
- 帖子
- 7
- 積分
- 185
- 金錢
- 38
- 註冊時間
- 2010-6-9
大 中
小 發表於 2010-7-20 10:27 只看該作者
123 Registration, Inc. Loses ICANN Accreditation
ICANN announced that 123 Registration,INC. has lost its accreditation for failure to comply with the requirements of the RAA (Registrar Accreditation Agreemenet ). Therefore, ICANN started a process to identify the most qualified registrar which will take over the management of 123 Registration's domain names.
However, if you want to to transfer your domain names to a different registrar, you will be able to do that.
The notice ICANN sent to 123 Registration,INC. is copied below,
Dear Mr. Wolverton:
Please be advised that the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) between the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and 123 Registration, Inc. (“123 Registration”) is terminated and consistent with the terms of the RAA, the termination shall become effective 16 July 2010. As explained in greater detail below, this termination is based on 123 Registration’s failure to cure the breach set forth in ICANN’s letter dated 3 May 2010.
ICANN demands that 123 Registration remove all ICANN trademarks immediately from 123 Registration’s website and business materials that were licensed to 123 Registration under the terms of the logo license Appendix to the RAA, as this logo license is revoked.
Be further advised that VeriSign, Inc. (VeriSign), the registry for dot-net and dot-com TLDs, may commence deleting domain names currently managed by 123 Registration on 16 July 2010, or shortly thereafter, based on 123 Registration’s failure to cure breaches cited by VeriSign in its notice of breach of registry-registrar agreement. You are encouraged to contact ICANN’s Registrar Liaison Team at RegTransition@icann.org to designate a bulk transfer recipient on or before 1 July 2010.
Failure to pay accreditation fees pursuant to Section 3.9 of the RAA
Section 3.9 of the RAA requires registrars to timely pay accreditation fees to ICANN, consisting of yearly and variable fees. 123 Registration currently owes ICANN $2,569.49 in past due and current accreditation fees.
Notices regarding 123 Registration’s past due accreditation fees, including detailed customer statements, were transmitted to 123 Registration on 26 March 2010 and 23 April 2010.
On 3 May 2010, ICANN sent 123 Registration a notice of breach of its RAA based on 123 Registration’s failure to pay past due accreditation fees. 123 Registration failed to cure this breach in the time period allowed by the RAA.
Based on 123 Registration’s failure to cure the breach of Section 3.9, and in accordance with Section 5.3 of the RAA, ICANN hereby gives 123 Registration notice that 123 Registration’s accreditation will terminate on 16 July 2010.
Based on 123 Registration’s failure to cure the breach set forth in ICANN’s notice of breach dated 3 May 2010, ICANN is terminating the RAA, effective 16 July 2010. Additionally, ICANN is concerned that 123 Registration’s failure to maintain valid primary contact information (non-working fax number) may be indicative of other operational problems. In the interest of protecting domain name registrants, ICANN must immediately commence the domain name transition process and solicit bids for a qualified ICANN-accredited registrar to manage the domain names currently managed by 123 Registration... ...
For full details check out www.icann.com
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