血∼但我們寫英文時最好學吓呢啲鬼佬習慣∼不要把句子斬得太碎太短∼盡可能一句寫清哂自己想表達的意思∼你睇吓英文報紙就知∼寫句子碎的程度可以睇到一個人英文的功力∼

相關搜索目錄: 報紙


By joining the team’s activities, students not only gain more opportunity to get along with other people but also learn team spirit building and interpersonal skill via cooperation and discussion with others in order to get rid of problems.  This experience is very useful to their future.




The organization should make a schedule to carry out the tasks. We clearly show team members their working hours and jobs. This not only lets all people know what I do, how I do, when I do. But also this can make them feel this is systematically, thereby avoids conflict. Thus, this can uplift working efficiency.

The organization should come up with a procedure regarding tasks, which will show team members their working hours and job details.  This will let all know what they do, how they do, when they do, but also making work more systematic and avoiding job conflicts.  Therefore improving work efficiency.




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