4425 ,
well ..............you knew the Nokia software called " Ovi " ?
God Damn 佢鹵味Nokia .仆街.....................真係非 x 常差
My brother still using Nokia cell phone for music ................
since he use the Ovi player , it got a lot problems ......
easy to down services , unti now ..........can't recognize many CDs .................and songs title .............( 林子祥 d CD 都話認唔 x 到 )
無 x 野講 ..................
you need to use hand to 手指打字法 to input the songs title ........one by one ...
Nokia is really going to 執笠 ............................
since I use iTunes ..........................so 方便 ..........and sound from iphone is 唔錯 ..........
Nokia .....................
免 buy 產品 top. Ten ..........