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[檔案] 深圳大場按鬆腿打埋飛機~爽!

水都之嘛, 成日都有女撩你呀...有乜神奇...
spa d 女仲講明比你知乜價錢有乜玩...但太貴了...試過一次就無試lu...佢地(SPA,美容)同你做完後, 有幾個仲諗住私人做, 平過水都價錢在佢家大戰...係得一個比較技術好d, 同佢玩左幾次都肯一樣價錢過埋夜任執幾多Q口爆又肯...有次仲拍左VIDEO兩個一齊回味, 變態野就梗係無呀...

相關搜索目錄: 美容 SPA Video


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我都好想知.. 係邊個場... 係大堂真係激左D ...


原帖由 comeonbaby 於 2010-5-6 14:34 發表
水都之嘛, 成日都有女撩你呀...有乜神奇...
spa d 女仲講明比你知乜價錢有乜玩...但太貴了...試過一次就無試lu...佢地(SPA,美容)同你做完後, 有幾個仲諗住私人做, 平過水都價錢在佢家大戰...係得一個比 ...

相關搜索目錄: 美容 SPA



oday's experience started off great but ended in disaster.  It isjust like the TV show called "when good time turns bad".  It is kind
of long but I hope all of you read to the end.

Last week, one of the sauna girl mentioned another girl in the same
sauna place looks pretty good and has good body (including big
breast).  So, before going to the sauna, I called and reserved this
girl that I never met before.  After I arrived and entered the room, I
was surprised that this girl does look pretty good and her body is
hot.  Her breasts are BIG and the shape is sexy.  I tried to take
pictures of her while she was giving massage.  After 30 minutes, I
stopped the massage and started to have fun.  She was very friendly to
me and allowed me to explore her body.  I can't tell you how enjoyable
it was to slowly take her top off, then remove the sexy bra and let
those two large and beautiful breasts free.  Her nipples are just
perfect in size and pink.  The breasts felt so good in my hand and so
good in my mouth.  While kissing her breast and squeezing her other
breast with my other hand, my other hand was feeling her smooth leg
and squeezing her butt.  I felt like in heaven.  She would not let me
take pictures without her cloth on.  So I only have the two pictures
below.  The room was dark but you can still see how beautiful and full
her breasts are.  And her skin was very white too.

Before the time was up, she wanted to give me a HJ.  I said sure.  My
hands were still all over her while she was giving me HJ.  She was
also very turned on by my hands and kept squeezing my dick tighter and
tighter as she stroked up and down.  Toward the end, she somehow
squeezed my dick so tight that I felt a sudden pain.  A few minutes
later, some blood was flowing out of my dick and I feel this swollen
pain inside.  She said sorry and I was freaking out.  I wiped the
blood but more blood kept dripping out.  From the outside, you can't
see any injury, so the injury must be inside.  Even after I came home
some blood is still dripping out but a bit less than before.  Even
right now, I still have pain and I'm scared to death.  Is there any
doctor here that can give me some insight as to what type of injury I
may have?  The pain is not extremely painful and less painful now than
2 hours ago.  Since it is an injury and not a disease, I'm wondering
if it will heal on its own.  Anyway, I regret this whole experience
and wish I didn't go today.

I wasn't in the mood to write about my tragedy today and wasn't
thinking of sharing with you guys.  But then I thought, we (sauna
lovers and anyone who likes to go to prostitutes) are all jerks and
God or Fate will punish us one way or another some day for fucking
around and treating girls as sex object.  So, I thought that by
sharing my painful experience today, maybe some of you will take my
advise and be a better man and respect girls no matter how horny you
are.  I was in Heaven and now in Hell for being an asshole.  Needless
to say, I won't be going to sauna anymore and just pray that my little
brother will heal 100%.  Lastly, I want to apologize for all the girls
that I enjoyed for my own sexual pleasure.  Even though I paid in
exchange for fondling their body, it is still not right of me and I'm
very sorry now.

Some of you are probably laughing your ass off and think such stupid
thing will never happen to you and only happen to others.  Well
believe me, what goes around comes around.  I've been playing around
for many years and I couldn't believe what has happened to me today.
It is just a matter of time before God or Fate punishes you for all
the bad things you done in life.  So, we should all try to be a better
man and stay faithful to our love ones.




foot massage is massaging your feet and leg massage is massaging your thighs and depends which thigh, the 3rd one is your little brother. But be careful don't over do it like the upstair brother. Bleeding dick is a very scary thing because you will so worry that you can't use it again.


原帖由 hongkonger 於 2010-6-7 18:40 發表
Today's experience started off great but ended in disaster.  It isjust like the TV show called "when good time turns bad".  It is kind
of long but I hope all of you read to the end.

La ...
From where you quoted the story, the 教育版...??

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2010-6-16 18:03 編輯 ]


回復 82# 的帖子

your story is too long and tedious  hard to read!


原帖由 G4teamate 於 2010-6-17 04:39 發表
your story is too long and tedious  hard to read!

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2010-6-17 11:34 編輯 ]


原帖由 hongkonger 於 2010-6-7 18:40 發表
Today's experience started off great but ended in disaster.  It isjust like the TV show called "when good time turns bad".  It is kind
of long but I hope all of you read to the end.
La ...
Wow .... 好鬼辛苦咁睇晒成篇野 ...    
真係 正如 大海 ching 話齋: 说教既文章离既。。
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆


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原帖由 hongkonger 於 2010-6-7 10:40 發表

Today's experience started off great but ended in disaster.  It isjust like the TV show called "when good time turns bad".  It is kind
of long but I hope all of you read to the end.

La ...
ching, just read your story.
take some antibiotics (you can buy from some drug stores without prescription), i suspect the internal bleeding was due to some tissues damaged in your penis, she squeezed you hard while you were erecting. it will probably heal within a few days (hope by now your are ok)




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nice experience, thanks!


that is very good experience, l think where it is, l should go and try.


原帖由 天使之施 於 2009-11-25 01:59 發表
啱啱星期日上咗去深圳買野,買完去吃飯,之後見重有小小時間咪去某大場(邊間吾講自己估)休息下,吾夠時間按身但又想去衝個涼,為咗滿足最低消費,諗住做兩個大堂項目夠數就搞掂坐埋佢公司車走人回 ...
1. 我知邊間, 好多brother試過啦
2. 果度d其他工作人員都知鬆腿妹有此服務
3. 呢間場50巴仙bone gal都可飛機架啦


睇見都好過癮, 多謝分享


thanks for sharing


原帖由 天使之施 於 2009-12-2 22:36 發表
大部份人都話係「水都」,乜深圳大場得「水都」有鬆腿項目咩? 奇怪?~
你冇講錯呀,友台1x1每天都有水景,水都or水方之鬆腿report話又到位兼越位 ,有乜出奇呢!


回復 1# 的帖子

thanks for information








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