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原帖由 apollo5661 於 2010-7-5 10:48 發表
冇去到小吉, 前兩日兩去左姚虹同埋同沁苑, 一樣如常運作, 姚虹d女好似少左質素下降左, 同心苑唔錯, 但係裝修開始舊, 連d衫都好殘又唔換, 印象分大打折扣星期五再去好地方, 198 元90分鐘木桶殘廢沖涼加推油正骨加打飛 ...
同沁苑,  i went there once but they used to offer full SN service wor.  I went there last time in Feb. the door was open but the there were 3 security playing cards and told me the shop was not open for biz...

相關搜索目錄: 裝修


同沁苑現在已重開, 同以前一樣, 水磿650, 乾磿550, 星期四去過, 十條女比我選, 最少有三個食得落, 都係水磿 iso 過程, 可以話最近上海桑拿大部分都已重開 我另外講那個木桶浴係叫好地方足道


原帖由 apollo5661 於 2010-7-5 14:39 發表
同沁苑現在已重開, 同以前一樣, 水磿650, 乾磿550, 星期四去過, 十條女比我選, 最少有三個食得落, 都係水磿 iso 過程, 可以話最近上海桑拿大部分都已重開 我另外講那個木桶浴係叫好地方足道
thanks for the info..

木桶浴    expensive and not worth it. I tried once. might be i went to a not-so=good place...


原帖由 mastermon 於 2010-5-4 23:34 發表
I lived in this place for almost 3 years. Since I am very horny and like exploring, i've been to many place which, i believe, many CHing will never go.
Yes, booking a room first and call the gal later is the best method i can tell. 浴场,on the other hand, is kind of complicated, you will know once you tried, it is not easy.

Right now, i've implemented 远嫖近赌,and when to kunshan, hefei instead. In Shanghai, there are still  a lot of playable place (Taxi drivers told me). Some of them are like: 川沙 (i've been there 1 years ago), 周浦, 康桥,梅陇(THis is a very good place, K is 150 in price,yet, they do have girls). It just takes time to explore. have fun , may be you can PM me and we can go play together. (金X灣大酒店's gal are very old, you can try 芭提雅)
Many thanks for useful information.

Grateful if detailed addresses would be provided for easy reference.

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-5-7 13:29 發表 I think that many brothers going to SHA is on business and hotel accomodation is arranged by the company, thus in many cases, 4-5 star hotels. If i travel on my own budget, i would go for 268, Or ...
Ching, it is spelled moaning, mourning is a very sad thing as in mourning the dead


原帖由 waynea 於 2010-7-6 07:55 發表

Ching, it is spelled moaning, mourning is a very sad thing as in mourning the dead
thanks for the correction...  i had 1-2 occasions that that the girls screamed like "mourning" than "moaning", it is quite scary...


 31 12


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