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The 4400 (Season 2)

The 4400 (Season 2)

Nov 27






Wake Up Call (1) 4400




NTAC agent Tom Baldwin has been riding a desk job for the past twelve months, penance for his acts of insubordination, despite the fact that they were key in unlocking the mystery behind the 4400. Kyle, Tom's son, has been living under observation at NTAC, where he has endured numerous tests, revealing no new information. Diana Skouris, Tom's partner, appeals to Nina Jarvis, the new head of the Pacific Northwest Division of NTAC, to reinstate Tom in the field. On a personal note, Diana has adopted Maia Rutledge as her daughter, unaware that the girl still has precognitive insights. Meanwhile, Richard, Lily and their baby Isabelle, now six months old, are living in a mountain cabin hiding from Jordan Collier and NTAC. Collier has become the self-proclaimed figurehead of the 4400 and is on the verge of opening the first ¡§4400 Center,¡¨ a place not only for fellow returnees, but regular everyday people looking to ¡§unlock¡¨ the 4400 within themselves. And Shawn Farrell has left his family behind to become Collier's protˆmgˆm, using his healing ability to bring in big money contributors to the center






thank you brother ÁÂÁ§Aªº¤À¨É


Wake Up Call (2)¡@4400



NTAC gets a call from Abenson Psychiatric Hospital, where Tess Doerner, a 4400 paranoid schizophrenic, seems to have taken some sort of mind control over the institution's orderlies and inmates. Upon his release from NTAC, Kyle is determined to ¡§deprogram¡¨ Shawn and rescue him from Collier's clutches. And Richard and Lily are forced to flee their home when a religious zealot believes their baby, Isabelle, is the devil and must be destroyed.

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Voices Carry 4400


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Gary Navarro, a minor league baseball player back after a 30-year absence, finds that hearing everyone's unspoken thoughts is driving him to the edge of madness. When he seeks help from NTAC, the higher-ups are more interested in how he can unearth information about Jordan Collier than how they can assist Gary with getting his life back. As the case occupies the majority of his time, Tom finds himself struggling with his responsibilities as a single father. Meanwhile, Kyle starts to get his life back through the prospect of a new relationship, Diana finds herself dealing with the unexpected arrival of her younger sister April, and as Richard, Lily, and Isabelle continue their life on the run, Richard grows increasingly disturbed by his daughter's apparent abilities

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Weight of the World

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After a sixteen-year absence, 4400 member Trent Appelbaum accidentally discovers his ability to speed up weight-loss at an exponential rate on THE 4400. When Fortune Five Hundred companies come knocking at his door, each willing to pay top dollar for the right to put Trent's weight-loss ability on the open market, Trent's good luck takes a drastic turn for the worse when the people who¡¦ve sampled his weight-loss method become dangerously ill. Also, April (Natasha Gregson Wagner) learns that Maia can predict the future.

Meanwhile, Richard, Lily and Isabelle find a respite from their life on the road at the home of a fellow 4400, while at the 4400 Center, a celebrity pop-star joins Collier's cause. And as Kyle attempts to catch up on his teenage years by attending a frat party, he learns that too much fun can be dangerous.


As Fate Would Have It

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NTAC goes on full alert when a terrified Maia informs Diana that she had a vision Jordan Collier will be killed. As Tom and Diana scramble to find the potential assassin, Collier makes a surprise visit to Maia and her aunt April.

Meanwhile, Tom's troubles build at home, where an increasingly alarmed Kyle struggles to find the cause of his fugue states. An overjoyed Lily reunites with her daughter, Heidi, but when Lily introduces Heidi to Isabelle, it becomes clear that the infant doesn't approve of her stepsister's entrance into their lives.

Shawn brings one of the street kids, Liv, into the Center, hoping to give her a new, better life off the streets. And NTAC issues a subpoena, demanding Diana surrender Maia's diary of predictions.


Life Interrupted¡@



Tom Baldwin wakes up to find that everything in his world is different; he has a new wife, Alana, his son Kyle is a medical student, and most disturbing of all, no one's ever heard of the 4400. Ira Steven Behr, one of the series' executive producers, wrote the episode directed by Michael Watkins. While he still remains an agent working at NTAC with Diana, nothing else in his world resembles the predicament he was in twenty-four hours ago. His solace comes in the form of his spouse, Alana, who happens to be a 4400. Tom is stunned to learn that the parallel life he now has with Alana was created by the futurists to serve as a sanctuary for Tom. Now deeply in love with Alana, Tom is faced with the decision of whether to stay in this perfect life or return to his old one, where an uncertain future is depending on him.



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NTAC is called to the town of Granite Pass where the entire population has been eradicated by an unknown contagion. Tom and Diana soon discover the source, Jean Baker, a 4400. Now they must race against the clock to stop Jean before the death toll rises. Tom's new love, Alana, tries to bond with Kyle; meanwhile April wages a big bet, based on Maia's prediction of the outcome of a big sporting event.

At the 4400 Center, Matthew Ross, a lobbyist from Washington D.C., brings some political muscle to the movement and helps Shawn deal with the overwhelming responsibility of his ability to heal. And Lily fears the worst will happen if she brings her two daughters, Heidi and Isabelle, together again.



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Tom and Diana find themselves caught in the middle of an international incident when Edwin Mayuya (Hill Harper), a 4400 with the ability to repair damaged chromosomes in utero, is revealed to be a Rwandan war criminal. Despite the good Edwin has done, NTAC must weigh whether it is enough to absolve him of his crimes against humanity on THE 4400.

Meanwhile, Richard attends a bittersweet reunion with his old Korean War buddies. And as Diana deals with her sister April's (Natasha Gregson Wagner) abuse of Maia's ability, Shawn tries to reconnect with his own family.



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NTAC follows a series of clues leading them to Jordan Collier's killer, while Tom frantically searches for Kyle on THE 4400.

When Tom and Alana (guest star Karina Lombard) discover that Kyle murdered Jordan Collier, Tom struggles to choose between the law and his family. Meanwhile, at the 4400 Center, Danny invites Liv to a party, which complicates his reconciliation with his brother, Shawn.



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On Jordan Collier's birthday, an unknown 4400 releases a ¡§rage bomb¡¨ at NTAC causing all the male agents to revert to their primal instincts on
THE 4400.

In order to stop the spread of the behavior, NTAC goes into lockdown, sealing all personnel inside, including Dr. Max Hudson (guest star Tom Verica), who is tending to Maia, who is in the NTAC infirmary with a high fever and mysterious rash. Now it's up to Diana to stop the terrorist attack before it's too late.

Meanwhile, Lily suspects the 4400 Center may have nefarious motives toward Isabelle. And as Shawn adjusts to being the figurehead of the 4400 in the media spotlight, Kyle finds the prospect of a new romantic relationship.


The Fifth Page




When 4400s across the globe become ill with the same harsh and seemingly unfounded symptoms, former NTAC Commander Dennis Ryland returns to his former post to issue a warrant to quarantine those afflicted on THE 4400. Diana and Tom have no choice but to obey orders, which places Diana's daughter, Maia, and the woman Tom loves, Alana Mareva in confinement.

Meanwhile, in an effort to avoid the confinement of the quarantine in which the 4400s were kept when they first returned in August 2004, the 4400 Center establishes a safe house for its members. As the 4400s in hiding plot their next move, Agents Baldwin and Skouris race to find a cure for the inflicted, and discover a shocking secret in doing so.


Mommy's Bosses¡@



Tom and Diana take the law into their own hands to save The 4400 members from the mysterious illness in season finale of THE 4400. While Tom races against the clock to save his wife, Alana (guest star Karina Lombard), from the illness, Tom clashes with his former boss, Dennis Ryland (guest star Peter Coyote), who has been harboring a dark secret regarding the origin of the illness.

Meanwhile, Kyle makes a decision that will change the course of his life forever, and Shawn faces his greatest challenge as a healer





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