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[灌水] Axim x51v

Axim x51v

Just consider buying a PPC, seems like Dell X51v is the fastest but expensive, any members has any comments on it?




My friend owns Dell X50v, he had upgraded it to Windows mobile 5.0, but the PDA runs slowly, he restored back to mobile 2003SE finally. Windows mobile 5.0 seems unstable somehow.


X51V is good, not expensive. If you wants lower version, consider X51. But X51V came with better LCD.


I think so, too. However, any buddy knows whether there's any GSM card adaptor that could plug in to work with GPRS connection......then, I could play with MSN messenger...


Originally posted by yeungvch at 2006-8-25 21:14
Just consider buying a PPC, seems like Dell X51v is the fastest but expensive, any members has any comments on it?
x51v nice but i find that i don't use it as much as i thought i would.  Built-in wireless is a nice feature. IMHO, if you were to spend that kind of money, it be wiser to spend it one a WM5 PDA phone such as the new HP 6925 or wait for the Treo 750.


Reply #5 sniper0357's post

As niceman said, WM5 that comes with x51v is a little slow and unstable.  Surfing on it is excruciatingly slow when compare to laptop under the same wireless network.


But......to work under 624MHz on PDA should already understoodthe speed could not be compared with NB. Actually, the only thing I afraid is when I use the GSM adaptor to play with GPRS, will use up the battery very quickly. But, still, I'm not sure whether my assumption is correct or not!!!


I own a V51. Following is what I know.

1 It is OK but it does not work with GPRS card. I heard that the new update fixed the problem.
2 The quaility of its screen is "JUST" ok. Why? It is because its screen has serious "Newton Ring" problem. If you don't mind it, it is still good.
3 In addition, you have to install Chinese system by yourself (CE-star). CE-star is useable but not very stable. I never receive any CE-star update for almost a year.
4 WM 5.0's office application is very good.
5 It is very slow if the application is not loaded to RAM yet.
6 Pocket IE is still very bad, and you have to install opera.
7 Finally, I also heard that DELL dismissed its PDA team, so V51 will be the last model.


One more thing. If you want to buy v51, you should check the price carefully. Sometimes, Dell's price varies week by week. The lowest price can be as low as 28xx.


I'm using X51V, so far so good ~


Thanks the info from Potatochip. It seems still a bit risky.....maybe HP rw6828 is a bit save


x51v 其實真係幾抵玩
衰就衰在成日 hang
但係有方法可以 fix o既~
上 aximsite 跟 d 鬼佬 modified 少少 o野就 ok


X51V 其實邊有咁恐怖﹐得閒去 AXIM D forum 度睇吓﹐乜都解決到 ~


51v is very good. I am one of the user




I use x51V and so far so good.  I bought it instead of a PDA phone because for the price difference, I can buy a very nice phone separatly.  I prefer to have a separate phone because sometime I need to carry just the phone and not the PPC.  Also standalone PPC has bigger screen.  For example if a x51v cost $2,900 and a Sony Errisson W810i cost $2,600 and the total is only $5,500 which is the same as a PDA phone. But you get a bigger screen capable of running 800x600 true VGA mode and also faster processor.

I too had a lot of device hang problems at the begining but after I move some of the program (such as Wisbar Advance) to the device instead of the SD card I don't have a single hang for weeks.

For Chinese system, I am using CE-Star Ver 2.8r1 which is for WM5 and it is very stable.  In terms of GSM card, I prefer to connect my x51v to a BT phone instead which give me more flexibility.

Just my experience.


It's very good!


it's a good machine but performance wise it's abit on the down side
i find that the processor speed isn't exactly as advertised


原帖由 yeungvch 於 2006-8-26 10:14 AM 發表
Just consider buying a PPC, seems like Dell X51v is the fastest but expensive, any members has any comments on it?
go ahead with the purchase, it worths every single penny


I've seen X51v as cheap as the lower X51 models, which is a pretty sweet deal. And they sometimes come with a bunch of bonuses like free memory card and metal case... Definitely worth it. I regret buying my X51 now. I want a X51V


My friend has a v51 and it is pretty good. If you want something smaller, you can consider Acer




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