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[原創] MW'ting Amy review

MW'ting Amy review

Spending a long weekend in GTA after a long hiatus.  Been spending some time (and money) at MoonW'ting.
Thought I should share my experience. I would do 2 different posts. In fact ,3 different posts.
Starting with the first girl, Amy.

First of all, arrangements by MWT was excellent. Manageress who answered the phone was nice and polite and forthcoming.
Manager at the premises was friendly and helpful.

My Report:
Korean. No English. Difficult to communicate. (However, this fact, the lack of communication, has little or nothing to do with my very poor rating of her.)
Face: 7/10. It appeared to me that she probably had plastic surgery.
Physique: I am 100% sure that she had augmentation done. I must admit that her plastic surgeon did a fine job. (Again, this fact has nothing to do with my bad review.)
Skin: Fairness 6.5/10
         Smoothness 6/10
Attitude and service: 1/10. GFE 0/10.
While she was all smiles, her service was just too professional. No LFK.

Likelihood of a re-visit: NEVER. Not even if it was to be FOC or even if I get paid 140CND instead of me paying 140 CND.

I would rate likelihood of revisit as:
1. Definitely, meaning no hesitation at all and I would actively try to revisit the lady as soon as the next day.
2. Very likely, meaning I would revisit but would not be itching to meet the lady again.
3. Probably, meaning I would probably pick her if the other choices in front of me were not too appealing. This would mean I am doing it as a safe bet.
4. Unlikely, meaning only if the choices in front of me were turning me off.
5. Never, meaning I wish I had my money (and time and energy) back.

Amy certainly fits the "I wish I had my money back" category.
I hope my loss would be your gain for those reading this.

My next post will be on a differen girl at MWT. This one would be the polar opposite. She would be in the "definitely" category. In factI did revisit her the very next day.


Should be posted in Toronto group

Should be posted in Toronto group!




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