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[疑難] summer work experience in Deloitte

summer work experience in Deloitte

When should i start applying for summer work experience of this year? What should i do if i want to apply for it?   (Although it is a stupid question, i hope someone could answer this question)


原帖由 sfmui 於 2007-1-24 10:08 PM 發表
When should i start applying for summer work experience of this year? What should i do if i want to apply for it?   (Although it is a stupid question, i hope someone could answer this question)
Any time! Why Deloitte?


basically, it is becasue i am more interested in working as on the field of management consultancy as i think accounting maybe too boring to me. i have heard of deloitte is the one which still work on management consultancy. that's why i choose deloitte.
moreover, as a student studying management, i want to acquire some work experience in the coming summer...working in one of the big 4 sounds very interesting to me.

any time?? so, does it mean that i could send the application with my CV now? by the way, i would like to know is it very difficult to get in?   thanks

相關搜索目錄: Accounting




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