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Eric Clapton in HK

Eric Clapton in HK

any Eric Clayton fans out there?  i saw him last year in Toronto - he was great... he has a new band now & I'm gonna catch him in HK too. Lucky me!

Actually there are 2 guys that I'll be on the look out for - guitarist Derek trucks. He's a full time member of the Allman Brothers although he has his own band as well. He may be young but he can play a mean guitar - probably the main reason why he was recruited to fill the shoes of the late guitar virtuoso, Duane Allman. Well, he's also the nephew of drummer Butch Trucks, I guess that must have helped too! If you recall, Duane played slide guitar with Eric in the great Layla & other Assorted Love Songs album by Derek & the Dominos... Looks like Eric's including a couple of songs from the album on this tour & nobody can do Duane Allman better than Derek Trucks (barring the deceased master himself)!  If you're going to the show too, watch out for him...  he usually has a pony tail!

The other guy is long time Eric sideman, keyboardist Chris Stainton. Not
quite a flashy or flamboyant player like Keith Emerson or Rick Wakeman,
Chris is better known as a session player. As a matter of fact, he's
probably one the most sort after keyboardists in the studio. You probably
would not have to look far to find his name at the back of your worn LP or CD. Anyway, Chris started out as a member of Joe Cocker's Grease Band (that's him on keyboards & backup vocals on 'With A Little Help From My Friends' in Woodstock)... stayed with Joe as Mad Dogs & Englishmen sharing Keyboard & Bass duties with Leon Russell on a tour with the same name (available as DVD) ... later joined Spooky Tooth, Boxer & a few other
critically acclaimed but commercially unsuccessful bands...  resorted to
tour & session work since then... He's still great - just listen to his piano solo at the end Layla (if they let him play it)...

Maybe we'll see you guys there!

Setlist from a fansite on current tour:

01. Pretending
02. I Shot the Sheriff
03. Got to Get Better in A Little While
04. Old Love
05. Tell the Truth
06. Motherless Children

Sit Down Set
07. Key to The Highway
08. Outside Woman Blues
09. San Francisco Bay Blues
10. Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out
11. Running On Faith

12. After Midnight
13. Little Queen of Spades
14. Further On Up The Road
15. Wonderful Tonight
16. Layla
17. Cocaine

18. Crossroads
(125 min.)

相關搜索目錄: Piano


no tears in heaven?


he has different setlists & they are slight different from one another. The core songs such as Layla, Wonderful Tonight, Cocaine etc are always there but he changes the other ones. For instance, I've noticed that he switches between the 2 Derek & the Dominos songs, Let It Rain & Tell The Truth all the time... so your favorite song could be added although I haven't seen it included in any setlist yet but you never know... it's a long tour




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