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Hong Kong Cello Festival 2010 香港大提琴節2010

Hong Kong Cello Festival 2010 香港大提琴節2010

Hong Kong Cello Festival 2010

Presented by Hong Kong Cellist Society

     The annual musical event “Hong Kong Cello Festival 2010”will be held from 5 June 2010 to 12 June 2010. This year, Hong Kong Cellist Society is bringing you a bevy of exciting performances including: two consecutive days of “Participant Concert”, where more than 100 students come together to showcase their talents, a concert featuring the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong and the world renowned Italian cellist Giovanni Sollima, and a masterclass given by Giovanni Sollima. This once a year classical music celebration should not be missed!


Hong Kong Cello Festival 2010 Participant Concert

05.06.2010, Sat, 7:30pm,
06.06.2010, Sun, 7:30pm

Sha Tin Town Hall Cultural Activities Hall

門票Tickets: $120 ($100 Members of Hong Kong Cellist Society 香港大提琴家協會會員)

Tickets available at URBTIX outlets from 5 May 2010.

Ticketing Enquiries & Telephone Reservations門票查詢及電話留座2734 9009
Programme Enquiries 節目查詢 2728 7906 | info@hkcellistsociety.org.hk
Hong Kong Cellist Society website: http://www.hkcellistsociety.org.hk

Credit Card Telephone Booking信用咭電話購票: 2111 5999
Internet Booking網上訂票: www.urbtix.hk
Giovanni Sollima & City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong
(presented by City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong)

11.06.2010, Fri, 7:30pm

Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall 香港大會堂音樂廳

門票 Tickets:
$900 (VIP Concert Ticket + Dinner 音樂會貴賓票及晚餐) #

$750 (Students and concessions 全日制學生及高齡人士)#
$300 $200 $120 (Concert only 音樂會)*

Tickets available at URBTIX outlets from 30 Apr 2010.

#Includes one concert ticket in the VIP seating area plus a Chinese-Italian wine pairing dinner following the concert at Shanghai Garden, 1/F Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Road, Central (Opposite City Hall)
*Discount: 50 % for full time students, senior citizens, people with disabilities and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients.
優惠: 全日制學生、高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠。

Please refer to the programme leaflet of Giovanni Sollima & City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong
for details of ticketing. (Programme Enquiries:
2864 2154 or www.ccohk.com )
購票詳情請參閱城市室樂團《治雅尼.蘇利馬與香港城市室樂團》的宣傳單張。(節目查詢:2864 2154 or www.ccohk.com )
Cello Masterclass by Giovanni Sollima
(presented by City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong)

12.06.2010 (Sat, 10 am - 12noon)

CR2, 7/F Hong Kong Cultural Centre Backstage

Observers: $80 (pre-booked) / $100 (at the door on a first-come-first-served basis)
旁聽:$80 (預訂留座) / $100 (即場購買,先到先得)

Tickets for Cello mastercalss by Giovanni Sollima are not avaialble at URBTIX. To book tickets and/or to enquire about performing in the materclass, please contact the CCOHK Office at 2864 2156 / info@ccohk.com

治雅尼•蘇利馬大提琴大師班非URBTIX活動。如欲購買或詢問有關大師班中演奏事宜,請致電香港城市室樂團辦事處2864 2156 /info@ccohk.com

Programme Enquiries: 2728 7906
For details, please visit Hong Kong Cellist Society website: http://www.hkcellistsociety.org.hk
                                                      Cello Factory website:  http://www.cellofactory.com/web/

相關搜索目錄: 電腦 Credit card Wine




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