Canon City 仁心仁術 30 Aug 2006 at 09:35p.m.
新一輯《仁心仁術》故事主線將圍繞Neela、Ray和Abby三名上季見習生身上,看他們如何而過來人的身分去教授新學生。至於靚仔醫生Carter在上季因感情事離開醫院,他在今季故事的去向如何?盛傳擔任Carter醫生的Noah Wyle即將辭演本系列,觀眾記得要留意!
首集故事講述急症室護士Samantha的兒子Alex離家出走,並隻身前往科羅拉多州尋父,究竟患有糖尿病的Alex會否因沒有足夠藥物而就此送命,Sam又能否及時把Alex 尋回?而在一所教學醫院內,究竟Neela、Ray和Abby又能否發揮他們的教學才能把新的一批的實習生教好?
A frantic Sam and too-calm Luka report diabetic Alex missing after he runs away to find his father. Acting on information from the police, they follow a lead to Iowa, then eventually head for Colorado. As they travel, they discuss their relationship, slowly realizing they have very little in common. With Alex safe, Sam tells him the truth and takes him to see his father. In the ER, Susan, Pratt, and the nurses evaluate Ray, Neela, and Abby's first days as R2s, while each of them struggles to manage patients, new interns, and their first attempts at teaching—badly.