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 131 123456

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  • rtsang88 Åé¤O +50 ºë«~¤å³¹ 2010-7-24 08:33
  • rtsang88 «Â±æ +50 ºë«~¤å³¹ 2010-7-24 08:33
  • rtsang88 ª÷¿ú +50 ºë«~¤å³¹ 2010-7-24 08:33


HI K20A Long time no Chat. Thanks for your information.

Will try the one with a Thai guy to see what other service he will offer. (Ha Ha)

I went to a place near "Six Wai Seen" and met a good girl (about 25). Good figures and let me kiss and gave me good girl friend feel. Any other suggestions?


Hello dannz016...¦n±m¦³§A¦^POST¡A¦pªG­ø«Y§Ú­ÓPOST¤S«Y¦Û¼¢POST¡C¡C¡Cthz!

haha...®õ¥J§A³£·Q¸Õ¡H§Ú¤U¦¸¥´¦º§Ú³£­n¤kÀ°§Ú«ö¡A¨k¤H«ö¯u«Y¤Ó°ò³â¡I¡I  I will PM you the address anyway! haha..

«u§r¡C¡C§Ú©l²×ÉN¸Õ"­¹¬°¥ý"ªþªñ­Ó¶¡¡C¡C«Y«}­Ó¶¡right next to ­¹¬°¥ý carpark? That one got Full Service? §Ú¥H¬°Ê\«Y«ö¼¯¥[­¸¾÷³õonly...§AÁ¿±oËݧl¤Þ¡A¯u«Y­n¸Õ¡C¡C
I will try it later, this week I need to save my ¦Ê»õ¤j­x for HQ first!




hey dannz016, Å¥§AÁ¿§¹¡A¤S¥Ì¾ô¥h¥ªªþªñ¡A³Ì²×§Ô­ø¦í¡C¡C¡C§Ú´M¤é³£¥h¥ª"­¹¬°¥ý"­¹¥ª¥ó¥_¨Ê©f¥sJOEY¡A­Ó¼Ë­ø¿ù¡A¥iDRY¿ü¡Aªi´N²ÓD¡A¦ÛµM¤ô¡A¶V¦Q¶VÀã¡C¡C³£¥i¥H­¹¬J¡A¤£¿ù¤£¿ù¡I¡I



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half hour $120.




Thanks for your information. What was the name of the Thai guy and what service did you try?

I think we tried the same woman at ­¹¬°¥ý. Can't remember her name but similar experience and description (dry kiss, slim body). I like women with big balls and can have wet kiss. Any suggestion?

Why there is no other guys in NZ join this forum?


¦^´_ 7# ªº©«¤l

Sorry, I don't even ask the Thai guy's name coz I don't believe I will try a man massage next time.. hahaha..


hey friends... i am reading this post in HK.  I think you guys are lucky as it is quite impossible to eat Korean chicks in HK ... or super expensive and they are definitely chicken in Korea (in NZ, you may meet some AU students looking for subsidy and must be more enjoyable than pumping a chick !)


¦^´_ 9# ªº©«¤l

DÁú°ê©f¥¼¥²¶W¯Åè°¤k¡A¦ý«YD¨­«¬´N so far ³£´X¦n¡C¦³ªi¦³ÅÚ¦³¸y¡C
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¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¯ù


Never have snow in Auckland but it rains a lot during winter (June - August). How long will you be in Auckland?


­ì©«¥Ñ dannz016 ©ó 2010-5-21 17:41 µoªí
Never have snow in Auckland but it rains a lot during winter (June - August). How long will you be in Auckland?
Brother Dannz016, i only stay around 7 days and really want to try Japanese or Korean girls in Auckland, appreciate if you or brother K20A can provide some nice places to me. Thank you very much brother!



¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¦¬ÂÃ


good good report...................



¤k¤k¥sShirley¡A­ø«Y18·³«á¥Í­ÓD¡A§ÚçÜÀ³¸Ó20§À©Î30ÀY¡C¡C¦³¸y¤S¤jªi¡I¡I¥¿¡I¡I 瞓¤WÊ\¹ï¿O¯u«Y¦nµÎªA¡C
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¦¨­Ó¹Lµ{¦n¥¿¡Amore then gfe °Õ¡C¡C«¢«¢¡C¡CªÖ©w¥i¥H¦^ÀY¦A¥sÊ\¡C

1. Shirley¸ÜÊ\«Y¦¿¦è¤H¡A¤£¹LÊ\ÃÑÁ¿¼sªF¸Ü
2. Ê\§^«Y¾n³õ¤k¡A©Ò¥H¥h¤§«e¥´¹q¸Ü¥ý
3. ¢C150¡þ¤p®É¡A¤U¤È»ù¿ú¡C©]±ßÀ³¸Ó¶QD ¡]¢C180¡H¡^
4. ¥iÀã¿ü,¤jªi, dannz016¥S¦Ü·R¡I



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btw,·í¤é¥h¬J«ö¼¯©±o«YManukau Road,µL«§¯S§O©Ò¥H§^¦hÁ¿³â¡C¡C


K 20A, Thanks for your report.

I will try Shirley one day. Do you have their phone number so that I can make the booking.

I tried your ®õ¥J this afternoon. Good massage skills. He started with washing my feet first. Based on the set up, it  does not look like it has any value added service.

$100 for 90 minutes.  Good value for relaxation and I almost fell asleep.


Yes, that ®õ¥J place only do pure massage, no extra service. :-) Sometime its pretty relax to do a real one instead of doing the "exciting work" all the time.. haha...

I will PM HQ's phone to u later, enjoy and report please!


Hi K20A How was the hardware at HQ? Where do you park? Did you have shower before and after?


HQ Dµw¥ó³£OK¬J¡AD§É«Y¥]"¤H°µ¥Ö"¡A¥Î¾¤¥·³¥´NOK¡A«ö¼¯´N³n¥ªD¡C¡C

Yes, I have shower before and after, ©Ò¦³¨Æ³£«Y©Ð°µ¡A¦n¤è«K¡CÊ\¦a¥ò¦³SM©Ð¡A¦³¿³½ì¥i¥H¸Õ¤U¡C¡C
http://www.thehq.co.nz  <--À³¸Ó¦³©Ð¶¡¬Û¤ùÚ»¡C¤£¹Lºô¯¸¤º¬J¤k¤k¬Û´N¦P¯u¹êµLÃö¡C

Parking, §Ú³£«Yªyµó¦ì¡A¤£¹L§Úª¾Ê\¼Ó¤U¦³¤­­Ó¨®¦ì¡A§A°Ý¬J¸ÜÊ\À³¸Ó·|¶}¹h¤ñ§A¤J¡C

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ K20A ©ó 2010-6-2 06:02 ½s¿è ]


HI K20A Went to the massage place in the back of "Six Wai Sin". A new woman who speaks Cantonese from China served me. ¥iÀã¿ü,¤jªi in her late 30s. Offered full service but I only took the hand job plan. $80.

I still think the ®õ¥J offered very good massage service, compared to other places. His name is "M".


Yes, i guess i only want HJ if the woman is a bit old, i think so far i still want some younger girl, (or at less look younger... keke..).. early 30 is my max...


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