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Old PICs (Japan and UK)

Old PICs (Japan and UK)

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原帖由 ces 於 2010-12-22 02:56 發表
thanks for sharing.

知唔知UK 邊度 ?


Pen Hing: Any idea?
原帖由 suewong 於 2010-12-22 16:29 發表

thanks for sharing.

知唔知UK 邊度 ?


原帖由 suewong 於 2010-12-22 16:29 發表 thanks for sharing.知唔知UK 邊度 ?


原帖由 av8s 於 2010-12-22 20:57 發表
Pen Hing: Any idea?
I haven't got a clue, but it'd be somewhere around Greater London, as you can see the double-decker bus over there!
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回復 5# 的帖子

Yeah! but which part is hard to tell, it looks in the 60s'.


原帖由 av8s 於 2010-12-23 10:37 發表

Yeah! but which part is hard to tell, it looks in the 60s'.
I’m quite sure that the picture just shown under the Ginza of Japan was taken in London, as I can clearly see the unique London Bus Stop sign (a circle with a line runs across in the middle) next to the lamp pole situated right under the clock that hang outside of the wall of a building on the right hand side of the road.

A picture of the London Bus Stop is shown below for your ease of reference.
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回復 7# 的帖子

Pen Hing: The photo you mentioned looks like the underground sign, red circle with blue dash in middle. It should be in London, but was 50 to 60 years ago, may be the MI5 retired agent can tell?


原帖由 av8s 於 2010-12-23 17:16 發表

The photo you mentioned looks like the underground sign, red circle with blue dash in middle. ..
My dear brother av8s, you’re half right.

Basically, both the signs of London Bus (Transport for London) and the London Underground (they normally called it the Tube) look like the same, i.e. a circle with a line runs across in the middle of which.

However, the only difference is on the line that runs across in the middle of the circle. The London Bus has not got anything written across the line, whereas the Tube has got the word “Underground” across the line of which.

I’ve got the official sign of the London Underground below for your easy reference.

Since it’s only a misunderstanding on the sophisticated transport systems signs by a group of stupid Chinamen, I don’t think we need the secret agent MI5 to look into the matter in this instance.

In fact, you can’t find them for the time being as they’re on X’mas and New Year holiday, or they’ve been frozen by the heavy snow covering Britain already.
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回復 9# 的帖子

Yeah! Great.


原帖由 av8s 於 2010-12-24 00:08 發表

Yeah! Great.
After a careful study of the third picture given by Brother ces in post #1 above, with the aid of a sophisticated microscope, I’ve sufficient reasons to believe that the picture was taken in Central London, no doubt.

I can see a bronze statue with a man riding on the horse in the middle of the road. Such an erection of a monument or bronze statue on the road or in the park is not uncommon in Central London. They used to do it like that as a memorial to their kings, queens, heroes, etc.

By the way, I wish you, and everybody as well, a very Merry X’mas and a Happy New Year!
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回復 11# 的帖子

You too! Pen Hing, Thanks for your effort and make the picture clear. Merry X'mas and Happy New Year to friends of this forum.:  


回復 11# 的帖子

Pen Hing: I suddenly remember the old building with a sign "Bovril" beef extract which was very famous in Hong Kong. Most local cafe provide as "Beef Tea" for many years but disappeared after 90's. I have seen similar London pictures with this sign in 80's look.


原帖由 av8s 於 2010-12-24 09:57 發表

the old building with a sign "Bovril" beef extract ..Most local cafe provide as "Beef Tea" ...
Yes, Brother av8s, you recall my memory; I had also taken this awful taste drink in a Café when I was young.  

Except those “old cakes” like us, I don’t think the young lags would realize how the taste of it looks like.

It’d been off the menu of the Café ages. I guess it’s largely due to the cost of which was a bit expensive in comparison with other traditional drinks like tea, coffee, ovaltine, horlick, etc., in addition to its awful taste.  
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回復 14# 的帖子

Pen Hing: You are right, it was quite awful in taste but may be at that time people need nutrition rather than taste. I recently heard some people use a spoonful in making "ngau lam".:  


原帖由 av8s 於 2010-12-24 11:48 發表
I recently heard some people use a spoonful in making "ngau lam".: ..
Does it work? I wonder!
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回復 16# 的帖子

I think so. one was my friend told me some mothes ago and I also overheard in a bus while crossing the harbor. A man told his "for kee" go to buy one bottle of Bovril and add some onto the "ngau lam". He said it is a must for flavoring it. But I never tried too, would you?


原帖由 av8s 於 2010-12-24 14:01 發表

A man told his "for kee" go to buy one bottle of Bovril and add some onto the "ngau lam". ...
As far as I know, 花椒八角should be the right stuff for炆牛腩

It seems that using Bovril is a bit funny, but it’s not a bad idea, perhaps鬼子佬 would like that taste.

However, being the brother of you, I think I need to remind you that Britain has got the mad cow disease in the last decade or so. Hence, if I were you, I’d do it in our Chinese way, to play safe.

“Don’t take a chance, make a choice” is always an unchanged golden rule, and you won’t get it wrong at the end of the day.
筆懵懂  字敦厚  不以人廢言  不為世俗而避諱  當非董狐  惟學董筆  時扮小丑以娛人娛己  偶亦撰嘻笑怒駡怪論以玩世


原帖由 mtpen 於 2010-12-24 10:54 發表

Yes, Brother av8s, you recall my memory; I had also taken this awful taste drink in a Café when I was young.  

Except those “old cakes” like us, I don’t think the young lags would  ...
me too when I was 6/7 years old...


原帖由 suewong 於 2010-12-24 19:13 發表

me too when I was 6/7 years old...
What's your comment, I mean the taste?
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原帖由 mtpen 於 2010-12-24 19:17 發表

What's your comment, I mean the taste?
we speak the same language...


相關搜索目錄: 廣告


原帖由 suewong 於 2010-12-24 19:19 發表



相關搜索目錄: 廣告
筆懵懂  字敦厚  不以人廢言  不為世俗而避諱  當非董狐  惟學董筆  時扮小丑以娛人娛己  偶亦撰嘻笑怒駡怪論以玩世


原帖由 mtpen 於 2010-12-24 19:31 發表


我既反應 :
  • 國內人呃人 -- 預左 (所以唔敢長揸/揸哂中資股); 痛心, 點解唔將 d 創意/ 能力 用係正途 ?
  • 日本人 --  o下, 唔係呀 ?
  • 其他 (e.g. 英國 / 美國) -- not surprised...

[ 本帖最後由 suewong 於 2010-12-25 18:42 編輯 ]


回復 18# 的帖子

Pen Hing: Thanks for your advice, I have been there in the 90's same decade as you were staying in the UK. It seems someone living there for over 6 months can not make blood donation, is that true?


原帖由 av8s 於 2010-12-24 20:33 發表

It seems someone living there for over 6 months can not make blood donation, is that true?: ...

Yes, it’s true. Perhaps we may have got that scary disease in our body already.

I’ve got a stupid question, why is that our motherland China has not got that mad cow disease so far? As far as I know, Japan and America have got that scary disease in their herds as well.

Are we really that lucky or our agricultural system is far better than these ex-superpowers and now downgraded to under-developed countries?

But facts are facts, I think I need to take away that tinted glass in seeing things of my lovely superpower motherland from today onwards, and adjust myself in such a way that buying Chinese products is to be my first choice in shopping.

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