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[調查] 你每月洗幾錢係囡囡身上

also around 18K - 23K per month now.


each time 1.8K
4 times a month


原帖由 oldfella 於 2006-12-10 10:33 AM 發表
五十粒 enough to buy 2 flats in China !

日本導遊一年後便買樓 - is this job really so good !?

doctor 呢類階層的人士 can afford far more than we can imagine ! Surely not 15-20K but maybe 150 -  ...
份 job 好唔好要睇自己既人緣和桃花。此人甫出道已成為某大公司的「明星」導遊...男的客人對他念念不忘, 要寫信讚佢。女的客人(OL, 邪牌, 基督徒等) 要向他獻身, 仲要不時送禮俾佢...

做到咁既級數, 自然多團帶。一般的導遊當然無佢咁旺。

佢唔係靚仔, 又一毛不拔。他只是一個「好事唔做」但「個天又決定O左要幫既人」, 即一世夠運也。

O靚仔年代北上讀書, 女朋友已是什麼高幹千金、電視明星等。我見過最經典的就係佢O係街度叫雞問價, 問著個老正。老正便做了佢條女。呢個女仔係絕色美人...對佢仲好好....唉....

呢位人兄追女素來都只係開口問聲就得....但此人沉迷叫雞已不能自拔(在全盛時期的花街, 站在中央怒吼:點解無人SERVE 我揀女?當時全場嘩然), 對男女關係不再感興趣。 雖然佢唔認, 仲扮哂情聖, 但我已批死佢呢世唔會再有女朋友。

我個 DOCTOR 朋友係好慳家的,除了VIDEO GAME 外乜嗜好都無。相信佢唔會使太多錢係女人身上。不過結了婚生了仔開支一定較大了。

[ 本帖最後由 netken2003 於 2006-12-13 11:11 PM 編輯 ]


原帖由 求其 於 2006-12-7 12:02 AM 發表

溫馨提示: 過國內海關 最多帶$ 6000 , 超過 $6000要申報...

If they had taken this policy serious, I would have sufferred heavy penalty la!
Should be $20,000 max each time.  I asked them when crossing the border last year.  Not sure if they changed so far.


Wah ! Brother Netken, thanks for the long reply.

If your friend can get girls so easily , he is not just lucky, there must be some other reasons. 扮哂情聖 maybe his strengh ?
Many people do not call chicken, of course they can spend less on girls lah. I mean if doctors want to call chicken, they can spend much much more than ordinary folks.


吹水唔x咀,作大無壞 人性呢


原帖由 oldfella 於 2006-12-16 03:52 AM 發表
Wah ! Brother Netken, thanks for the long reply.

If your friend can get girls so easily , he is not just lucky, there must be some other reasons. 扮哂情聖 maybe his strengh :wond ...
呢個人對女人從無付出, 一毛不拔, 凡事百分百言出不行(叫雞除外)。但咁既人都會 「男人like佢, 女人霖佢」。個人認為, 係命生成。

扮哂情聖, 係o係我面前扮, 因我批死佢「心理變態」以後唔會有女友:他熱愛叫雞, 但睇唔起雞, 絕對唔會溝 mm . 但正經女人, 佢又因人地不會像雞一樣, 三唔識七都挨身挨勢而嫌棄人地...

今日, 他唯一所能接受到的男女關係:傾一粒鐘計, 扑野, 擺低八舊。如果真係有正經女仔霖佢, 佢會詐唔知, 扮唔識(溝女), 玩失憶, 但就會不停約人出o黎徙人時間囉!

[ 本帖最後由 netken2003 於 2006-12-17 08:59 AM 編輯 ]


$1200 per day and 5-7 days per month, so $6000 - 8400 per month


so expensive man???


小弟真係幼稚園級, 2K 都已經好辛苦吓

相關搜索目錄: 幼稚園


Hi I only come to China every 4-6 month and may be spend 2 wekks in CP area. My average cost is about $1,500 to $2,000 YMB a day.
Hotel $300 avrage
lunch and dinner-depends on by yourself or with someone $100-200 a day
foot /hair massage $100 a day min.
KTv - of course you need friends to share $400 a night avg
Sauna -$500/600 a pop, i find I need to have this sauna fix once a while because of the special trianing of girls and the toys hey have. It is a better Fxxx than KTV girls. may be not as nice looking but make up in skill department.
Finally, the 2-5-8 or double fly cost. you have spend at least $1,000  for girls in KTV , two to sit with you and one or two to take home. You know the costs.
It is an expensive life style but you only live once. For my case, two weeks indulgence is quite alright twice a year not including the travelling cost of airline tickets.

相關搜索目錄: Make up


原帖由 DingDong 於 2006-12-14 10:47 PM 發表

Should be $20,000 max each time.  I asked them when crossing the border last year.  Not sure if they changed so far.
Yes, brother you are right, the maximum should be 20,000 rmb. You need to fill in a form if you fly from
International (not domestic) and you have to declare if you bring in more than 20,000 rmb)!!



看过 C HING 沉船的数据,真的是厉害,现在中国,香港经济繁荣,难怪沉船的金钱,也, 不知道打什么工可以这样花呢


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