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[疑難] need help again

need help again

Dear Jeff and all C hings, it's me again, last time thank you for all info. from you guys, I am keep looking a nice condition BMW according to other shares I can find out who is private who is sales, I want to ask that is 320ci (2nd hand)is also good???  many thanks


[ 本帖最後由 james1616 於 2010-7-2 19:28 編輯 ]

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


中尾期款 應該冇咩問題既 不過呢架好似係四氣缸 我聽講好似比六氣缸 多野壞D 呢到都有朋友楂緊 E46 既四氣缸款式 你問佢會好D


美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-5 15:01 發表
中尾期款 應該冇咩問題既 不過呢架好似係四氣缸 我聽講好似比六氣缸 多野壞D 呢到都有朋友楂緊 E46 既四氣缸款式 你問佢會好D
記錯左 320i 應該係六氣缸 168hp 先arm
有時間買本今期TopGear睇下 今期有專題講選購二手BMW E46 3系

[ 本帖最後由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-5 17:59 編輯 ]


Jeff u are the best...thank you ^^

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-5 09:36 發表
how about this one??
M package 好好多


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-2 19:26 發表
Dear Jeff and all C hings, it's me again, last time thank you for all info. from you guys, I am keep looking a nice condition BMW according to other shares I can find out who is private who is sales,  ...
呢架睇似係318ci...4缸engine, 143ps, 1995cc
唔係320, 尾期320係6缸engine, 170ps, 21xx cc

買得bmw真係唔好買4缸, 我自己而家揸緊4缸都係咁話...

同我整車個師傅都係咁講, 同埋如果換engine oil的話, 用返原廠都ok 架la~~
True power always take my breath away, just like true beauty~~!!


I think I will get that 325ci

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


車 就 一 定 架 325 快 D 型 D 架 啦
係 唔 知 架 車 D condition 同 保 養 邊 架 好 D
睇 相 硬 係 覺 得 架 320 好 似 新 D


That 325ci is really in bad condition(I saw it), the 320 have been sold and at last I deposited this one:

any common on that??

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


Dear Jeff and kelvin, I bought July TG la, the info. is so useful, thank you for your advise

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-9 12:05 發表
That 325ci is really in bad condition(I saw it), the 320 have been sold and at last I deposited this one:
any common on that??
其 實 你 想 要 四 門 定 單 門
四 門 車 身 軟 D 冇 咁 好 入 彎 同 尾 椅 拍 唔 低 架 喎
呢 架 condition 叫 好 過 架 325 不 過 有 冇 得 平 D 呀
同 呢 架 係 前 期 款 來 架 喎


the owner keep it very well condition and the price is net, 2dr/4dr for me is fine bcz it's 2 person always...前 期 款 is it easy to damage?? I think it is 6缸engine....

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


will go to BMW check car to extend lic.

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


that's true it's about 1950cc 150bp but for daily use i think it's good enough, about $1.3/km, electroic flow mirror...

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


made in 2000yr first reg.2003yr place of origin Germany

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-9 14:16 發表
the owner keep it very well condition and the price is net, 2dr/4dr for me is fine bcz it's 2 person always...前 期 款 is it easy to damage?? I think it is 6缸engine....
根據Jeff的說話, 佢話前期會多d電子野壞..
True power always take my breath away, just like true beauty~~!!


10yr car i suppose should be need some repair, so that's why i won't choose that looks like M package, 18" wheel etc......they are very easy have inner damage !

BTW,where to buy rear park cam with installation is good in KLN. side??thx~

I agree Chings points, at last I can get a good condition car, I know on the road safty is more important than outlook of the car, that's a response not just looks cool...

Dear: kelvin/Jeff @ after I got the car may be I will ask Chings help again for BMW problems, hope that all Chings here can give a helping hand...many thanks

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


楂 出 來 俾 jkjkelvin 同 fishman1123 老 強 返 轉 就 咩 問 題 佢 地 都 答 到 你 架 啦


回復 18# 的帖子


rear cam 我都唔知邊到整好...因為我冇呢d野..連parking sensor都冇...
但如果要裝, 咁咪要加多個mon係中控台?

[ 本帖最後由 jkjkelvin 於 2010-7-13 01:06 編輯 ]
True power always take my breath away, just like true beauty~~!!


原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-12 14:32 發表
楂 出 來 俾 jkjkelvin 同 fishman1123 老 強 返 轉 就 咩 問 題 佢 地 都 答 到 你 架 啦
True power always take my breath away, just like true beauty~~!!


rear cam is good thing especially u can see kids or dogs at the back, just add one 5 inch mon or connect to the central control/hi-fi mon is ok...

After my busy season i will join you guys...

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-13 17:11 發表
rear cam is good thing especially u can see kids or dogs at the back, just add one 5 inch mon or connect to the central control/hi-fi mon is ok...

After my busy season i will join you guys...
this is a public forum. not your own dog house, don't wowo anywhere.


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-13 17:11 發表
rear cam is good thing especially u can see kids or dogs at the back, just add one 5 inch mon or connect to the central control/hi-fi mon is ok...
After my busy season i will join you guys...
其 實 裝 得 就 最 好 裝 前 後 CAM 加 錄 影, 小 哈 架 車 好 似 裝 左


原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-14 04:56 PM 發表

其 實 裝 得 就 最 好 裝 前 後 CAM 加 錄 影, 小 哈 架 車 好 似 裝 左
I got the E46 already... will post photo later...I have to change one of the swipper(passanger side), bcz the end of the swipper can touch the glass when it is not using....i think the peasure of the arm is not strong enough...I will add both front and rear...but i don't know how to DIY where can I find the cam and install..???

BTW, thank you to tell me so many about the E46(my one is 320i) it is so nice....will go to add angle eyes soon...it just cost $700 part and install...~

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


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