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What is happiness?

What is happiness?

What is happiness?
  I never think what is happiness from childhood to now until I enter the college.I began to envy the beautiful house,pretty girlfriend and beautiful car.Then I worked hard in order to catch them.But I read a book yesterday then I had some questions,those who had pretty girlfriend,beautiful house and car had real happiness?If not,what is the real happiness?


Happiness ....

Happiness is not that dream job you have always wanted, nor the house or property that you have been saving for and certainly not owing the car(s) that you have adored for ages.  It is impossible to define what happiness is but it may be possible to draw parallels from the little pleasures in life, of being able to enjoy the sunshine, the joy of a little laughter, a joke shared between friend, a breath of fresh air in a hot summer afternoon and countless little pleasant surprises and one may say that happines may be the sum of all these, and a bit more!




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