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[原創] 轉貼 : 解答澳門夜遊桑拿短片

轉貼 : 解答澳門夜遊桑拿短片


The video shown on the internet is the hotel I always went.  The hotel is Hotel Sintra Sauan.  

The suana has two types of tickets to be bought, namely, $490 for 1/2 hr., $1380 included (1 and 1/4hr. and included the go and back tickets).  I have tried it before, it mainly the Thailand and Vietnam BG and few Chinese BG.  The room is quite old but acceptable.  No food and drink will be provided as other saunas.  

No show will be provided.  But you can take the BG to the hotel to play but of course you need to spent money to book a room.  The fare of a twin room is about $430, no breakfast included.  There was another feeling like girl-friend or wife feel when you play with the BGs at room.  You can talk and eat with the BG at your room.  Take a bath with her at your room is another feeling.  It is good.

Try it if you like.

相關搜索目錄: Video


ic thks for ur advice, i always want to go macau~


Where is the Hotel Sintra Sauan???
Can you forward the link of video?

相關搜索目錄: Video


Good & more details please.


where is the video? where is the link?

相關搜索目錄: Video


more details please..


Good & more details please.


I have tried very top form Korean model at sauna in Sintra ... 3 years ago. And the price was 1480.

I walked in and ask for high quality girls. The pimp led me to a room with couples of Nroth China chic - 1180, I said too expensive for China chic. Then he showed me to some higher quality China models in the next room - 1380. Well, much nicer .. Before I could response, the pimp said: Boss, if u are not satisfy with these, I still have some good stuff. Then he took me to a secret room with two Korean models. Both were tall, beautiful face, good body shape, long legs. And the best was that they were flirting me.
I finally fucked one. No verbal communication but good body interaction. That was the best Korean girl I ever rode. Even better than those whore house in Seoul.


原帖由 c0179614 於 2006-11-11 08:22 PM 發表

The video shown on the internet is the hotel I always went.  The hotel is Hotel Sintra Sauan.  

The suana has two types of tickets to be bought, namely, $490 for 1/2 hr., $1380 incl ...
thanks for your reporting.

相關搜索目錄: Video


原帖由 c0179614 於 2006-11-11 08:22 PM 發表

The video shown on the internet is the hotel I always went.  The hotel is Hotel Sintra Sauan.  

The suana has two types of tickets to be bought, namely, $490 for 1/2 hr., $1380 incl ...
$490 is good price for a fast food.  I tried two Thai's before.  Please remember to choose those who smile to you.  Usually they have better service.

相關搜索目錄: Video


Can you forward the link of video?

相關搜索目錄: Video


More details will be appreciated




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