ì©«¥Ñ whg ©ó 2008-1-25 14:26 µoªí
¦pªG°ÝÃDÄY«¥ª, ³£·|¥hÚ»Âå¥Í.
¬d¹L¤@¨Ç¸ê®Æ, ª¾¹D©O°¦¯f¤S«Y¦n¦ü·P«_ËÝ, n¾a¦Û¨§K¬Ì¤O¥h±þ¦ºd¯f¬r, ©Ò¥HÚ»Âå¥Í³£ø«Y¸U¯à.
¤£¹L·íµM, Âå¥Í¦³±M·~·|ª¾ÃÑ¥i¥HÀ°§A´î»´¯f±¡.
My last opinion to you, we can't justify what is ÄY« or not. Doctors have seen so many cases each day and provide their professional advices to the patient. Both my doctors suggested me not to use 3M. This is because different people have different conditions to get rid of warts. I trusted the doctors as they said I don't need 3M as my type and locations are simply not serious. Using 3M will surely make my dick worst, it may burn the other part of my penis and spread the virus. I CAN'T judge it myself, but doctor can. However, some people do need 3M to help their recovery. We simply can't judge ourselves unless you are a doctor. We shouldn't share any comments about your condition.
¾a¦Û¨§K¬Ì¤O¥h±þ¦ºd¯f¬r is after a proper treatment from doctors.
Ú»Âå¥Í³£ø«Y¸U¯à, but they can give you the best way to recover.
Warts is nothing like ·P«_, once you don't grab the best time for treatment, it may spread to worst area like penis tip.
About my incubated wart i mention, I don't realise it is a wart at all. Only a professional can spotted and treated when it was still a small growing one.
Otherwise it may take weeks to become a visable one.
Hope you should take our advises. Go to see a doctor. If you still keep the faith that you can heal warts with your own, think some brothers like me would never answer or reply to you. You are a DANGEROUS person to share as you only trust what the internet / forum.
I don't want to take any responsibility even in the forum. This forum doesn't work this way I believe. Every brothers must responsible what they say.
Good Luck, hope ¦Û¨§K¬Ì¤O can kill HIV, Cancer, CJD, Avian Flu............. one day
¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ AAV-2 ©ó 2008-1-25 16:28 ½s¿è ]