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[建議] Wedding4u 高級歐洲晚裝禮服 結婚行禮敬酒伴娘姊妹舞會外影

Wedding4u 高級歐洲晚裝禮服 結婚行禮敬酒伴娘姊妹舞會外影

Website: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/wedding-4u1

Company Overview: Wedding4u offers a range of European styled wedding dresses and evening gowns for brides, bridesmaids and other female attendants. Suitable for balls, parties, proms or just the special evening out. Our exceptionally good value for money prices allows you to buy and keep at a cost which is comparable with hire charges from other companies. Sizes S to XXXL available from stock, PayPal accepted. Please view the album now http://picasaweb.google.com/wedding4u.hk - wedding4u@rocketmail.com (我們就在觀塘, 由MTR行5分鐘就到)

Mission: We ensure you to be a pride bride with our high-end styled dresses with good quality and elegant design.

Products: Wedding dress, evening gown, party dress, prom dress: suitable for bridals, bridesmaids & other female attendants.
Wedding4u 歐洲款婚紗晚裝觀塘門市敬請預約


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