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ERP Logistics 物流業 Software 系統 ???

ERP Logistics 物流業 Software 系統 ???

ERP Logistics 物流業 Software 系統 ???

我公司想 install  ERP Software 物流系統,

a) 唔知 你們 現在 用 什麼  ERP Software 呢 ??? 有冇 Comments ??? D friend 話 成日 Hang 機???

b) SAP & Oracle  有 什麼 Comments ??? 只知道 SAP 最 expensive ??? 但是否 "物有所值" 呢 ???  ( about HKD$$$  2.5 to 3 million !!!)

相關搜索目錄: 物流
  [癡心絕對]........為 "妳" 付出那種傷心 "妳" 永遠不瞭解  ,  我又何苦勉強自己愛上 "妳" 的一切   ....


RPP我熟啲, 知到你個Case用船公司用嗰套會幾好, 不過人哋投資好大, 成Team人做嘢

相關搜索目錄: 投資


Bro 焦器勃勃, you must be working in a very large corporate which prefers to use the famous software package in the market.
I don't have any experience on using SAP product, but know some of hearsays that US companies like to use Oracle while European companies like to use SAP.
For Oracle Supply Chain Planning, please refer to:
Supply Chain Planning
In addition, Oracle acquired PeopleSoft at the beginning of this year. Therefore, Oracle may offer some other similar software packages from PeopleSoft e.g.

I am not working in Oracle and dunno the cost of these software, but if the cost of the off-the-shelf softare will be around 2.5 - 3 MM, then the investment will be very significant since the investment may need to include computer platform to run the software, customization cost (tailor to specific user requirements) and implementation cost, needless to mention the cost of internal resources to perform system test and user acceptance test, etc.

相關搜索目錄: Investment
無恃其不來, 恃吾有以待也; 無恃其不攻, 恃吾有所不可攻也.


thanks for your info


how about I2? e-log (acquired by Oracle)? SSA Logistics? SAP SCM?

BUT do your colleagues get ready to change and adopt application implementation? Are your colleagues educated workers? If not, forget it la... dont waste money.... Your project will fail

SAP about HKD$$$  2.5 to 3 million?? of course not enough.


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