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ONLY 15: A report from Hainan



回復 #24 blackhorse_man 的帖子

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Thank you for ur detaill report, btw take urself!!!!!!!!!!


原帖由 oldfella 於 2007-1-1 01:13 PM 發表
大海浪花 兄, try this page : babelfish.altavista.com

Hey brother Mark,
very moving story. What happened then ? It seems a bit steep to spend so much on one girl, but as you said she fulfills  ...
Totally agreed with oldfella and understand bro Mark's feeling. I did about the same, and lend 10K to a BG that I knew for 6 months. But when I posted in a forum ("D" Forum) many people said I am stupid, lie and my post was removed from the forum.......

Anyway, good luck to you and be careful as you have expose too much of yourself (let them copy your ID and checked family photos).


Sorry, when I hit the "Back" button, it posts again, I trie to delete it but I can only find the Edit function but don't know how to delete, anyone can tell me how? I do not want people to think that I try to "wash board"

[ 本帖最後由 koon 於 2007-1-2 03:19 AM 編輯 ]


that "sinking feeling"

Hi mark1234,
I know that "sinking feeling"沉船 and you are able to get over the guilty conscious feel of screwing a junville. One word of advise is that the girl's family will squeeze you dry later on. They know what you have done o a young girl and have the evidence to hold you for long time. Have fun with the girl but try not to leave to much a lead ot trial for them to after you later on. Be safe is better to fix the problem later. Don't disclose too much of yourself and always hint that you have good local connection in case if they trying to do something to you. Just play safe!! and have a hell of fun. This must be your dream to able to screw a fresh young chic.


原帖由 koon 於 2007-1-2 03:08 AM 發表
Anyway, good luck to you and be careful as you have expose too much of yourself (let them copy your ID and checked family photos).
I totally agree with Koon's comment.
Mark's report is touching, particularly well shared by people at our age.  At times, we middle age men want to pursue a youthful dream.  Like one of my friends said, 'trying to catch the tail-end of YOUTH'
I support Mark's action and my only advice is about personal safety and secutiry.  Keep us posted!!!!!


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回復 #11 mark1234 的帖子

Dear Mark 1234,
This is the most realistic and best report I have ever read from the forum, please update the outcome as soon as you are free.  I guess the girl is innocent and the things she had said were for real and I also hope that you won't sinked in this incident.


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相關搜索目錄: 結婚


原帖由 mark1234 於 2007-1-2 01:39 AM 發表
Update 0940 2 Jan 2006

Thanks for the concerns of all the brothers.

There is some pillow talks with the girl I have
not reported here.  I believe I know quite a lot
about the girl.

I h ...
Dear Mark,

First thing first, the system time is GMT, so you now should know about the actual time as a reference.

It was amazing and indeed very much entertaining to read your messages as a novel, and we are all grateful for your efforts in putting them on this forum and sharing with us your feelings and encounters.  But I hope you will appreciate that we are all concerned about your safety in going along with your 15-year-old mistress whilst exposing so much of your personal information to her and her relatives - this might cause you problems later on.

Undoubtedly as far as practicable, leaving ethics totally aside, every one would like to have as many mistresses as possible and, in particular, at your age, you surely would like to have an extra one as an additional gift everyday.  Perhaps, be kind to them all, let us leave them some sort of a legacy that consists of some programme of educational reform for them in addition to enrolling them on belly dancing course - may I humbly suggest this?

Take good care of yourself and report in due course.  Good luck and all the best.

Last but not least, we all envy you, Dirty Old Man.


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good report good report


原帖由 mark1234 於 2007-1-2 12:39 PM 發表

My wife is in Canada.  We are not in good terms
for a long time.  We are not formally separated
(no paper signed) but it is not necessary in Canada.

She had (some) boyfriend(s) and even a ...

Certainly most of the brothers are 'old hands' and can see where you come from so you do not mind disclosing a lot of your personal info to us.  This we appreciate!
And I do believe your experience and exposure in China have given you confidence on the extent exposing your personal data to your young mistress and her family members.
So, enjoy your precious moment (or moments) while you can.  Like some other brothers said, treat them good (all the girls being 'rescued') and you will feel good at heart.
Wish you luck and look forward to your further updates.  And in case of doubt, which is quite unlikely, you should have the support and advice from the brothers in the forum.


原帖由 mark1234 於 2007-1-2 12:39 PM 發表

My wife is in Canada.  We are not in good terms
for a long time.  We are not formally separated
(no paper signed) but it is not necessary in Canada.

She had (some) boyfriend(s) and even a ...

Certainly most of the brothers are 'old hands' and can see where you come from so you do not mind disclosing a lot of your personal info to us.  This we appreciate!
And I do believe your experience and exposure in China have given you confidence on the extent of exposing your personal data to your young mistress and her family members.
So, enjoy your precious moment (or moments) while you can.  Like some other brothers said, treat them nicely (all the girls being 'rescued') and you will feel good at heart.
Wish you luck and look forward to your further updates.  And in case of doubt, which is quite unlikely, you should have the support and advice from the brothers in the forum.


原帖由 koon 於 2007-1-2 03:06 AM 發表

Totally agreed with oldfella and understand bro Mark's feeling. I did about the same, and lend 10K to a BG that I knew for 6 months. But when I posted in a forum ("D" Forum) many people ...
Thank you Brother Mark for the really detailed report! It's seems experienced by my selve while reading your report
I totally understood your feeling and completely agreed what you had plan. The feeling from emotional is a lot important then phisical. As other brothers said please do take a lot of care.


good report,雖然好長,但我全部慢慢睇晒!



原帖由 doubleOO 於 2007-1-2 04:08 AM 發表
Hi mark1234,
I know that "sinking feeling"沉船 and you are able to get over the guilty conscious feel of screwing a junville. One word of advise is that the girl's family will squeeze y ...
Hi Mark1234,

Concur with DoubleOO comment.  It is a dangerous proposition.  From your report, the gal mostly likely will not but her family, especially upon other family member's persuation, will try to sponge you clean.  And guess what?  They have a legal ground too.  Take care.

- T


回復 #45 Thor 的帖子

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Brother Mark,
Good observation power and neatly analysed.  Support you all the way, but still be cautious all the time.  Try not to 'sink ship' but rather give assistance and 'rescue' the girl from her previous life in 'hell' selling her body.  Have a clear mind all the time, evaluate overall situation at times. Good luck with your adventure, look forward to a happy ending.




Good good report!!!


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