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Will travel Beijing in Sep and stay at 王府井.  Any good suggestion on hotel and NC around that area?  Will issue report after try out.


The nightclub inside this hotel is called Sunshine.  If you are alone, you can stay in the big hall and they have model catwalk at around 10:00 pm (may change timing).  Sugggest you go around 8:30 pm.  There is no minimum charge.  You can ask for mami even in the big hall and you, 300-400 for table fee and 1500-2000 for taking out for one shot.  You may tip the mami for 200.  I have a waiter friend there and I pay him 200 for girl intro.  Overall, drink 100+mami200+girl 1500 = 1800.  Not bad for the quality and for Beijing, if you are alone.


Thanks brother bangpeter3!  The price is quite expensive overall and even 1500 for one shot (same as HK when I visited China City in HK 2 years ago).

I'm a 酒鬼, so the price may go even higher.  How much will a KTV room charge?  And any cheaper KTV around that area?  I may not go for a shot but want to feel the difference between Beijing's KTV with CP's.


Although I have been to the hall many times, I have not tried out the KTV room in Sunshine.  I have been to other similar class KTVs in Beijing and the room price (min charge for set off) for a small room (1-3 person) is around RMB1000-1200.  Some local friends did show me some cheaper KTVs but the quality of girls was not good so I have not remembered the locations.


Thank you bro bangpeter3!  For 1 night, I think I can afford the room price (but have to forget about the one shot and save it in CP or CA).  If visit a new place and don't go to see their local lives, then why bother to go there.  Will issue a report afterwards!


BJ KTV are all expensive.......so don't go


原帖由 r0patpat2006 於 2006-8-31 07:19 PM 發表
BJ KTV are all expensive.......so don't go

我們要有志氣, 我們要衝出CP, 衝出DG, 踏向全中國......傻仔上


thank uvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv




王府井那邊我不太熟,不過其實北京大部份KTV 的價錢都是 RMB 480 三瓶紅酒,媽咪會多送一瓶,小姐RMB 200,跟深圳中檔的差唔多…
另一種是 RMB 380 一瓶紅酒,然後啤酒任飲。
只要唔去酒店內的KTV 就唔會貴。
至於肉金 RMB 500 至 1000 不等,視乎小姐的質素了

相關搜索目錄: 酒店 紅酒 啤酒


原帖由 hardwareboy 於 2006-9-3 04:27 PM 發表
王府井那邊我不太熟,不過其實北京大部份KTV 的價錢都是 RMB 480 三瓶紅酒,媽咪會多送一瓶,小姐RMB 200,跟深圳中檔的差唔多…
另一種是 RMB 380 一瓶紅酒,然後啤酒任飲。
只要唔去酒店內的KTV 就唔會貴。
Brother hardwareboy, any good suggestion?  I'm going to Beijing this Wednesday.

相關搜索目錄: 酒店 紅酒 啤酒


北京嘅ktv絕對係全國最貴, 上海係比北京平少少嘅.


Bro bangpeter3, I finally went to Sunshine KTV last night.  Just so surprised that Beijing's KTV doesn't look like CP's because they only open at 8:00pm sharp.

I arrived at Sunshine at 8:45pm and there were not many people around.  The princess brought us (1 friend) to a small KTV room (and the interior was quite good) and the min charges were RMB1,880 (with 50% discount).  Then she brought few MMs to look look.  All were very tall (at least 165 to 180) and they looked ok la and my fd picked the most good looking one to sit down.  But I could not find my cup of tea so I asked the princess to sit down.

After games and drinks, at 10:30, my fd's MM went to change and I thought she would change to causal wear.  But instead, she wore lingerie back because she needed to go downstair to do catwalk.  Then we all were down to the hall and watched the catwalk.  Suddenly all MMs wore sexy underwears and walked in front of me.  Some looked pretty and tall but some were so so.  Been there for 15 mins and we went back to the room to continue our games.

At 1am, we finally called it a night.  Since my friend and I slept in the same room, we did not bring any girl back but the main reason was the MMs not really our cut of the tea.

Let's talk about the price now:
The bill cost RMB1,235 (already discounted).  Beer = 70-80 per bottle; fruit plate = 360 for the premium one (all before discount).
Friend's MM, mine and another princess (my MM's cousin) all cost RMB500.  But there was no Mama (princess herself brought the MMs in the room) and we did not have to pay other waiter just like Shanghai.

Overall, the place and the MMs are not bad (they said there were over 200 MMs).  But the price was quite expensive.  

When I walked around Wangfujing at night, there were plenty of 雞頭 asked me to go to bar or KTV nearby.  But because I heard there were so many bad experiences on trying those, so I did not listen to them.  Since I'll be in Beijing until Monday.  So any brother can tell me a good & cheap place (KTV) to go so I can try it on Sunday night.  


Thank you for the report.  Good to hear that you enjoyed the nightclub.  Actually, in Sunshine, 500 is for models and 300-400 is for 小姐. I would prefer 小姐, because the quality could be quite good too and you can take them out.  Some models would not go out.  Since the princess brings you all the models to choose, that is why all are above 165-180cm.  You have probably overpaid the princess too......... But as far as you have fun, that is fine la.

You are right.  Don't follow the girls or guys on the street.  Never never.   Copied below from another post but I have never tried.  Just for your info as you said you need a cheaper option.

【價格一覽】:小包70元 3小时 啤酒20塊 做台100 出臺不详(熟悉之後)
【具體細節】:当天晚上 本狼从上海出差返京, 一看时间还早,有点蠢蠢欲动,便开车直奔交大东门附近的其中一家--------天涯海角KTV, 进K房,呼啦拉  进来20来个XJ,  房子小,XJ都排不开, 有点取舍不定, 吗迷 进来,  说 帅哥 还没挑好,  只见眼前一小妹, \身材适中 1.63M ,体态丰盈, 披肩长发, 穿着一件黑色小短裙和粉红小坎肩,  皮肤白皙,  眼睛看上去清澈单纯,  就是她了.
唱了一曲, 本狼的手就开始动作了, 但并没有直奔主题,  先轻搂小腰 , 慢捋秀发,  XJ 很配合, 小鸟艺人地靠在我怀里,,  我顺势轻吻她的额头和耳垂,  XJ 也很享受地接受,

再下行,  抚摩RF,  RF 不大 还在发育中, 但长的很周正,只是不够丰满, RT还不小, 没有任何不足, 一阵狂吻, XJ有些感觉 ,  再往下, 已是淫水泛滥了, ..........   最后本狼掏枪放水在XJ的玉腿根上

相關搜索目錄: 啤酒


原帖由 四眼肥肥 於 2006-9-4 09:44 AM 發表

Brother hardwareboy, any good suggestion?  I'm going to Beijing this Wednesday.
中關村,西郊賓館附近,(大路斜對面,小路進西郊賓館) 有一家KTV ,進場前先講好價錢,380 紅酒2送1,裝修設備很不錯的,加上小姐都很年青…17,8歲的多的是。

相關搜索目錄: 裝修 紅酒


原帖由 四眼肥肥 於 2006-9-4 09:44 AM 發表

Brother hardwareboy, any good suggestion?  I'm going to Beijing this Wednesday.
還有一家不錯的,地址忘了…叫萊茵河,380一支紅酒,啤酒任飲 (六人包房的價錢,六人以下同價),裝修設備只是一般首通的,勝在消費平,女也多,不過在Beijing 去KTV要早去的,否則只剩下pork chop…肉金一般只要500

相關搜索目錄: 裝修 紅酒 啤酒


回復 #14 bangpeter3 的帖子

bangpeter3  & hardwareboy 兄, 以上呢隻"中小型場"既資訊很好, 但我想在這裡說說, 北京砍人的地方也不少, 不是有熟悉的CONNECTION或LOCAL朋友帶住, 我不建議單獨去....如要去, 最好三四成群去, 人地見你人多唔敢攪你....

指教指教.... :BOW:


原帖由 RacoRaco 於 2006-9-10 09:49 AM 發表
bangpeter3  & hardwareboy 兄, 以上呢隻"中小型場"既資訊很好, 但我想在這裡說說, 北京砍人的地方也不少, 不是有熟悉的CONNECTION或LOCAL朋友帶住, 我不建議單獨去....如要去, 最好三四成群去, 人 ...




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