原帖由 scott299 於 2011-10-29 09:44 發表 

弧形玻璃表面, 睇落去比較有時尚感.
弧形玻璃表面, 睇落去比較有時尚感.
yes ah ..........................as I said b4 .......................
only Vintage Rolex use 弧形玻璃表面, ..................................
well .............................呢輪好中意 腕錶 & 青年時裝 .......................
HiFi machines .哩壇野.............真係諗起都 sorry .................
老實講 , 古人云:『
佛要金裝』,..............................unti I'm 40 yrs old ....
I start to understand .................................
if you dress like a 御宅族阿叔 or really dirty like a 乞丐 ................
don't care girls or ladies .................no one like to sit with you ......and don't dream they will happy to talk with you .....
真實世界就係真實世界 ...........................
不論男女,愛美無罪!聰明消費有理 ...............dress yourself smart and cool ............真係筍 d .......
more chance la ...........................................
see this 日本版阿叔 ? feel it ..............................
and see this 阿叔 again ......................葛文輝 ...............I guess he is almost 50 ..........but .....really cool ..
so .....................understand what I said ...................all of my friends .............................
ha ha .........................
bye ...................take my break ......