±À¤¶:| ½Õ¸Ñ­û½Òµ{ | Makeup Course | Hypnosis course | English course | NLP training | cissp cisa cism | Àç¾i¾Ç½Òµ{ |


©Ê, ·R, ÂIºw

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


¥J¥J­è©ñ¾Çªð¨ì嚟, ¤S¨«¥h¦P©f©fª±, ¨ä¹êªìªì³£¦³¨Ç¾á¤ß¥L·| get jealous, ¦ý¦n¦n±mÊ\¤Q¤Àµh¿ü©O­Ó©f©f. ©ÎªÌÊ\哋­Ç­Ó¬Û®t¦³ 9 ¦~啩.  ¦³¦Ï«§my husband, ¦³¨â­Ó¤pªB¤Í.....§Ú¤v¸g«Ü¤ß¨¬¤F......moreover, I'm just a little woman in ordinary life.  ­ø......let me carry on my words.......

·í¥L­þ¸Ü¨à´¡¶i§Ú³±¹Dªº®É­Ô, §Úªº¤âºò´¤着¥Lªº¤âÁu......."Sure you really okay, sweetie??" Ê\°Ý§Ú.  §Ú"³á"¤F¤@Án¤§«á´N¥Î§Úªº©C®B¶K¬Ý¥Lªº©C, ¥L¤j·§·N·|§Úªº signal, ©ó¬O¶}©l¥[§Ö¤F³t«×, §Úª¾¹D§Ú¦Û¤v«ÜÀã, ³s§É³æ¬Û«H¤]§ËÀã¤F......·íµM...¤@­Ó¤k¤H, Â÷±B±µªñ 2 ¦~, and carry a child.....°ò¥»¤W, ¥ç­ø®e³\§Ú¨º麽§Ö¥h±µ¨ü¥t¤@¬q·P±¡. ©Ò¥H°O±o·í¦~§Ú«Ü´÷±æ©M¥L°µ·R.......I mean, ¬½¬½ªº¤j·F¤@³õ.  ·í±ß, §ÚÄ@±æ¹F¨ì¤F.....Áö«h§Ú¨­Å餴«Ü攰«Üµê®z, ¨Ã¥B­n¨ü¨ºÃeµM¥¨ª«, ¦ý·í¬Ý着¥L¨º¸Ü¨à¦b§Úªº³±¹D©â´¡®É, §Ú feel ¨ì§Ú¤Q¤À¤§¿³¾Ä.  §Ú¥ç¹F¨ì¤F²Ä¤@¦¸ªº°ª¼é........" Ah!!  I'm gettin' high,.......Ple...ase...more.....Ah!!" ¬ðµM¥L§â¥Lªº³±²ô¤@´¡¦ÓºÉ, °_ªì, Kathy ÁÙ¥H¬°¥L¤v®g¤Fºë§¹¨Æ......Á¿¯u, ³Ì§À´¡¨ì³Ì¤Jªº¤@¤U¯uªº¦³¤@ºØ deep impact 嘅·Pı.....¥B±a¦³¤@ÂI¨àµh;  ¦ý­ì¨Ó¥LÁÙ¥¼§¹¨Æ,  ¥u¤£¹L¬O 20 ¤ÀÄÁ¥ª¥k©O!

·í®É嘅§ÚÁÙ¥¼¨Ó±o¤Î¤ÏÀ³, ¥L¤v§â§Ú¤ÏÂà¹L¨Ó, ¤S¨Ó­Ó2 nd attact.      ­ì¥» Kathy ³Ì³ß·Rªº doggie style, ¦ý¹ê¦b¤Ó攰¤F, remember I just raised my butt, ©M©ê着ªEÀY, §Ú Boss §â§Úªº§¾ªÑ¤À±o¶}¶},  µM«á´N¦V§Úªº¤p®ç·½¶iŧ......¥L«Ü·|¥O¨ì Kathy ı±oµÎªA, «Ü³ßÅw¥L¤@Ãä´¡着ªº¦P®É, ¥Lªº¤â¥ç·|¼¾áf着§Úªº­I¯á, «Ü¦³......IJ¹qªº·Pı.  ¹L¤F¤@°}, ¥L©â´¡ªº³t«×¥[§Ö¤F«Ü¦h.......§Ú«Ü¨É¨ü§Ú©M¥Lªº¨C¤@¨è, ¨C¤@¬í......§Ú¥çª¾¥L®t¤£¦h­n®gºë, §Ú¤£·Q¥Lªº¨º¸Ü¨àÂ÷¶}§Úªº³±¹D.....So I said : " My.......per...iod...ah!!....just ...just gone....a day....Huh...ah!!  yu...u...dun......ne...ed...to.....huh.....to...pull... it.....out..." Ê\ get ¨ì§Úªº message, «Ü¹³·à¤l¾ë¨ßªº§â§Ú´¡±o¦º¥h¬¡¨Ó.....³Ì«á¥LṲ̈F¤@Án«á, ¥L¥ç§âºë²G®g¶i§Ú³±¹D¤º.....Ãø±oªº¬O, ¥L¨º¤p§Ì§Ì®gºë¥H«á¤´µM«Ü®¼ªº, ¦Ó¥L, ©M¥Lªº¨º¸Ü¨à¤´µM¯d¦b Kathy ªºÅ餺, ¦Ó§Ú¥ç¥Î§Úªº¾l温, 温·x着¥Lªº¤p§Ì§Ì, ¦Ó¥L....´N¥Î¥LªºÂùÁuÅó着 Kathy, ¦Ó§Ú´N³o¼Ë­Ë¦V¥LªºÃhùبI¨IºÎ¤F.......

to be continued.........
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ kathywonder ©ó 2010-2-25 16:58 µoªíher
¥J¥J­è©ñ¾Çªð¨ì嚟, ¤S¨«¥h¦P©f©fª±, ¨ä¹êªìªì³£¦³¨Ç¾á¤ß¥L·| get jealous, ¦ý¦n¦n±mÊ\¤Q¤Àµh¿ü©O­Ó©f©f. ©ÎªÌÊ\哋­Ç­Ó¬Û®t¦³ 9 ¦~啩.  ¦³¦Ï«§my husband, ¦³¨â­Ó¤pªB¤Í.....§Ú¤v¸g«Ü¤ß¨¬¤F......m ...
oh..kathy.....i feel u could not  forget your ex-boss...isn't  it ?


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ fwl18 ©ó 2010-2-25 02:47 PM µoªí

oh..kathy.....i feel u could not  forget your ex-boss...isn't  it ?
§Ú³£Ä±±o«Y! ¥i¯àÊ\boss´¿¸ghurt¹LÊ\¦n²`, ¤£¹L¤S¦n¦ü­ø¦h¦ü; ¥i¯àkathy¯u«Y¦n·RÊ\¨ö. anyway, kathy, long time no see. ¦n°ª¿³§A¤w¸g¤S°µ¥ª¶ý«}³â. ¥R¤ß¯¬ºÖ§A©O!


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ kathywonder ©ó 2010-2-25 16:58 µoªí
¥J¥J­è©ñ¾Çªð¨ì嚟, ¤S¨«¥h¦P©f©fª±, ¨ä¹êªìªì³£¦³¨Ç¾á¤ß¥L·| get jealous, ¦ý¦n¦n±mÊ\¤Q¤Àµh¿ü©O­Ó©f©f. ©ÎªÌÊ\哋­Ç­Ó¬Û®t¦³ 9 ¦~啩.  ¦³¦Ï«§my husband, ¦³¨â­Ó¤pªB¤Í.....§Ú¤v¸g«Ü¤ß¨¬¤F......m ...
Is your boss an expatriate?


hi, kathy, it is so wonderful you come back and chat with us again, and i always admire your great experience in life, the most important thing is you find your true love. I am so happy for you.

thanks again for your sharing the  close encounter with your ex-boss


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ chiugor ©ó 2010-2-25 22:06 µoªí
hi, kathy, it is so wonderful you come back and chat with us again, and i always admire your great experience in life, the most important thing is you find your true love. I am so happy for you.

th ...
Long time never see, ¶W­ô.  Kathy's doin' fine, but busy on her little angel now.  Should know baby needs more care and God bless my husband always by my side that I feel pleased.  Thx for askin' and Happy New Year also......

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ soccerfans ©ó 2010-2-25 18:45 µoªí

Is your boss an expatriate?
Yes, he was, but 's been back to London since 2007.  he's Scottish but raise in London.......
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ ¤¤¥X¥¿¨k ©ó 2010-2-25 11:29 µoªí
kathy¦n­@ÉN¨£ Ä~Äò°Õ

Hey!  Good to see you.  Thx for askin' and I'm doin' fine.......I always think.....A woman needs love 'cause they wanna find someone to rely on, and now I found, and I'll love my hus 'til the last.  And please say Hi to Condi and Maki, and Kathy miss'em too......

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....




¹ï©óÊ\, ( My Boss) ·Q·í¦~喺§Ú³Ì§C¼é嘅®É´Á, ©¯¦n¦³Ê\喺¨­Ãä, ·í¦~¥J¥J¦~¬ö©|¤p, §Ú¥ç­èÂ÷±B¤£¤[, ¦PÊ\·í®É¥ç¥u«Y¤W¥q¤UÄÝÃö«Y, ­ø­p喺U.S. 嗰®É­ÓABC ¨k¤Íªº¸Ü, Ê\ºâ«Y§Ú²Ä¤@­Ó¥~°ê¨k¤Í.....(ºâ­øºâ BF, ¨ä¹ê§Ú³£­øª¾, ¦]¬°Ê\«Y§Ú¤W¥q, §Ú­ø·Q¥OÊ\Ãø°µ, «á¨Ó¤Ï¦Ó«YÊ\¥D°Ê°l¨D§Ú......¤§«á........Anyway, µL½×喺¤ßÆF¤W, 喺©Ê¼¤¤W, Ê\³£¤ñ¨ì§Úº¡¨¬.......©ÎªÌ¨ì§Ú¦~¦Ñ¦â°I®É, ³£¥i¥H­Ú¨ì§Ú¤@ÂI¦^¾Ð©O......
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


¶â, ¹ï§Ú¨Ó»¡, ¦³±¡¦³©Ê, ¨º·Pı¨Ó±o¯S§O¨è°©»Ê¤ß, ¤]½T¥O¤H¦^¨ý, ¤[¤[¤£¯à¿i·À


Good la, Kathy.  keep going on!


©O´X¤é»á¼ö, D µu¿Çµu¸È¥ç¥i¥H©ðªð¥X嚟.  ¦n±m¥Í§¹¤k¤k®t¤£¦h 9 ­Ó¤ë¤§«á¨­ÅéÉNÉA¯fµh, ¥i¥H¦w¤ß­×¨­. ¦Ó®a¦^´_ªð±ø26 ¦T¸y.  Ëݧڤ£ìг£³gè°¬[°Õ. «e±ß¦Ï«§喺¬P¥[©Yªð嚟 (¥X咗 Trip ¤é, ºG, ºG!!)  嗰±ß settle 咗 2 ­Ó¤pªB¤Í瞓咗¤§«á, ­Ú¤S喺«á­± bear hug ¦í, ¦Ï«§¤@¿ü§Ú¦Õ¯]§Ú´N¸}³n¬[嘞......­ü!! ÉNÊ\Ëݦn®ð, 着咗¥ó­I¤ß and µu¿Ç¥J´N·Ç³Æ take shower....(§Úª¾Ê\嗰±ß¦n·Q, ©Ò¥H§Ú­Ú咗­Ó hints Ê\......."®D!! ¨R ~ ~ ~ ²D§r......then, §Ú·n¤@º½§Úªº§¾ªÑ.....¨S·Q¨ìªù³£¥¼Ãö¤W, Ê\¤x¸g«æ¤£¤Î«Ýªº§è¤U§Úªºµu¿Ç and under, (actually M¨«咗¤§«á¯S§O·Q°µ, but he wasn't at home...) §Ú´N¬Oµ¹¥L¬ðµM¤@´¡, ¦n·QÜÌ¥X嚟.....¤£¹L³£"吖"咗¤@Án, (¦n±mµá¶Ä瞓喺ªñ kitchen ¶¡©Ð.) Ê\¸ò¦í¸Ü: " com on babe!  You miss that, hah??"  §Ú¸ò¦íÂàÀY±æ¦íÊ\, ¥Î¤@­Ó»á lusty 嘅²´¯« said...."fuxk me harder, i like ur.....hah....ur....hard ....ah.....co..xk.....ah!!"  §Ú­±¦VÃè, Âù¤â撑¦í¬~¤â¬Ö......´¡咗 10 mins ¥ª¥k, ¸}¥J¦³ d ³n and ­ø¤p¤ß¶^咗喺¦a.  ¦Ï«§§ßªð§Ú°_¨­,  ¼M!! ¥ò«Y¦nµw.....§Ú¤J咗¥h shower rm, and ¶}咗ªáÏs, ¯Sµn¥sÊ\喺¥X­±, ·íµM°Õ, §AÀ³¬°Ê\·|¯d喺¥X­±«§........Ê\¤@¥´¶}ªù´N喺§Ú«á­±"·þ"¤J嚟......­øª¾«Y«}¤§«e¦³Áý¤H¥¤, ©Ò¥H¯Ý³£¤ñ¤§«e¤j咗¤@­Ócup (ÅÜ咗34 D, ÉNªk, °­¥s§Ú«Y°ª©f...) Feel ¨ì¦Ï«§·Q®gºë.....Ê\¦n¤j¤OËÝ®»¦í§ÚÂùÁu·Q®g喺¤J«K.....¦º嘞.....­ø±o¬[.....­ø·Q¤S¤j¨{§r.......§ÚºÊµwfing ¶}Ê\¦ýª¾Ê\®t­ø¦h­n®g.......§Ú¬ðµM¸÷§C¨Ã¥Î¤f§t着¥Lªº³±²ô......Oor....shiiii.......§Úª¾¥L­n®g....so......«}®g¸¨§Ú¶ô­±«×Åo.   Ê\ª¾§Ú¦n·Q®g¤J¥h»q­±....(¤ñ¦Ñ¤½ËÝ®g¤J¥h¯u«Y¦nµÎªA¬[....) ¦ý¤k¤H¥Í§¹ BB «á¤@¬q®É¶¡«Y¦n©Ð pregnant ¬[, ­ø±o.....¤£¹LÊ\±ð«Y¾j咗¦n­@....®g咗¦n¦hºë²G¥X嚟........¨R§¹²D¤§«á, §Ú¥s¦Ï«§§¤¤W§É«×.......mark ¤j¥L¤jµÊ, ¤´µM¦nµw....©ó¬O§Ú«}¯º¥Lªº¤p§Ì§Ì¤Q¤À naughty, ¦Ï«§¤S°I, ¸Üªð§Ú...so you did !!  ¥Î¤f¿ü¦hÊ\¤@°}¤§«á, §Ú¥ÎÊ\...´N«YËÝ......ÉNµÛ­mËݤW§É瞓±Ð.....But §Ú³£ remind Ê\ : "­ø­ã喺§Ú瞓瞓吓ı®É¤S'·þ'¤J嚟§r.........Å¥´Â°e¥J¥Jªð¾Ç..."  Yes, mam.  ¦Ï«§ said.

We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


­ì©«¥Ñ kathywonder ©ó 2010-3-3 17:30 µoªí

©O´X¤é»á¼ö, D µu¿Çµu¸È¥ç¥i¥H©ðªð¥X嚟.  ¦n±m¥Í§¹¤k¤k®t¤£¦h 9 ­Ó¤ë¤§«á¨­ÅéÉNÉA¯fµh, ¥i¥H¦w¤ß­×¨­. ¦Ó®a¦^´_ªð±ø26 ¦T¸y.  Ëݧڤ£ìг£³gè°¬[°Õ. «e±ß¦Ï«§喺¬P¥[©Yªð嚟 (¥X咗 Trip ¤é, ...
Kathy......after reading the above, i feel u are so sweet!


­ì©«¥Ñ fwl18 ©ó 2010-3-3 03:23 PM µoªí

Kathy......after reading the above, i feel u are so sweet!
­ø¥usweet, ¥ò¦n¦³¤ß¾÷¼g, §Ú«YÊ\©¾¹êfans嚟¬[......keep carry on, kathy!


long time no see...


¤µ´Â¦­ÝÓ¨®°e¥J¥Jªð¾Ç, Ëݳq±`³£«YµÛ¸È, ³gè°¹À! ¥h¨ìªñºÛ¥´¦Ñ¹D§¨À±´°¹D inter-section°±§C, ËÝ¥J¥J³q±`§¤«á®y¹À, ¤µ´Â§Ú½ÕÂਭ¥hÀ°Ê\Åoªð d o³¥, ¥i¯à°Ê§@¸û¤j, ±øµu¸È¿Æo¥ª¤W¨Ó, ¦¨±ø¤j»LÅS¤F¥X¨Ó, ¦³­Ó³f Van ¥q¾÷ (¦¨­ÓÄÐÀã¨ÐËÝ.) ¦b§Ú¹jÂ÷, «YËÝÚ»¨ì¹ê.......Á঺!!    ¥ò­n¤ñÊ\¸ò¨ìªð¾Ç®Õ.  ¥¿°I¤H!!     ´XÅåÊ\·|¸òªð«Î¥ø§r...........

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ kathywonder ©ó 2010-3-5 10:47 ½s¿è ]
We changed the world we made it ours to hold,
but dreams are made for those who really try,
this losing you is real,but I still feel you here inside.....


ha..kathy are so sexy...


¼M! kat©jpost¬Û³â, ¥¿. ªGµM«Yªø»Lè°¶ý.


¦^´_ 21# ªº©«¤l



­ì©«¥Ñ kathywonder ©ó 2010-3-4 12:59 µoªí
¤µ´Â¦­ÝÓ¨®°e¥J¥Jªð¾Ç, Ëݳq±`³£«YµÛ¸È, ³gè°¹À! ¥h¨ìªñºÛ¥´¦Ñ¹D§¨À±´°¹D inter-section°±§C, ËÝ¥J¥J³q±`§¤«á®y¹À, ¤µ´Â§Ú½ÕÂਭ¥hÀ°Ê\Åoªð d o³¥, ¥i¯à°Ê§@¸û¤j, ±øµu¸È¿Æo¥ª¤W¨Ó, ¦¨±ø¤j»LÅS¤F¥X¨Ó, ¦³­Ó³f Van ¥q ...
long time no see
¥ò«Y¦n¯Á¬J "¯Á" k ~!




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