原帖由 AINY 於 2011-3-12 12:19 發表
跟女女分手幾個月來都是神不守舍。仍然系不時會想起她。。好多時帶了靚女都無心機食。。都系一劑就放生的多。。不過心情吳好系一件事。。同D戰友仍要繼續出生入死既。。一個戰友話過去玩多D就會快D忘記D吳開心野既啦 ...
It is good to see you enjoying that day and glad that you
my two selected nui nuis, meaning that our taste are similar and we could rely on each other if either of us will be late..
this is partly the discipline of this place or she want to eat another quickie, on either myself or W
. this would be the best outcome in terms of $$..
Iliked my two choices a lot and that's why when you asked me which one to take, i could not decide. In fact, i often ask chings to choose for me...
the tall one in fact 很有味道, but coming out from her love tunnel,luckily, it is not too serious, smell index level is 2 out of 10...
I really like those girls when they do not know how to play games. the whole night, she only knew to feed me......with fruit.. .. how is she? must be fresh and juicy . right? re-eat?
本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2011-3-12 18:22 編輯 ]