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[原創] HK Cellist Society:Cello Workshop大提琴音樂體驗工作坊(12&19 May,Sat)

HK Cellist Society:Cello Workshop大提琴音樂體驗工作坊(12&19 May,Sat)

香港大提琴協會誠意向大眾推介五月十二及十九日(星期六)《大提琴•音樂•體驗》工作坊,由香港大提琴家曾鳳小姐(Ms. Clara Tsang)主持,分享大提琴的音樂,講解其發音原理及技術,讓參加者親身體驗拉大提琴的樂趣,感受這樂器的魅力。
Hong Kong Cellist Society would like to introduce a Cello Workshop on May 12 and May 29 (Saturday), held by cellist Ms. Clara Tsang.  She will share with you the music of this beautiful instrument, It's many different sounds and tones, and techniques behind it.  Participants will be able to experience for themselves the workings of a cello and why so many people are enchanted by this wonderful instrument.
歡迎14歲或以上人仕參加,名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。若您有興趣參與本節目或任何查詢,歡迎致電2728 7906或瀏覽本協會網頁What we offer is open to all who is interested in cello music age 14 and above.  Limited seats on a first come first serve basis.  If you are interested in the workshop or have any enquiries, please feel free to contact us at 2728 7906 or visit our website:

主持 Cellist: 大提琴家曾鳳小姐 Ms Clara Tsang
日期及時間 Date & Time:  
A)        12.05. 2012 (六 Sat) 4:30pm-6pm
B)        19.05.2012 (六 Sat) 4:30pm-6pm

地點 Venue: 香港九龍深水埗青山道64號名人商業中心905-6室 香港專業大提琴學院 (深水埗站D2出口)
Cello Factory, Room   905-6, Celebrity Commercial Centre,64 Castle Peak Road,   Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong(Sham Shui Po Station   D2)

名額Quota: 每班15人 (15 students each   class)
費用Fee: HKD 200
報名Application: 請於此網址下載報名表格,連同銀行入數存根傳真 (852) 2729 0669 或電郵 info@hkcellistsociety.org.hk
主辦 Presented by 香港大提琴家協會 Hong Kong Cellist  Society
場地贊助 Venue Sponsor 香港專業大提琴學院 Cello Factory Limited
節目查詢Enquiry: (852) 2728 7906 /   www.hkcellistsociety.org.hk

[ 本帖最後由 sassycloud 於 2012-3-28 17:42 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 銀行


Thx for sharing ;))))))))




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