原帖由 scott299 於 2011-9-26 20:51 發表
乾淨企理, 好過香港d二手舖, 例如鴨記Lucky, 冥街...........images/smilies/default/lol.gif
日本 d 二手 Hifi 舖 , 乾淨企理, 好過香港d二手舖 ..................多多多多聲 .............
Few yrs ago .............I always went there ....................
most used Hifi shops and record shops ....................
they're really 清潔及整理 and ...無異味 ............................
比較香港 d used shops .................簡直係超求 x 其其 ............靠唔 x 住 , 搵狗笨七
睇都費 x.. 時 .....................................
I think I didn't go to 添志 , 影音寄賣 ,
銘佳 ..............for long long long time .....................
I ask myself ................." For What ? " ..............................
ha ha .........................
我諗距離我地哩 d CHEAP友 放棄正規 HiFi ....又擴了一大步啦 ~
HK style .............唔曬客氣係咁責責責 ..........................講真禾唔 like
if you're the owner ......................真係有咩辦法唔掉哪媽 ( 個心 ) .................不知所謂 delay no more ...
delay no more .....delay no more .....delay no more .......
Japan style
一層一層 , 你尊敬人 , 人尊敬你 ...............大家 happy ....
本帖最後由 MakiGoto. 於 2011-9-26 23:55 編輯 ]