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­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-10-26 15:48 µoªí

´Nºâ¦³free lunch..­¹¥ª¤§«á³£­n»{¯uçܤU«áªG...¦]¬°¯u«Y(«ü§Ú¦Û¤v)µL­¹§K¶OÀ\ªº±ø¥ó!!


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-10-26 17:45 µoªí

¤j®ü­ô...§A¦³±ø¥ó¶ù....§Aªºselling point­ø«Y¦~¬ö¦P¥~貎.....


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-10-26 18:54 µoªí

¤j®ü­ô...§A¦³±ø¥ó¶ù....§Aªºselling point­ø«Y¦~¬ö¦P¥~貎.....


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-10-27 17:12 µoªí



­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-10-27 17:29 µoªí



­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-10-27 22:28 µoªí

right. regarding time, we could never beat wolf dog.

regarding future, we could never be as promising as a local from their home town.

regarding appearance/look/age, unless they have a special tie to 'father figure", we lose out to those younger guys like someone in this forum..  

so, better pay in full, may be with some tips to buy the love.. haha..

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dog


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-10-27 17:29 µoªí

I met a K girl recently. she told me her recent love story. a HK guy (around 30) , not married,met her at canteen.  they fell in love, and the girl decided to quit K scene and got a full-time normal job at a grocery store, earning 1000+ a month.  The HK man came every Sat and Sun (sometimes fri night) and rent a small house to live together. Do you know how much he pays the girl?   What a deal..... for the man....


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-10-28 09:30 µoªí

I met a K girl recently. she told me her recent love story. a HK guy (around 30) , not married,met her at canteen.  they fell in love, and the girl decided to quit K scene and got a full-time norm ...
1,000 ........................??


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-10-28 09:56 µoªí

1,000 ........................??
yap.. and the rental..  a very good deal for the (HK) man..   imagine if he has to pay full cost, assuming 2 nights every week, it would be

meat fee: 2 x 4 x 800 (assume no tips) = 6,400
hotels: 2 x 4 x 250 = 2,000

at least 8,400  (excluding K fee)

now, he paid 1,000 and rental (should be around 1,000 + for a small room), total of 2,000... saved 6,400RMB per month...!!


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-10-28 10:37 µoªí

yap.. and the rental..  a very good deal for the (HK) man..   imagine if he has to pay full cost, assuming 2 nights every week, it would be

meat fee: 2 x 4 x 800 (assume no tips) = 6,400
hote ...
when the MM loves you she would mind money...


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-10-28 10:55 µoªí

when the MM loves you she would mind money...
yap, like those wolf dogs, the girls sacrifices their body and soul and contribute $ to the boys, and also aware that she is not the only girl of the dog ...  

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dog


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-10-28 10:37 µoªí

yap.. and the rental..  a very good deal for the (HK) man..   imagine if he has to pay full cost, assuming 2 nights every week, it would be

meat fee: 2 x 4 x 800 (assume no tips) = 6,400
hote ...


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-10-28 12:18 µoªí

but you could not offer her the hope of getting married. or you learn from 7 siu how he gets his special deal with his #5...


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-10-29 18:15 µoªí

but you could not offer her the hope of getting married. or you learn from 7 siu how he gets his special deal with his #5...


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-10-29 18:35 µoªí

or you should learn from wolfdog. this article is quite interesting..

¦bCA¸g±`¬y®öµÛªº¦U¦ì,§A¤@©w«Ü²M·¡¡A³Ì¤Ö25 %ªºÅw³õÉÆÉƪº­I«á³£¦³¤@°¦¯Tª¯¡C25 %©ÎªÌ¤Ó¤Ö¤F¡A¥i¯à·|»{¬°¬O50%¡A¬Æ¦Ü¬O80 %¡A¬O¦h¤Ö%§Ú­Ì¥ý¤£­n²z·|¡A¤Ï¥¿¬O¡A¦³·¥¦hªº¶Ì¤k¤@¤Ñ¨ì±ß³£¦b´À­¯¥Í¨û¨û§j¦×¸z¡B»Q§¾²´¡A¥H¤Î³Q¤j¤O©â´¡¡A¬°ªº´N¬O¾iµÛ¨­Ã䨺­ÓªÖ©w¤£·R¦oªº¤p¥ÕÁy..
¦hÁ³o¨Ç¤p¥ÕÁy(¯Tª¯)¡A¨S¦³§A­Ìªº¤ß«ë¤â»¶¡A§Ú­Ì³o¨Ç´ä¥J¥Ã»·¤]¨S¦³¾÷·|¥i¥H¤Ñ¤Ñ­¹¥ÎCA¨º¨Ç«C¬K¦×Åé¡C¦ý¬O¡K. CA³£­Ë¤F¡A³o¨Ç¯Tª¯³Ìªñªº¥Í¬¡¬O«ç¼Ë¹Lªº©O?



­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-10-29 22:45 µoªí

or you should learn from wolfdog. this article is quite interesting..

¦bCA¸g±`¬y®öµÛªº¦U¦ì,§A¤@©w«Ü²M·¡¡A³Ì¤Ö25 %ªºÅw³õÉÆÉƪº­I«á³£¦³¤@°¦¯Tª¯¡C25 %©ÎªÌ¤Ó¤Ö¤F¡A¥i¯à·|»{¬°¬O50%¡A¬Æ¦Ü¬O80 %¡A¬O¦h¤Ö ...
It looks interesting......where is it source from?


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-10-28 12:18 µoªí

Bro simonkok, are you sure ?  You should offer 2 nights per week for her wor !!


­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2010-10-30 00:40 µoªí

It looks interesting......where is it source from?


终¤_¦bKTV §ä¨ì这¤@­ººq¡A 还¸ò¤H¡]¨kªº¡^¤@°_°Û¡A «Ü¥¿°Ú¡A·Q°_«Ü¦h¨Æ¡A这­ººq·P¬V¤O«Ü强°Ú¡C¡C  ¤§¦Z¡A发¤F个«H®§给¦o¡A 换来ªº¬O¤@个¦r¡C¡C¡C¡C¡C¡C¡C¡C


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-11-4 08:53 µoªí
终¤_¦bKTV §ä¨ì这¤@­ººq¡A 还¸ò¤H¡]¨kªº¡^¤@°_°Û¡A «Ü¥¿°Ú¡A·Q°_«Ü¦h¨Æ¡A这­ººq·P¬V¤O«Ü强°Ú¡C¡C  ¤§¦Z¡A发¤F个«H®§给¦o¡A 换来ªº¬O¤@个¦r¡C¡C¡C ...
换来ªº¬O¤@个¦r¡H¡H¡H ¦n·Qª¾¡H


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-11-4 08:53 µoªí
终¤_¦bKTV §ä¨ì这¤@­ººq¡A 还¸ò¤H¡]¨kªº¡^¤@°_°Û¡A «Ü¥¿°Ú¡A·Q°_«Ü¦h¨Æ¡A这­ººq·P¬V¤O«Ü强°Ú¡C¡C  ¤§¦Z¡A发¤F个«H®§给¦o¡A 换来ªº¬O¤@个¦r¡C¡C¡C ...


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2010-11-4 11:28 µoªí



­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-11-4 08:53 µoªí
终¤_¦bKTV §ä¨ì这¤@­ººq¡A 还¸ò¤H¡]¨kªº¡^¤@°_°Û¡A «Ü¥¿°Ú¡A·Q°_«Ü¦h¨Æ¡A这­ººq·P¬V¤O«Ü强°Ú¡C¡C  ¤§¦Z¡A发¤F个«H®§给¦o¡A 换来ªº¬O¤@个¦r¡C¡C¡C ...


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-11-4 08:53 µoªí
终¤_¦bKTV §ä¨ì这¤@­ººq¡A 还¸ò¤H¡]¨kªº¡^¤@°_°Û¡A «Ü¥¿°Ú¡A·Q°_«Ü¦h¨Æ¡A这­ººq·P¬V¤O«Ü强°Ú¡C¡C  ¤§¦Z¡A发¤F个«H®§给¦o¡A 换来ªº¬O¤@个¦r¡C¡C¡C ...


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2010-11-4 08:53 µoªí

终¤_¦bKTV §ä¨ì这¤@­ººq¡A 还¸ò¤H¡]¨kªº¡^¤@°_°Û¡A «Ü¥¿°Ú¡A·Q°_«Ü¦h¨Æ¡A这­ººq·P¬V¤O«ÜüL°Ú¡C¡C  ¤§¦Z¡A‰Y¤FŸÄ«H®§给¦o¡A 换来ªº¬O¤@ŸÄ¦r¡C¡C¡C ...
If she type in English, it should be "P" ; in Chinese, maybe "¤Á" !




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