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仙樂都 1.5Q - Late report

仙樂都 1.5Q - Late report

Seems like the Taiwan internet connection problem finally resolved; here is my experience to仙樂都 during Christmas time.

Follow the suggestions of the many brothers here, I got the自由套票 $12xx and arrived very easily at around 6:30.  For those brothers who need to report back on time, I recommended you to buy an extra return ticket, otherwise, you will end up waiting for one or two hours before you can step on the turbo jet….

Once arrived, took shower, then I went to the pool area.  A few brothers were already there.  I got in and the water was so hot (my first time to visit a sauna, I felt頭暈 especially with the half naked girl ).  A girl came, sat behind me and massage my back.  After about 10 mins, all girls suddenly left the pool area.  Someone must ask for選美, so I follow them (of course I put on dry clothes not naked ).  Then… here came the一字長蛇陣, 真是聞者貪心, 見者流淚, there were around 20 girls.  I was standing near the counter, and waited for them to finish.  This is the best spot because they all needed to pass by my X-RAY before they can return to their resting area.  And someone偷襲 my little brother while walking in front of me …

I quickly sat down, got my drink and asked for 選美.  After they marched in and 檢閱 by me, I lost my mind…  I wanted almost all of them…. Then  I start feeling壓迫 and the 催促 from the girls’ eyes…. Especially the only one with 爆炸頭.  Our眼神交流 for a while but I decided to choose a 軟弱type and the爆炸頭 black face right away.  

This girl果然軟弱, because she was having a light cold, however her cold turned out to be my nightmare.  We went into the room and did the routine as described by other brothers.  Since I never tried 獨龍 I was really looking forward to it.  It felt awesome!!  However, the next day, I got very serious stomach flu and it’s must be from the獨龍 because we did not French kiss…  So for your benefit, do not獨龍 by a sick girl…
Although she kept calling me husband and her pussy was really wet, but she was too lazy, and not wanted to move.  Finally, she could not KO me and we left the room.

Then I tried BB bath, did not like the girl so I hold it and got back to the resting area. I was really still on fire!!

Looked at the watch, it around 8:00, so I rest a while, talked to a papasan and complained about my bad experience.  Then I asked選美 again and this time the 爆炸頭 is not there.  So I found one who is not tall but has full package.  The papasan also told her to serve me well.  This time, I became the 死魚 and the girl really did her job well, especially ice-fire BJ.  I was at the end KO by her super high speed 騎馬skill.

By the time I left, it was already 9:45, luckily I did not have to report on that day, otherwise I will be in Super Trouble.  When I arrived, I got a ticket for 12:00 am.  What 12:00 am… I needed to wait for 2 Fxxking hours.   And there were full waiting to see if they could get on the ship earlier.

In Summary, total damage around HKD 25XX plus XXXX to send my official gf to a trip (in order for me to steal jump )…. Be a MAN is so expensive...








Great report!! I like this one "真是聞者貪心, 見者流淚"


回復 #1 fififafa 的帖子

Thank you very much for your detailed report!! it is reall Great!!! Thanks!!


Just starting to read some past 蘋果日報 and found the girl who I had fun with... however, the Photographer is really suck , the girl looks like a Demon in the picture...
If I have seen this before, I would never go to 仙樂都


Thank you for your report.


What a great report......thank you so much......




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