Thanks brothers for advice to have tea in macau.
Arrived china hk city with my fan and bought coupon to “lost city” at $281 each which included 1 hour table and 1 hour room. We asked if we can stay longer, say 2 hours table by paying extra. The answer is NO. We must finish selection in an hour and then go upstairs. Did consider china city ($600+ ) but finally decided to try new venue.
Arrived destination at 3.45 pm and nearly no customers there. A guy come to explain the rules as follows:
Model at $1,200 and the rest $1,000
Must leave after sitting for an hour
$300 would be charged if one cannot pick any pr in an hour.
Don’t know why.
1st part: My fan sat with a 1.7 哈爾濱, 34b with brown skin and tits. Sweet face (like chan man chi (7.5/10 marks) and gentle. (finally knew that she’s a model, 19 year old)
another was 1.6 tall , with 36c, face just so so (6/10 marks), with positive attitude
My fan kept chan man chi for the time being.
I sat with a 1.65 哈爾濱, 33b 吸手 (pink) with white skin but a little bit rough. She’s the cousin of chan man chi. Beautiful face (7.5/10 marks) but cool., 17 year-old (I saw my fan 流哂口水)
another was 1.68 tall , with 35c (but too soft, 散散地), pretty face (8/10 marks) and smooth skin, should be over 20 year old, positive attitude.
I however sent both of them off with a view to seeing more. Isn’t it a big mistake?
The quality of the second and third round was so out of my expectation. I could only say it’s nothing special for the girls are only at CP standard, if not worser. 2 of them were even models (but both of them were fake ball, 90% sure)!
Time flied. After 3 rounds and it’s time to say goodbye. My fan finally retained chan man chi (he indeed had no other choice worth changing) and I still could not fix my choice. The mami 開始唔耐煩 and began to challenge my temper, 仲不屑地用輕蔑眼神表示,「細 佬,使個少少錢,使唔使咁x 簡擇 ar」
I have no choice and ask if I can have cousin of chan man chi, or one of the so called model pr with fake ball. Here’s her answer,
“你估d囡坐定定係度等你咩! 試下搵啦”,跟住呯門出鬙h。
I just think about刘X。 I miss him.
May be I was too selective.
May be the time was too short but I really couldn’t pick my cup of tea in 3 rounds (6 girls).
May be we had only 2 guys and she think it’s not big business.
May be I was out and did not use to the rule of the game.
(See? !I always look back and review myself!)
But I have not received such service attitude even in CP for the past 15 years.
In my opinion, this kind of 套票is like eating fast food but expensive. It’s quite hurry. I regret that I have not accepted the advice of some bros. here that china city is a better place to go.