I seldom go to Shanghai. Last week, I went there for 2nd time only. I went to HK City during my short stay.
It was my first time to go there.
The basic charge is RMB 158 for bathing, 188 for 1st hour of massage and 168 for 2nd hour. The tips is 400 for HJ. The rooms at 4th floor is more expensive.
Frankly speaking, it is too expensive. The high class saunas in Guangdong such as Zhuhai , DG, etc. are much better in terms of value.
The qualiy of BGs I saw were not as good as expected. Actually I was disapointed. I had seen 5 BGs. The first 4 were really unacceptable. The last was OK although she was not outstanding compared to some BGs I tried in Zhuhai & DG's saunas.
She said ML is not allowed and RMB10,000???? will be fined if they are known to ml with customer.
But surprisingly, she ml with me proactively. The condom was provided by her....... In fact, I also don't know why..........(我絕對是過客一名,就算佢想令我翻食,我都唔知何年何月再去上海) While ML, she really showed worry to be discovered. She often watched the door even put a towel over a lamp to make the room even darker.
To sum up, unless there is no chance to try the saunas in Guangdong or just to try Shanghai sauna and don't care about expenses( I can accept high price if the quality really matches with it), personally I don't recommend this place.